Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 49 - 49. Something's Cooking

All of the Slytherin and Gryffindor boys were walking slowly that day, so as not to have their short skirts shame them. It was the funniest event in Hogwarts in many years.

Magnus was delightfully enjoying the agony on the face of Lucius and his followers. Their pure-blood talk seemed meaningless when they wore clothes like these. ​​

The teachers had their fun too. Whenever someone would misbehave in the class, the teacher would call boys with the prefix Miss instead of mister. Though it was only Slughorn and Flitwick who did it. McGonagall straight-up threatened them to extend the prank charm to last a week.

It was good times with the boys. Monday came to an end with big laughs. But the next day, when the Daily Prophet arrived in the morning at the breakfast hall, all students forgot to eat and instead gawked at the news.



His Majesty, Magnus Grant Emrys Pendragon, attacked by death eaters in broad daylight just outside the bank. His Majesty bravely fought and defeated 7 out of 10 criminals, of whom 3 were confirmed to be death eaters. One of them was identified to be from Avery House. His Majesty faced and stopped the direct attack of the killing cure with his majestic swords. It is to be noted, the curse was cast by the Patriarch of Avery House.

But this did come at a price. Many aurors lost their lives, veteran auror, Alastor Moody lost his one leg too. There was widespread destruction in the market, but His Majesty, Pendragon, has graciously agreed to pay for all the damages.

Following is the interview of His Majesty before the attack occurred.


As you read, from his majesty\'s words, it can be said that he truly is the Merlin\'s reincarnate. He holds the values of the real Order of Merlin, and the British magical world should be delighted to have him as a part.

On the other hand, because of this attack, the ministry has come under great pressure and they have started harsher hunts for the Death Eaters. It is yet to be seen what changes will come from these actions of the ministry.

Rita Skeeter,

Senior Journalist.

[News Ends]

Slowly, everyone was done reading this and the hall became loud with so much chatter.

Ragnar pulled Magnus\' robes, "You stopped a killing curse?"

Most 1st years actually had no idea what a killing curse was, but it had "killing" word involved so it must be bad. But Ragnar and Snape knew it.

"With my swords," Magnus answered while continuing to eat.

"Where are they?" Snape inquired. He\'s absolutely want to study a sword that can stop such a curse.

"It\'s a secret, I\'ll show you later tonight. Also, don\'t mind all these articles. They are going to be writing too much stuff about me as time goes on." He clarified.

Magnus looked at Dumbledore who sat at the teacher\'s table. He nodded towards Magnus. It seems, he was pushing to make him appear as if some kind of big saviour.

Magnus then turned to his left and looked at Lucius, who seemed to appear angered. Because there was another article below the last one, telling how Magnus broke Lucius\' arm during arm wrestling. Students of other houses chuckled pointing towards him, which was a very shameful experience for him.

Magnus held his chuckle. He had no sympathy for Lucius, even less so after hearing the backstory of Ragnar. Those who align themselves with the Death Eaters share the same sins as them.

"Let\'s go. It\'s the charms class, my favourite." Magnus got up.

Ragnar\'s shoulder plumped. "I hate Charms."

"Come on, today we will be practising the Fire Making charm." Magnus excitedly said.


Hearing the word fire, Duck also got excited for some reason.

Snape scoffed, "Huh, you already know these charms, why even waste time?"

"To make memories..." Magnus replied and went to the class.


Magnus had left, but Lucius and his gang remained seated. They were collectively called Gang Of Slytherin. There were more than 20 of them, but 6 were the leaders. They were.

1. Lucius Malfoy - 7th year

2. Gasper Avery - 7th Year

3. Narcissa Black - 6th Year

4. Evan Rosier - 5th Year

5. Mulciber II - 4th Year

6. Wilks - 3rd Year

These were all pure-bloods, belonging to influential families. But all they did in school was target muggle-born and so-called blood traitors.

"It was that Pendragon, I know it. Only he was unaffected by what happened yesterday. Only he did not have a skirt." Mulciber raged.

