Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 187 - 187. 2nd In Line

The Queen started speaking in the mic. "Since the past few months, as you may know, I have been visiting that mansion.

"There is a reason for that. First of all, let me tell you who this is, he is Adam Grant. My eldest son, born as a twin to Charles, 1 minute before him." ​​

[A/N: Ignore the Queen\'s age. If we go by the real world then it\'s not possible for her to have a grandson as big as Magnus.]

Everything went silent in an instant. No journalist uttered a single word as everyone processed the implications of what she just said.





As if the world exploded, the camera shutters started sounding like crazy. But all the journalists maintained their decorum as they were supposed to be in the presence of the queen and not some politician.

"I will tell you everything about what has happened in our lives so no pointless rumours arise. When Adam was born, there were some complications. His neck had been caught up in the umbilical cord, making him suffocate a little."

Adam\'s eyes twitched when he heard that. He wasn\'t told about this part of the story.

"After the complicated birth, the doctors warned that there could be health problems while growing up. There was a risk that his body would stay frail. So, it was decided by the family that we would keep him away from the always on-focus life of the family.

"While growing up, in the beginning, he used to be sick and weak, so he spent all his time studying, but he had the determination to get better. So he never stopped taking the important supplements and exercising.

"Slowly, he started getting better, but then he wanted to do something for his country and joined the army. Where he slowly rose through the ranks and is now a Brigadier and handles the Engineering Development Research branch.

"During his college days, I tried to get him to return to the family, so I could announce him to the world. But he refused because he wanted to focus on his research, the research he was doing on this battery and the car. He said he would only return after he was successful.

"And after so many years, I finally got the news that he is closer to success than ever. So I started visiting him officially.

"And today was the day we decided to officially announce his return.

But let me introduce you to the whole family. This is my extremely talented daughter-in-law, Lady Grace Grant Pendragon. You may not know, but she is directly related to the legendary King Arthur Pendragon."

Everyone gasped hearing this, the cameras again became active.

The queen then turned to look at Magnus. "This is my grandson, Magnus Grant Emrys Pendragon. A wonderfully smart boy, most of you already know about his many brave deeds. Then there is my other grandson, Ragnar Grant Ulrik Oroborus. From now on, they will hold the rank of princess and prince.

"I\'m quite sure many of you have some questions. Please ask them orderly." She stopped speaking.

They had already planted some hired journalists who were supposed to ask the questions they wanted.

"Who will be the next heir to the Throne now?" One man asked.

The queen again picked up the mic and answered, "For exactly this reason, and to not create any rifts, I have suggested the Parliament to consider a new succession law. Which will allow me to choose the next best-suited heir, instead of the direct eldest son.

"But, the heir must be an immediate member of my family. This will ensure no confusion arises later."

But she failed to mention that a new abdication law will also be passed.

They didn\'t answer any more questions and just headed into the palace. More information will be published by official means later.

Magnus and Ragnar walked behind their parents.

"She should write a fictional story or something. Or maybe act in the movies. Her words seemed so real." Ragnar said.

Magnus chuckled, "She was probably planning for this for a long time now. At least now I\'m 2nd in line to the throne."

"Hehe, I\'m a prince too." Ragnar gleamed.

Magnus followed wherever they were being taken.

"Ah, I remember these corridors when I came here to steal Arthur\'s painting. Those were the days. Hehe, Bobby was with me that day, he was nervous as hell." Magnus reminisced.

"Stop acting like you\'re an old man. Let\'s go and see the whole castle, now we have the authority to do so, and who\'s going to stop you?" Ragnar suggested and dragged Magnus around.

They wandered around the whole palace, there were just too many rooms. Each having some designated purpose, though those purposes were useless ones. Why do you need 3 different rooms to drink tea?

Other than this, there were rooms to live in. The Queen\'s was the best one, it had too much gold, utensils, windows handles, engravings on the ceiling. Magnus loved it.

~I must customise my room too.~ He thought.

They then headed to the next room and Ragnar opened the door. *BAM*

The door bumped into someone inside.

"AAAH... WHO IS IT! ARE YOU BLIND?" A young boy\'s voice came.

Magnus pulled Ragnar back and slowly opened the door. There turned out to be a boy. From what Magnus knew, this was supposed to be the third child of the queen, and he was as young as him.

"Sorry. But the door was closed, we don\'t have x-ray eyes to see inside," Magnus replied. From the tone of the boy, he was getting a feeling that this boy was going to be a cocky spoiled kid.

"Is that how you talk with the future king? Know your manners before you step here, and who even let you in?" the boy, as expected, cockily spoke.

"Pfft... king? You are 9th in the line of succession, oh wait, now you are the 13th because I am now 2nd." Magnus revealed.

The young boy, in shock, took a few steps back. "IT\'S YOU! Mother told me about you, how you are some kind of a genius. She never stops talking about you, and you have been the reason for my life\'s misery."

Magnus scratched his head, "What are you talking about? I just met you today."

"I know, but she always tells me to study and become great, achieve something good. Did you know, I have been studying for 6 hours every day," he complained.

"But 6 hours is very normal. Your school itself takes 6 hours." Magnus pointed out.

"DOESN\'T MATTER. I am a royal, I don\'t have to do all this. I don\'t have to study 10 hours a day. If I want something, I can just tell the butler. It\'s not like I lack money." the boy replied.

Magnus just sighed, "Well, I only have one piece of advice. Do study as much as you can, you will need it more than money in the future. Let\'s go, Rag."

As they came a distance away, Ragnar laughed, "Haha... he\'s gonna get shocked when you become the king and he suddenly stops receiving pocket money."

"He sure is very pampered, no wonder the people are losing faith from the monarchy. What have they even done in the past hundred years that can be considered inspiring?" Magnus muttered.

"Well, they believe that their existence should be inspiring enough," Ragnar replied.

Magnus shook his head, "That was in the past when peasants used to get happy when their king would just talk to them. But now it is different, they see the monarchy as a leach that is sucking their tax money, money which could have been used somewhere better instead of organising royal parties."

"They\'ve got their saviour now, I guess. Let\'s go, it\'s not good to leave mum and dad alone for too long." Ragnar suggested.

Magnus agreed. He\'d rather not have his parents be forced into senseless politics. They were people of science and should focus on just that.

Soon, they arrived at a hall, it was one of many, he didn\'t know what use was this though. There, he saw the 2nd child of the queen, her daughter. She was 22, old enough not to buy the whole story the queen told.

She was also one of the people who was made to believe in everything. The queen agreed to it and it was done right in front of her.

"Let\'s go home, mum, dad," Magnus voiced.

"Granny Liz, we will return tomorrow with our luggage. But we might not always live here, and our mansion will be the main residence." Magnus informed everyone.

"Just be careful, dear. Many people will try to talk to you now. The security of your home should not be a problem anymore. But the safety of Grace and Adam will be the army\'s job now. They will provide you two with 3 bulletproof cars. Let\'s not forget, you two are not just royals, but also lead scientists of this country in your respective field." The Queen said at length.

Magnus had started to slightly trust her now. From the account of her son earlier, she really admired him it seemed.

"Bye-bye then, Granny. See you tomorrow." Magnus and Ragnar waved and left in the car they came.

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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