Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 159 - 159. Fight Ends

Magnus places the sword in front of him, covering his body. Adrian stayed right behind him with his wand out. He was going to try to shoot at the men whenever he would get a chance.

"Uncle Tom, you stay here," Magnus said and proceeded. ​​

Just as he found a gap between the spells, he jumped in.


The first spell collided with Despair sword, devouring the spell, like a hungry dragon. But Magnus had to keep his feet firm, so he wouldn\'t fall back. The energy was great and he had to put all his weight forward.

But luckily, Adrian was helping behind him by pushing him forward. The barrage of spells increased soon after, each spell stronger than the one before.


The intensity of attacks increased with that. But their spells told him that they were now scared. Magnus was continuously inching closer to them with each passing second.

There were about 30 steps to reach the basement, Magnus had already covered half of them. He would not have normally been so frustrated, but here, because he was stuck in this one-way route, he had to keep himself focused.

"Confringo!" Adrian sent in his first spell. It nearly hit one wizard, making their attack grow weaker. Magnus pushed quicker, finding this opportunity.

"LET THE KIDS GO! YOU CAN STILL LIVE, PUT THE BLAME ON OSCAR!" Magnus tried to fake them into the deal. Of course, he was lying, he\'d never let them live.

Thankfully, they hesitated as they heard this. Hearing Oscar\'s name, they realised that their boss had already been caught.


~By ending it.~ He silently completed his words.

Adrian saw the opportunity to and cast a disarming charm. "Expelliarmus!"


It directly hit the guy in the front and his wand was flown out of his hands to Adrian.

Now, it was Magnus\' time to shine. He screamed and charged forward, "HAAAAAAAA..."

The wizard was in shock and failed to respond in time. Before he even knew it, Magnus was just a few feet away from him, the sword that was shielding Magnus not long ago was now aiming its tip at his chest.


Magnus thrust it into the man\'s chest with full strength, the blade came out from his back and as Magnus moved his sword, the man\'s body also rose in the air.

It was a very scary scene for the rest because Magnus\' face looked blood red, it was not his blood, but his enemies\'.

~Tsk... I hope the kids aren\'t scared by me now.~ Magnus cursed as his eyes fell on the back of the room, there were so many kids, sitting close to each other, hugging each other, with fear and tears on their faces, some had even fainted.

He then quickly turned his focus to the next man, "SURRENDER!"

But before Magnus could continue to speak, he remembered something. "Wait, where is the third one?"


Magnus looked back. This was not a magical sound, it was a gunshot. Behind Adrian, the third wizard was standing, his eyes widened and mouth open, his wand was pointed at Adrian\'s back.


But nothing happened and the man silently fell down on the ground as if he was a mannequin. Now they saw that there was a bullet hole behind the skull.

Seeing where it came from, Tom was standing at the entrance of the Basement, with his gun aimed down. He had just saved Adrian from being killed.

"So they can be killed with guns," Tom muttered.

"Only when they are unaware of it," Magnus replied and turned back. But soon black lines appeared on his head.

"AAAA... help... I wanna go home." a little boy shouted and struggled in the clutches of the last wizard. He was desperate for a way out now and seeing he was the last one standing and would do anything to get out.

"Stay back, I will kill this boy if you take any step forward. And put your wands and sword down. YOU TOO, MUGGLE. Put the gun down." the wizard shouted.

Magnus looked at his partners and nodded at them. He already had a plan to deal with this. They silently put down their weapons.

"Now, I want you to lift the apparition wards you placed. QUICK!" the wizard demanded.

Magnus bit his lips and tried to show that he was angry and scared. But, inside his head, something else was going on, ~Rargnar, don\'t disappoint me with this."

He slowly tilted his head upwards, then, with a long breath, he spewed out fire from his mouth, so big it lit up the whole basement.

The wizard got distracted by the fire, and in that instant, Magnus took out a small vial from his pocket and threw it directly at the wizard\'s face.

