Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 218 - 218. Real Talk

Midlands, England

Severus had made himself very busy with his studies and work. He was already the owner of a small fortune, as his various potions continue to bring him money, at the same time he worked in the Diagon Alley. ​​

He was still a very good friend of Lily. Now, he had decided to show her that he actually liked her. He didn\'t want to verbally say it but he could use other ways, he had nothing to lose anyway, because these days, they don\'t even get to talk with each other at the school.

He went out of his house to meet Lily at her home. Lily\'s mother and Severus\' mother were friends now and he would sometimes go to the Evans family with his mother.

He sat in Lily\'s room, just looking around while Lily had gone downstairs to bring some refreshment. The room was pretty simple, nothing like he used to imagine a girl\'s room would be. But again, she usually spent most of her time in school.

"TSK... you again? For God\'s sake, when will you devils leave this house." Petunia Evans, elder sister of Lily came and scowled at Severus.

Now, if he was still the old Severus, he would have probably sent a jinx or something at her for even raising her voice at him. But, he did not do that this time. He just sighed and looked at her tiredly, "You know Petunia, you are really dropping an axe on your own foot by being vengeful against your sister."

"What do you mean, the devil?" She barked.

"Stop trying to fool everyone, we all know you are a jealous little girl who also wanted to be a witch but didn\'t have the magic. Then you chose the worst possible thing to do. Do you have any idea how powerful and rich Lily is going to be as soon as she graduates from school? She is one of the top potioneers in the school and it\'s a profession that pays extremely well.

"And not to mention, Lily is friends with students in the school who belong to some of the world\'s most powerful and rich wizarding families."

~Huh, Magnus alone is probably the richest wizard to have ever lived.~ Severus thought and continued.

"You, instead of being angry with her, could be nice to her, so when Lily becomes rich and powerful, maybe she can help you start a good life, maybe a business, or something else. But, here you are, being stupid. Tell me, what are your plans for life? You are 4 years older than her, already 17. You are bad at studies too, not that good looking either, so what are your plans? Marry some old fat muggle and live the rest of your life riding on his fat belly like his bedwarmer? Live on the little money your husband makes for the rest of your life?

"People are lucky to have a wizard born in their family because even one wizard can uplift the family from just being poor class to the upper rich class. No, don\'t look at my face like that now and go contemplate your future.

"Because as of now, it seems to be in pitch darkness. Bye, take care." He shooed her away, not caring about her wet eyes threatening to flow a river of tears at any moment.

She simply turned around and ran to her room while crying. Severus had just told her what everyone else already knew but never said to her due to being too nice.

Lily was just coming to the room when she saw Petunia running away. She arrived at her room and asked, "What happened to Petunia, Sev?"

He smiled warmly at her, again, a very new thing to his life. He knew but wouldn\'t ever say it loud, he was loving this new self and he was very grateful to Magnus and Ragnar.

"Nothing, Lily. I just told her some harsh truths about life. Oh, Lemon cakes? I like them." He changed the topic.

She sat in front of him and also ate, "So you are going to Magnus\' home with your mother? How is he?"

"He\'s fine, probably studying or practising magic somewhere. His world is much different from us ordinary wizards now." Severus replied, but he saw the blush of Lily\'s face.

"Yeah, with all the responsibility he has, it\'d be weird if he was not busy. Did he say anything about me?" She inquired.

Severus knew he needed to clear her clouded mind, she needed to accept the reality before it became too painful. "Lily, I told him once, that you like him."

"WHAT? WHY WOULD YOU? What did he say?" She got angry but also changed in a second.

"He said that he is not interested in any kind of romantic relationships, his life goals don\'t allow him to have such things. And he said he was not the person you think he is. You have only seen his funny and strong side, but never his ruthless sides." Severus told her everything Magnus had said.

"What are you talking about? It\'s not like he\'s a murderer or something." Lily shrugged at his words.

"He has killed people, Lily. His work requires him to kill people. What do you think happens whenever you read in the paper that Magnus defeated a Death Eater? They die." Severus tried to make her face the reality.

She seemed heartbroken now, "But... he... does he like that Emma?"

"No no... she\'s the same as you. She likes Magnus a lot, but Magnus never accepts her advances to become a closer friend. So, just take my advice, don\'t try to fall for him right now. We are still young, maybe when we\'re in our 5th year or older, you can understand him better. You can then decide whether to pursue him or not.

"Not everyone is lucky to have their feelings reciprocated, Lily. Sometimes you just silently accept the facts and be happy for the other person\'s happiness." He advised her, though it felt more like personal experience.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

"Well, we\'re too young to feel sad over such things, Lily. And look at your face, you look so bad when crying, your face is like a tomato right now." He said, lifting her face up from her chin.

She chuckled after hearing him call her a tomato, "Hehe... Damn you, Sev, let me mourn over my lost love."

"Heh, what lost? We\'re still going to the same school. But, let\'s try to be better friends before finding love. Ah, I remembered something, I brought you this. I made this in the lab, a handmade diamond." He handed her a small box.

She interestingly looked at it, "I can\'t even imagine the amount of compression it must have taken to create this. How did you?"

"Wanna learn?" He asked.

And then he taught her how to make diamonds. He was happy that at least she didn\'t feel sad anymore.


Magnus was waiting for Severus to come to his house, as he had said he\'d be coming with his mother, so she could meet Grace.

Soon enough, someone apparated on their lawn. Severus and Eileen walked toward the big mansion.

"They live in such a big house," Eileen commented.

Severus walked beside her, "Want to live in a mansion like this? I can buy one if you want to. We\'re rich now, mother."

She immediately shook her head, "No, I like it at home. At least Evans family is there to talk to."


"Welcome, Mr Snape and Lady Snape. Please come with me, Mr and Mrs Grant are waiting for you." George escorted them like a gentleman butler.

Magnus didn\'t care about any manners, he just went out of the house and greeted them. He gave a brotherly hug to Severus and greeted Eileen.

"Good morning, aunt Eileen. Sev, come with me to my room, I got something to show you." He dragged him along.

Eileen didn\'t feel awkward as Grace soon came out and started chatting with her, inviting her to sit with her.

In Magnus\' room, he was showing the cell phones to Severus.

"So, you want to turn them into magic tolerant phones. Why?" Severus asked.

"Because we can not always rely on the owl, who is usually slow to take letters. With this, we can have instant communication," he explained.

"HORRR!" Summer protested her species being badmouthed.

Magnus quickly patted her head, "No, Summer. You are the best, I was talking about the lazy owls."

Severus held one phone and checked it out, "This sure would be very convenient. But... won\'t the bad ones, our enemies will also be able to use it?"

Magnus laughed, "Haha, I don\'t care. They are very dumb and don\'t know how technology works. All the talking happens on electrical signals. It would be a mistake if they use it since the station can record them. And we\'re not going to mass produce these phones anyway for now."

"Boss Grant, I did as you tasked." Dobby arrived. Magnus had ordered him to hand over one phone set to Tom since he was in the police and also a muggle. If something happened, he\'d not have a way to instantly contact them. Also, Tom was just a few cases away from his next promotion, which was making his seniors jealous.

"Good, Dobby, you can go and pack some pancakes for me. I will be leaving soon. Severus, you should come with me. We\'re staying at Nicolas Flamel\'s house these days and studying from him." Magnus revealed. Severus felt shocked and excited at the same time. This was the opportunity of a lifetime.

However, just as the two were about to leave, they heard some really loud sound from the sky.


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You can read 14 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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