My Evil System

Chapter 6 What? Halflings?

"Whoa . . . this is . . . disappointing," I muttered under my breath as I took in the expanse of the village.

I expected a lovely cozy village with tiled roofs, concrete brick walls, and a cobbled pathway. But instead, I was shocked by the thatched roof, wooden walls, and dirt paths.

Not to mention the stench of animal and manure, but what\'s with the inhabitant of this place? Why do they have horns and animal features?

<They\'re called Halflings. A race that is anything half.>

" . . ." Could I get any more description than that?

< Host needs to be careful around them. They\'re infamous for their notorious behavior and aversion for anyone that isn\'t like them.>

Notorious? As an evil system, shouldn\'t you ally with them?

<There\'s a fine line between evilness to just pure irritating and annoying.>

". . ." Are you talking about yourself?

"Get lost."

My attention spun to a group who were talking to a girl with horns and goat feet.

"What\'s with you? We\'re just asking if you have a quest for us," said player A.

"Should NPC\'s act like this?" questioned player B.

They seemed to be asking for a quest. In video games, players do ask NPC\'s for quests. But . . . I looked around. Are they really NPCs?

The Halflings looked very much alive like us and didn\'t act robotic at all. They even portrayed emotions, and right now, that halfling girl was looking annoyed at the two.

The Halfling gnashed her teeth. "Get lost, humans. You\'re not welcomed here. This is my last warning."

Player A and B smirked, and they attempted to touch the Halfling girl, but within a blink, they were both sent flying in the sky with just one kick of her goat leg.

The two players burst into particles and everyone who saw it was stunned when the two disappeared in thin air.

" . . ."

W-where did they go? Please tell me they\'ve respawned somewhere else.

<They\'re dead~. Didn\'t Host hear that warning voice in the beginning? Death here means death~.>

". . ." I knew I paled and didn\'t have to look at a mirror to know how white I was. Just the cold biting through my every bone and the twisting of my stomach was enough to wake me in the realization that this was my world now.

And all the inhabitants here weren\'t just NPC\'s.

They were real and very much alive.

"What the fuck?!"

"Can NPC\'s kill us?!"

"What\'s going on here?"

The rising tension caused the others\' faces to twist in fear while some bolted out from the village with tears stained faces and shaking limbs.

Reality must have hit hard.

I took a step back. I had the urge to run myself. This place wasn\'t safe anymore.

< Host should be fine as long as your relationship level with the inhabitant doesn\'t fall below Ruffian.>

. . . Relationship level?

<All original inhabitants of this world have relationship levels. From Ruffian, Stranger, Friends, to Intimate. Your relationship level also dictates the quest and rewards you\'d get from the inhabitants.>

<Everyone\'s relationship level started out as strangers. But since those two angered that Halfling, their relationship level must have gone to Ruffian. And when they persisted in their annoyance, their relationship level decreased below Ruffian, and the Halfling killed them just like that.>

<If their ATP is above that Halfling, they might have survived.>

That Halfling must have been strong to defeat those two with just a kick. But on the other hand, those two were beginners like me, so their ATP wasn\'t high, to begin with.

I wish I had the ability to know the ATP of everyone. I muttered.

<A New Main Quest appeared!>

D-don\'t tell me . . .

‖ E V I L S Y S T E M

M A I N Q U E S T ‖

❶ Make Amara Goldstein\'s fall in love with you and smash her heart to pieces


+100, 000 EXP

❷ Destroy Euclid Village


+50, 000 EXP

Evil Eye

Evil Village Blueprint

S-Grade Token x 1

A-Grade Token x 1

B-Grade Token x 1

‖ E N D ‖

Evil eyes? Would that allow me to view others\' ATP?

Rather, that\'s not the point! Destroy an entire village?! Are you nuts?!

<Evil Eye is a cheat ability to have. It allows the Host to peek at not just the ATP but everyone\'s screens and information. You can also identify monsters, beasts, and hidden quests with just a scan! A cheat-level incredible skill that only deserved an entire village as a sacrifice to attain.>

<To gain absolute power and reach your path as an Evil Overlord, the greatest Villain there is, you must overcome many strife and challenges!>

. . . Could you not just hand that skill to me?

<It\'s a fair trade.>

Who said?!

I took a sharp breath and massaged my temples.

Anyway, I just have to maintain a cordial attitude towards everyone and keep my relationship level from not dropping to Ruffian. Not hard to do.

<Since Hosts is chosen by the Evil System. Host was gifted with Evil\'s hallo by the system.>

I didn\'t like the sound of that, but I still needed to ask.

What\'s that?

<It\'s a privilege that only Host had. It\'s your aura that instills fear in the hearts of many. The higher your ATP, the higher your Evil Halo. And when your ATP reaches a higher level, everyone will be paralyzed with fear by just the sight of you.>

. . . So what does it do exactly?

<It lowers your relationship level to all inhabitants by one. Since your relationship level is set to Strangers in the beginning, Evil Halo decreased it to Ruffian and the inhabitants will deem you as a threat and sometimes will ignore you.>

". . ."

Can I just uninstall you?

<The lonely path you must walk in order to become– >

Shut up!

<Being alone will help you temper your inner mentality and character.>

How so? Stop with that reasoning like it would be an advantage to me!

<As an Evil Overlord, the greatest Villain there is. You don\'t need companions and friends and such. Your greatness will attract loyal minions and servants who will kiss your feet and worship the path you walk.>

I ignore it.

How was I going to ask quest or a letter now if I couldn\'t even converse with anyone without the fear of being kicked to death?!

< Host has forgotten. Extortion is the best and fastest way~.>

Have you seen that Halfling girl? With just one kick from her, she sent those two to heaven. How am I going to extort someone if I am this weak?

Not that I was actually planning to.

<+100 Evil Points rewarded to Host for embracing his weakness.>

< Host has finally acknowledged that he is weak without the system! Now go onwards and complete the Evil System\'s quests and become stronger that no obstacle can ever get in your way!>

I am weak because of your ridiculous quests that I couldn\'t accomplish!

I was about to close my screen when something caught my eyes. There was still another reward that got me curious.

Evil Village Blueprint?


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