Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 212 - 212. Alchemy


Spoons fell from the table and made noise as they reached the floor. Time passed and hearts stopped. This was the worst day of life for one guy in the room. ​​

The world seemed gloomier than usual today, as a realisation came to Magnus. That although his pipe worked and often sent rivers out every now and then, the rivers didn\'t have fish in them.

"What do you mean? Why would I be impotent? I\'m too young." Magnus asked Merlin in disbelief.

There was no running away now. So Merlin answered, "I can\'t tell the bigger details as there are people here. But, the simple concept is. The stronger a being gets, the harder it gets for them to sire children. I and Arthur became impotent after the ritual I told you about.

"You have my and Arthur\'s blood, so you are bound to be much stronger than us. So, you are also like us... Impotent."

Arthur did some damage control, "It\'s okay, Magnus. You still have a lot of time before you have to start pumping some babies. There must be a way to cure yourself. We know there is one, seriously. We also tried to find one but didn\'t have time."

Magnus fell back on his chair, confused about what to feel, he was too young and this shouldn\'t be that big of a deal but it actually was and he knew it, "This is... A shocking news. I was not prepared for this. Mum should never know this, or she will get very sad."

*Pat Pat*

"Don\'t worry, Mag, I will help you research it." Ragnar consoled him.

"I\'m not really worried about it. I can surely find a cure with the limitless knowledge available. And I am just 13 years old right now, I can study every single subject there is in the time I have. Let\'s go, teach me, Mr Flamel, teach me alchemy." Magnus requested firmly.

Flamel got up, not uttering a single word. He could feel Magnus\' pain first hand. He\'d appreciate it if he could help him come up with a solution, as he knew that the curse of not ever having the pleasure of being a father was too heartbreaking.

Ragnar walked beside Magnus and asked, "Mag, is it that your banana is always soggy or..."

"RAG, for the last time, my instrument works just fine. It\'s probably a problem with its grease." Magnus corrected him immediately, making Ragnar laugh due to his double meaning explanations.

Flamel soon took them to his personal laboratory. This was where he made many new inventions. It was big and had lots of cupboards, each having some jars containing precious materials.

"Why did you decide to settle in Britain, Mr Flamel?" Ragnar asked. Magnus was still silent, and it was understandable.

Nicolas answered, "Because I\'ve never been here for a long time. I\'m originally from France, but for most of the known history, Britain and France have been at war. It was never the right time to shift home or I would\'ve been named a traitor.

"But now with the modern era, I can go anywhere. And I chose it here."

"Then you must have a very bad taste. I would\'ve gone to Japan. It\'s a clean country where people follow rules." Ragnar said.

"Haha," Nicolas chortled and continued, "Japan is filled with rogue wizards. You\'d be constantly fighting them as the ministry doesn\'t do anything there."

"Then where do you think a wizard wanting peace can go?" Ragnar questioned.

"Wilderness, away from civilization. There is no country that can be considered safe for a wizard. There will always be someone after something that you have. Just take my philosopher\'s stone. I have killed more than a thousand wizards who have tried to steal the stone." Nicolas revealed.


"But that\'s still a small number when compared to 600 years of living." Magnus joined the conversation.

"Who said I only killed the Wizard after me. I went after them too, killing their entire gangs at once. Why do you think nobody dares to steal it anymore? Because they\'re scared." Nicolas proudly said. He was a very active person back in the day.

Magnus scoffed, "But you brought the stone to Britain at the worst possible time. There is a dark lord going around killing people. He might one day decide to take the stone too since it can make him immortal."

Nicolas replied confidently, but in an uncaring fashion, "Then I\'m afraid the whole ministry of magic will have to come to aid because I am still a very high ranking French wizard and they don\'t want a war with France\'s magical community now do they?"

Magnus snorted, "You really give too much credit to the British ministry of magic. They are useless, even worse than the muggle police, that always arrives late, while the ministry doesn\'t even arrive after the crime has happened, but I will say welcome to Britain, as I will make it a very safe place for all to live. Anyway, let\'s start with studying. What will you teach me today?"

"You came here for Alchemy, right? Because you can find many masters in other subjects. Let\'s begin with what Alchemy even is, it is a branch of magic and an ancient science concerned with the study of the composition, structure and magical properties of the four basic elements, as well as the transmutation of substances. It is thus intimately connected with Potion-making, chemistry and transformation magic.

"This art has existed as long as magic has. In the old times, alchemy was just limited to some tribe chiefs concocting some liquid or material that would be deemed as god\'s grace, in fact, it was alchemy they just didn\'t know it."

"Mr Flamel, I suck at potions, can I still master alchemy?" Magnus quickly asked.

"Sure, but you will have to ask for your brother\'s help sometimes. As potions are still needed in some alchemical reactions. But, other aspects should be easy for you.

"As Alchemy also concerns philosophy; one interpretation of alchemical literature, which is known to be dominated by mystical and metaphysical speculation, that the study of Alchemy was symbolic of a spiritual journey, leading the alchemist from ignorance (base metal) to enlightenment (gold).

"While Muggles for the most part largely dismisses it as an outdated forerunner of modern chemistry, there are still wizards actively studying and practising it in the twentieth century and who held it to be some of the most difficult magic known to wizardkind. A less well-known branch of the study of alchemy was Spagyric, or "plant alchemy". To be honest, I don\'t think there is anyone in the world who knows Spagyric anymore other than me."

As soon as Ragnar heard this he cheered up, "Sir, I want to study Spagyric. I will use it to make better materials for my potions."

Nicolas agreed immediately, "Sure, son. Dumbledore told me about your amazing potion skills, I am going to teach you everything I know about potions, alchemy and anything else that you want."

Magnus became alert after hearing this. In his mind, he knew that there was never a free meal, and Nicolas was going so far as to teach them with so much enthusiasm. "Sir, why are you doing so much for us?"

Silence ensued, as Nicolas looked Magnus in the eyes, guessing what the young boy was thinking. Taking a guess, he sighed. "Dumbledore also told me about your careful nature. Don\'t worry, this is a free meal. I am more than 600 years old, Magnus.

"And honestly, I don\'t desire to live much longer anymore, I have seen and experienced everything a person could imagine. But before I die, I would very much like that my magical inheritance is passed on to someone worthy. I don\'t know anybody who comes even close to being as talented as you. And from your actions in the past two years, and even before you arrived at Hogwarts, I believe you will do good with this knowledge."

Magnus smiled, "Well thank you, sir. I will honour your legacy and keep this knowledge secure."

Nicolas waved his hand as if it was not a big deal but he was happy deep inside, "Just call me professor now, I\'m used to that. OKAY! DROP YOUR CLOTHES NOW!"

"WHAT?!" Magnus and Ragnar exclaimed.

[You can see Nicolas\' Lab on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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