The glass shattered, and smoke came out of it. Adrian was smart enough to hold his breath, Tom was too far to be affected. This was Ragnar\'s invention, the sleeping bomb. In one second, the wizard fell asleep.

"AH, all of them fell asleep," Magnus exclaimed, seeing all the kids falling left and right on each other.

But, just as the wizard fell, Adrian went to his body and shot him in the head. He knew that the ministry was compromised and this was the best way to deal with such people. He\'d rather see him dead than in Azkaban, from where he could escape if tried hard enough.

"Sorry, I trust the Ministry less than the Muggle justice system." he clarified.

"I know, and I would have done the same," Magnus replied, though he wondered if he was turning too cold towards human life. But then he saw the kids and had no regrets.

Adrian nodded and asked, "Are they safe?"

"Yeah, its side effects only make people high. But thankfully I got an antidote. But let\'s start obligating them first." Magnus suggested.

He then turned back to Tom, "I saw a telephone in the kitchen, why don\'t you call the police and ambulances. Tell them to bring as many as possible, we have about 50 children rescued."

Tom nodded and left quickly.

"Let\'s start."

Next, both Magnus and Adrian one by one wiped all the memories where they saw magic. It was very easy to obliviate children as they have zero mental shields and their mind was also too simple.

It took them about 30 minutes to do this. After that, only Tom was left. He had returned after calling the station. Now he was helping to place children in a better position because they had just fallen here and there because of the sleeping bomb.

Magnus and Adrian walked up to him. Magnus spoke, "Uncle, now we must obliviate you. Remove all the memories related to magic, you will remember everything that happened today, minus this magical fight."

Tom uneasily looked at Magnus\'s eyes. "Can I not keep these memories?"

Magnus shook his head, "From the 16th-century, the wizards have kept themselves hidden, an international Statute of Secrecy is made, and anybody who breaks will get the worst punishment possible, for us, it will be Azkaban, a prison filled with monsters who feed on your happy memories while tormenting your soul."

"So it\'s a worldwide secret. Haha, I can\'t believe we people are so naive. It seems all the fairy tales and stories of knights and dragons were real. Was King Arthur real too?" Tom inquired.


Magnus and Adrian looked at each other funnily. Magus nodded, "Yes, and I am related to King Arthur."


"Then, are you a royalty?" Tom asked with his shaking voice.

Magnus nodded, "Yes, I am next in line to the throne. I will be the first-ever king who is also a wizard, hopefully, I will be able to bring the two communities together.

"But, for now, Wizarding world is a secret, only known to the Prime Minister, the Queen and the family members of wizards with non-magical families," Magnus explained to him.

"Wait, do you mean I can also have a child in the future who might be magical?" Tom excitedly asked.

"Yes, each human has magic in him, but only a few are able to bring it out. Sometimes, the child of two magic users can turn out to be non-magical, the opposite also happens, a lot. Adrian here is one of those kids." Magnus replied.


"Who would have thought such an amazing side of the world also existed. But, I can see the chaos if it was revealed to all. I thank you for helping me today, I have no regrets, at least there is a possibility I\'d have a magical child in the future, then I will know about this side of the world. You may erase my memories now. The cops are arriving." Tom replied solemnly. Car sirens could be heard from a distance away.

Adrian nodded and went close to him to obliviate him. Tom closed his eyes.

"It was an honour working with you, Your Majesty. Haha, who\'d believe I had found a lost king in the park that day." he chuckled in the end.

Magnus for some reason felt bad for him. Tom was a good man, he was so active in saving these kids, not caring about his own life. The world needed men like him. Who were simple, yet kind.

"STOP!" Magnus interrupted.

Adrian quickly put his wand down and Tom opened his eyes in confusion, only to see a cheeky smile on Magnus\' face.

Magnus walked close to him and put one hand on his shoulder, "Uncle Tom, how would you like to climb the social ladder?"

[A/N: YES! I had planned this from Chapter 2 when I introduced Tom.]

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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