Re: The Villainess Does It With Class

Chapter 2 - Is This The Real Life? Is This Just Fantasy?

The face of the woman who was staring back at me from the mirror looks strangely unfamiliar. Instead of the usual unstriking black hair I always see in the mirror, I saw the opposite. The woman has long silvery hair, and it looks like it\'s glowing like it was touched by moonlight.

As if possessed, I touched my head. My fingers treaded on silky strands, and it felt good. The woman in the mirror also touched hers. I blinked in astonishment.


I touched my face and the woman did the same. When I drew nearer, the woman also went closer and I gasped.

I stared at the face in the mirror. She has a set of jeweled eyes, is it pale red or is it pink? It looks enchanting, like looking at a rare gemstone.. It is framed with thick eyelashes that made the color popped out more.

The woman also has a proud nose. The kind of nose most people would pay to have. My eyes drifted to her lips, it has a natural reddish tinge to it and looks really soft. I also noticed the beauty mark near her mouth that added to her charm.

I tried smiling, and I jumped back again in shock.

Oh my God, she looks beautiful!

I have never seen such a pretty face before. She looks like a Goddess!

I grasped my face and stared at the mirror with wide sparkling eyes. Is this me? Is this really me?!

No way?! When did have I become this pretty? Like what? Never?

I looked at the maids who were looking at me weirdly, the maids lowered their heads again and I turned back at the mirror. I spent a long time turning here and there, scrutinizing my looks. Trying to find one single flaw that could mar this pretty face and found nothing. Not even one lonely bump!

Eventually, I stopped looking and stood there laughing. I probably look like a crazy woman now.

"What a weird dream…" I stated.

"M-milady, y-your bath?" One of the maids uttered.

Thinking that I\'m still dreaming, I asked them to lead the way and took their prepared bath.

They lead me into a spacious room that looks luxurious as well. I noticed how everything looks expensive, this dream me sure is hella rich!

"Ah, look at that bathtub! Is that made of gold?" I exclaimed. My eyes were transfixed at the blinding golden color of the tub.

I went closer and touched it, then gasped like I was shocked by electricity.

"Oh my God, it is..." I whispered and felt awed.

I wanna bring this home...

The maids who were still being cautious looked at me weirdly again but said nothing.

I was flushing red when they started stripping me off and was about to protest, but when I remembered this was a dream, I gradually relaxed and just let them do whatever they want.

They scrubbed my body with flower-scented soap, washed my hair, lathered me in sweet-smelling oil, and more stuff made for fantasy.

Ahh this feels good.

I feel pampered. I feel like I\'m a princess in some faraway kingdom being attended to my hands and feet.

I got dressed in clothes I had never imagined I could have worn in my whole life. The material looks really expensive, as well as the accessories they put all over me. I feel really expensive right now.

Weird thing is, this felt all real. All my senses were being bombarded left and right. I even thought for a moment that I might have isekai\'d in some fantasy world or something but just laughed it off. What a foolish thing to do, entertaining such thoughts.

Like that could happen.

I was now situated on the balcony, enjoying the beautiful scenery outside while a maid pours me tea. I could get used to this...

"What would you like for breakfast, milady?"

My eyes swiveled at the woman who just talked.

Breakfast? Oh right, come to think of it, I\'m quite hungry. I didn\'t know I could get hungry in dreams.

Wait. This is a dream so that means I could say whatever and it\'ll conjure right? Then I could eat everything I cannot afford before!

"P-prawns? Wait no! Uhmm, steak? Ah! Caviar?!" I exclaimed. How does caviar taste anyway? It\'s really expensive and was deemed a luxury so I\'m quite curious.

Actually no. Caviar is fish eggs, right? I don\'t think I would like to eat that, even though it\'s expensive.

She got bewildered listening to me and looks very confused as well.


"Hmm, steak would be nice," I said and sipped the tea. Wow, this tastes good. I didn\'t know I could like tea.

The maid bowed before she left, probably going to inform the cook. I was enjoying the sun that felt really warm on my face, it was really strange how realistic these all are. Like I\'m actually getting scorched the more I basked in the sunlight.

I frowned and stood up from my seat. The sun is getting really warm. My eyes caught sight of the garden below, it was filled with roses in different colors. It made me want to check it out.

"I want to see the garden," I said.

The maids were in disbelief at first but didn\'t say anything and were just waiting for me to move.

I went out of my room with the maids hot on my tail. They were a few steps behind me and they all look very stiff. I really want to tell them to relax more but seeing how they get all panicky when I talk, I just brushed it off.

All the people I crossed paths with either flinch away and look down or they would literally run away after seeing me.

I\'m so confused. Why are they so scared of me?

The maid closest to me saw my frown and she paled. I turned to her and saw how pale she was.

"Are you okay? Do you feel sick?" I asked in concern.

The maid looked at me wide-eyed then shook her head.

"Milady\'s concern is wasted on this maid. This maid is fine." She replied.

I was going to say something but decided to close my mouth. Oh well, this is only a dream, and internally shrugged.

I continued walking and observed my surroundings.

Wow, this is such a big mansion! I have been walking since a while ago and had passed a lot of rooms already, yet I still haven\'t seen the door leading outside. The structure is so beautiful as well and looked old. I wonder how long has this mansion been built?

We turned around a corner and saw a man approaching. He also has silvery-white hair, and he was frowning.

The man stopped in front of me which made me stop as well. He was very tall so I was looking up at him. His pale red eyes looked down at me, coldly.

Is he my brother? What a handsome man…

"Nadia…" The man mumbled, looking at me in disdain.

"Hmm?" I answered, feeling confused. Why is he looking at me like that?

And what did he call me? It sounded really familiar…

The man frowned even more and stared at my neck. I got curious and looked down and saw him looking at the necklace. It was blue diamonds and looked big as hell. I got dizzy when the maid presented it to me.

"You wasted money on useless things again. You already have a lot of pieces of jewelry and yet you still want more?" He said. His pale red eyes went even colder and almost made me shiver.

I got speechless. His voice was dripping with distaste and obvious hostility. I got more confused. Why is he so hostile? What\'s going on?

The man then stretched his hand out. I thought he was going to grab my neck and almost scared the daylights out of me. His hand grasped the blue diamonds and pulled hard. I gasped when the necklace snapped and stared at him shocked.

"Don\'t even think that I\'m the same with father, letting you do whatever you want."

The man then tossed the necklace aside and gave me one last glance that made me feel chill that seeped to my bones and left. I stood there dumbfounded and scared as hell.

What just happened?

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