"We need to do something. That bastard got my father caught. He\'ll be sent to Azkaban now." Gasper Avery said.

Lucius stayed quiet for now. Narcissa too as she did not like talking about this topic. She was still contemplating if she had chosen the right path for her future.

Lucius raised his hand to make them stop speaking. "We cannot harm him. The ministry gives too much importance to him, I am sure, the school administration would do the same. But, as the Talking hat said, he has the values of all 4 houses. This means he is loyal to his friends.

"To hurt him, we break his friends. Do not target Snape, he is a good potion maker. We can use him. Oroboros, on the other hand, his family was murdered by Death Eaters because they were blood traitors. I\'m sure he won\'t join us in this life. Target him. When nobody is nearby, beat him up. But do not be seen."

"Are you sure about this? They are 1st-year kids." Narcissa asked.

"He\'s a blood traitor, this is justice," Lucius replied.

"So are we going to let that boy go? My father will be tortured because of him, Lucius." Avery argued.

"I know, Dark Lord must have a plan to get him out. As for Pendragon, we will find other ways to get to him. Go to your classes now." He ordered.


In the meantime, Magnus had no idea that someone was trying to mess with him and wanted to make him show his other flawless powers. Currently, he sat in the Charms class.

"Okay, you can all try now. Say it clearly, Incendio." Professor Flitwick taught them.


Ragnar\'s wand made a farting noise. "Aw man, I hate this."

Magnus and the whole class chuckled, "I\'ll help you. I think you lack imagination and concentration. Try to imagine the fire while concentrating on it coming out of your wand. Try to feel the flow of magic in your body."

Ragnar nodded. He took a long breath and did as asked. *POP*

This time, a matchstick-sized fire came. "Hahaha... well, it is still progressing."

"Why don\'t you do it then?" Ragnar talked back.

"I would rather not." Magnus denied.

"Heh, you can\'t do it?" Ragnar smirked.

*Sigh* "You asked for it."

Magnus pointed his wand towards the small paper they were supposed to burn.



A jetstream of fire came out of his wand and spewed fire as if it wasn\'t simple fire but a metal cutter. The sound of it was terrifying.

"Ah, no no..." Magnus just realised he had also burned the table and a fire had started.

Professor Flitwick, who was in awe until now, quickly reacted, "Aguamenti"

In an instant, water came out of Flitwick\'s wand and extinguished the fire. He was still very much elated.

"Mr Pendragon, you have a great talent for fire magic. 10 POINTS TO SLYTHERIN." he announced.

Magnus turned back to Ragnar, "See, I did it. Now you practice the way I taught."


At the same time, Snape was also done with his practice and had already started reading some other book.


After the class, it was time for flying lessons. All students by now knew how to fly and the classes were very much fun. They played low altitude, low-speed quidditch just without the golden snitch.

This time, as always. A boy vs girls team was set up. Magnus was leading the boys and Emma Vanity was leading the girls.

This game had a different overlay than normal quidditch. Both teams would have 7 people as normal. Because there was no bewitched bludger that could knock the players, they were using a heavy ball. There were going to be 3 beaters, whose job was to throw the fake bludger at players to get them off their broom. There were going to be 2 bludgers in the game.

Then there were three chasers, who would pass and score goals with a ball called Quaffle. Then there was a Goalkeeper in the last. This was a simple harmless game. None of them were supposed to go over five-meter height. The brooms were enchanted not to go over since the race between Magnus and Emma.

There was no golden snitch in the game and they would play for an hour. The side with the most goals wins.

Magnus was one of the three Chasers. The other two were Eddie McBride and Franklin Walley. On the Beaters side, there was Ragnar, Darrien Steely and Dug. The Goalkeeper was Snape. Magnus had peer pressured him into playing the game.

Madam Hooch was going to be the referee for this match.

[A/N: Hello people. I am sick. My wisdom tooth is hurting like hell. I also got a fever. I have an appointment to take it out tomorrow. If everything goes well, I will upload chaps soon. Till then, I hope you can wait. Thank you.]

[You can see Quidditch accessories on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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