Re: The Villainess Does It With Class

Chapter 7 - You're Looking Kinda Sus!

The insignia of the Herman family has always been a roaring lion.

Leon Herman, the current head of the family, may look every inch of a dignified man and a loving father, but that was not all. He was once a ferocious general of the royal army who fought the last great war defending the empire. He was also the current empress\' elder brother and the empire\'s current head of the senate.

A very powerful man.

And this same powerful person ended up being twisted. What might be the reason? Well, you guessed right! Because of Nadia.

He was a doting father who loved his daughter very much to the point that he\'s willing to do anything. Whenever Nadia creates troubles, he\'s always there to fix her mess. He would cover up every bad rumor that would occasionally appear, shut up those who would try to drag her down, and so on. He became an accomplice for all of her crimes.. The marquis always got Nadia\'s back, like a lion protecting its cub.

After Nadia\'s death, he became more and more vicious that he even tried to kill Estelle. He blamed her for the death of her daughter. He obviously failed, and that attempted failure earned him his neck, slashed off by the Crown Prince himself.

To be honest, I got depressed during that part of the novel because I really like the Marquis a lot! He was such a good man, but he got tainted because of that evil woman.

I bawled my eyes out when he died and felt really sad for him.

I liked Nathaniel as well. His character in the novel was really good and he became my second favorite guy. I shipped him with Estelle so hard that I got brokenhearted too when Estelle chose the duke in the end.

Seeing Nathan here made me happy, but it sucks if he feels the opposite with me.

"Nathan really hates me huh," I mumbled, remembering his indifference earlier as I sip my tea.

Mari looked at me and offered a smile.

"That… is not true milady. He... has always been like that." She said, not sounding convincing at all.

My lips stretched into a knowing smile in her attempt in consoling me.

"I know he hates me. I had been a brat after all."

"Yes. But milady is not like that anymore!" Erin exclaimed at the side.

"Hmmm," I hummed, not acknowledging what she just said. I have a long way to go, after all, a lot of things to fix.

Putting down the teacup on the table, I gazed at the beautiful flowers around me. The red colors of the roses glinted like rubies under the sun and looked really lovely. I have always liked the color red because to me, it symbolizes a lot of things and looks elegant.

Freesia emerged from the garden\'s entrance carrying a picnic basket. She went to the kitchen a while ago to get some snacks and had only returned.

She set the picnic basket on the table and opened it. The smell of pastry permeated the air, and it smelled good!

"The kitchen gave this to us, it is pumpkin pie milady. I told the cook to bake the usual tarts, but they said the main ingredient was not in season and they wished for milady\'s pardon." She said, looking at me pensively.

"Oh no, this is fine! I like pies! I should express my gratitude to them later. Thank you Freesia." I replied and beamed at her.

Freesia\'s cat-like eyes blinked at me. Her face suddenly turned pinkish as she looked away.

Oh oh, she\'s blushing! What a cutie!

The pumpkin pie tasted good, the best one I have ever tasted. Though this is my first time eating a pumpkin pie, I\'m pretty sure that this was the best.

I spent the whole afternoon frolicking in the garden, admiring the view. When I noticed that the sun is setting, I decided to call it a day and head back.

As we\'re about to leave the place, I passed by a corner where a man was tending to the flowers. He stood up and greeted me, stopping what he was doing.

"Good work today! The flowers look beautiful. Thank you for taking care of it." I uttered, smiling.

The man\'s eyes widened in surprise and started stuttering. After conversing with him for a few more minutes, we left and made our way to the mansion.

The servants who saw me all stopped what they were doing as I passed and I greeted them all with a smile painted on my face. They all looked bewildered I know, but I\'m getting used to it. This is like a common thing to me now…

"Can you lead me to the kitchen?" I turned to look at Freesia who was walking behind me with the rest.

"! ! Yes…" She mumbled and then proceeded to walk ahead of me.

I was getting mystified about it. This is the first time I\'m seeing her flustered. I am progressing, right?

The six of us arrived in the kitchen where cooks and workers busied themselves. One of them saw me and immediately made a choking sound, got shocked, no doubt.

"M-milady! W-wha… I mean, good evening milady." She croaked. The others, after hearing her, swiveled their heads in my direction and all started greeting me.

Some of them looked extra nervous. I instantly know that Nadia\'s reign of terror extends to the kitchen.

There was tension in the air, I could feel it.

"Sorry to disturb everyone~ I came here to say my thanks. The pie was delicious! Thank you for all of your hardwork~" I mentioned and gave a short bow to them.

I looked up and saw all of them looking flabbergasted. I almost scratched my head because of how awkward this was getting. They were all staring at me as if I had grown another head.

"That\'s all! Good job everyone! I\'m looking forward to dinner." I remarked and withdrew from the kitchen.

When they saw that I have gotten far enough to not hear anything, they all unanimously started chattering with one another.

"What was that? Is that a threat?! Are we going to die?!"

"That was not a dream, right? That was real right?"

"She said thanks? What is she planning?! Is the world going to end tomorrow?!"

"Oya, I think I just saw the young miss bowing. That must be a product of my hallucinations because there\'s no way she would do that!"

There were all kinds of talks like that, and if I was there, I would\'ve laughed my ass off. But oh well, I won\'t get to know about what transpired after I left there, at all.


"You are saying that she has been going around, greeting and thanking the servants?"

I eyed the butler in doubt. I had asked him to watch over that obnoxious little sister of mine and report back to me. He has been reporting some weird news these days which doesn\'t make any sense to me.

"That\'s what I said, young master." He replied.

I looked at his face, searching for anything that might give away that he\'s bullshitting but he looked the same as always. Unreadable.

"She might be planning something," I mumbled.

Why would I believe any of that? She has been acting like a spoiled little bitch for the past few years. I have already given up the hope that she might get back to what she was before, years ago. Now she\'s acting suspiciously.

George cast the young master with a glance and saw him frowning while thinking deeply.

He doesn\'t think that the young miss was acting. He had been observing her for the past few days and also got bewildered at first. He even thought that she was just faking it and making up a facade.

He got vigilant, trying to see her cracking. After all, the young miss is not a patient person. So he thought, sooner or later, her mask will fall off, but it didn\'t happen.

Every day, the young miss would have her tea in the garden which she never visited. Accompanied by her five attendants, they would sit there and talk while drinking tea. That was the first time he saw her conversing with her maids like they are friends because she never did that. Not before the accident of course.

She would greet the gardener and would praise him for doing a great job. Sometimes giving him sweets as presents, and other times, she would spark a conversation with him. Which, she never did before.

She greets the servants with smiles if she passes them, opposite to the young miss who acts haughtily. He started noticing the changes around the mansion.

The servants all acted more relaxed now whenever she\'s around, and there were no more commotions whenever she throws tantrums. She never had thrown a tantrum ever since.

He found it weird, but he\'s also glad. He saw her changing and it\'s for the better. He never saw her as a stranger now but felt like the old Nadia was back.

I hope this would continue from now onwards.

It was George\'s heartfelt wish, and it will be heard.

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