Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 243 - 243. O Cat God, Bless These Humans.

The wind blew over, gently touching their faces... also Chad\'s fur. They sat in front of the tombstone with the name of a woman written on it. There was also a photo, belonging to Ragnar\'s mother.

To Magnus, she looked very similar to his own mother, kind and gentle. The perfect mother any child could ever ask for. But what Ragnar got was the nightmares of a lifetime. Having seen his own mother being beaten... being nearly rap... while being powerless and helpless. Just thinking about it made his blood boil, he couldn\'t imagine what Ragnar must feel like. ​​

Magnus and Severus both agreed on one thing, that Ragnar\'s pain was much more than either of them could ever imagine. It\'s one thing to try to imagine what he\'s going through and another really being the person in pain.

So Magnus just tries to be the best brother possible. After all, he wanted to face Ragnar\'s mother proudly when he saw her in heaven.

Ragnar, who had been sitting silently for a few minutes finally spoke, "I don\'t know if I should curse you or thank you, you taught me Occlumency and now I remember even the tiny insect I stomped on when I was 4."

Magnus didn\'t know whether to laugh or look sad. "I told you before I taught you. This is a double-edged sword."

"Yes, it is. I hope someday... I will be able to permanently etch the dying screams of Rodolphus Lestrange in my memories. Only then will my mind be at ease," Ragnar said, sounding really dangerous.

Magnus supported him though, "And as I told you before, no matter who catches him, you will get Rodolphus alive. You will be the one to kill him."

After all, Magnus had even posted a wanted poster with the words "ONLY ALIVE" and it had the highest reward, a full whopping 1 million galleons. This much money could shoot up any ordinary wizard into the ranks of one of the richest in the world.

Of course, the money was this much because the difficulty of the mission was too high. Even with one hand missing, Rodolphus was very dangerous. More dangerous were the dogs(dark wizards) he kept himself surrounded by.

"Sometimes, I wonder if God is real. Why does he let innocent people suffer? My mum was the kindest person, just like our mother. She didn\'t deserve it, Mag, she didn\'t deserve all that pain." Ragnar wondered, having a confused face and looking at the sky.

Magnus had no idea, he was a mortal too after all. "If I ever meet him, I\'ll ask."

"Me too. I hope it\'s a reason that can satisfy me. I don\'t want to hear some crap that these church priests blurt, that pain and hardship are god\'s blessings and tests. What parent lets his children be tortured and murdered for no reason at all?" Ragnar angrily said.

~So this was why he was going to the churches. Maybe I should go and give a visit to sister Mary at the orphanage too. Maybe she can give a better answer.~ Magnus planned.

"Meow?" Chad suddenly made some noise.

Magnus turned to him. Chad was pointing at the photo. "Yes Chad, she\'s Ragnar\'s mother. She\'s no longer with us. You should join your hands and pray for her."

Chad nodded and dutifully walked closer to the tombstone on his fluffy paws. Then, he stood up on his hind legs in a smooth motion, supported by his tail. He joined his two front paws together and prayed seriously.

"Meow... Mwa Mewoo..."

They didn\'t know what Chad was saying, but it was probably something good. The cat had shown more intelligence in these years than many death eaters they had met.

Ragnar chuckled and caressed Chad\'s head, "Let\'s hope your prayers reach the Cat God and he listens to you."

Just as they were talking, out of nowhere a small butterfly came fluttering its wings and sat down on Chad\'s nose. Chad with big sparkly eyes stared at the butterfly calmly.

"He looks like some kind of an angel right now... beloved of nature, haha..." Ragnar laughingly said.

Magnus chuckled, "No, he\'s just being a good boy because he\'s under punishment. He will always be our crazy Chad."

"Let\'s go back." Ragnar stood up.

Magnus followed behind without saying anything. "So, any plans for this school year? We\'ll be in our third year. We will have a lot of free time since we have already studied for the next few years. I am personally excited about the Care of Magical Creatures class."

"Huh, but we have the most incompetent teachers for it. Professor Silvanus Kettleburn has already lost an arm and a leg, who knows when he will lose the rest." Ragnar scorned. He had read about the teacher, because of him many students have gotten injured and disfigured, some permanently.

"Oh, don\'t worry, I will straighten him up. Honestly, I am better with animals than humans. Right, CHAD?" Magnus asked the cat sitting on his shoulder.

"Meow..." Chad affirmed.

"He will even worship Satan at this point, Chad\'s opinion does not matter." Ragnar outright rejected Chad\'s voting rights.

But he continued, "And I am not interested in anything except making a potion that can enhance one\'s physical pain many times. That would make one\'s body so sensitive that even a tickle would feel like a sword stab." Ragnar planned, coldness awash in his eyes.

Magnus nodded in agreement, "Wanna use it on that animal? Hmm, that\'s a good idea. Might as well use it on their favourite dark lord later. He deserves all the pain we can give him."

"By the way, Mag, I have also registered a company in the Ministry of Magic. It\'s called Magipotio, literally meaning Magic Potion, with Potio being Latin for \'potion\'. I will use those automated production line systems to mass-produce the potions." Ragnar told him about his plan. No matter what, most people trusted Magnus\' business and money-making sense.

Magnus was delighted with the news. The potion market was a market that was very scarcely ventured in. "That\'s good, but Rag, don\'t forget that real money is in the muggle world. The world population is 3.9 Billion. While wizards are just a few millions. So, I recommend you open a muggle branch too. Sell products there also."

"But what product? Won\'t magical items be too common-sense defying? I mean, we can regrow bones with potions." Ragnar asked.

"My Brother Ragnar, you should learn and understand the muggle world more. You don\'t need to be heaven-defying to be successful. As long as your products are better than others, you will win. You can create a toned down, diluted version of potions. Potions such as the erection potion, or maybe make a scar removal cream that takes at least 3 months to remove skin scars. It will be a hit. Learn about the muggle market and create potions better than items already available, though I hope you don\'t try to compete with my own company." Magnus suggested him in detail. His mind was always filled with ideas, but he couldn\'t implement all of them as he had limited energy, but he could always advise others.

Ragnar felt very inspired by this, "All right then, I will open a company in the Muggle world too."


When Magnus arrived back home, a person from Tonks & Tonks was waiting for him. He was the assistant of Ted. Magnus invited him.

"Sir, we have investigated that communist case. Chairman Ted sent me here to tell you about it." The man started.

Magnus alertly listened. He had no idea why they came to him, but it must be important if they can\'t deal with it. "We were allowed to meet the secretly jailed Captain. He was brutally tortured, but we ignored that bit. However, the captain informed us that he was framed by his senior, a high ranking General.

"So, as per the protocol, we hired MEDA to do some digging. They found hard evidence that pointed out that the General was really selling information to the Soviets. The method was a bit strange. The General is a noble lord. He has relations with a few more noble families across Europe, and one family in the Soviet Union, that is not nobility anymore but still powerful in the Soviet leadership.

"The General shared everything from the location of our troops, our secret bases, assets hidden in the Soviet Union, and some of our spies too. And you won\'t like this. Just after he gave them two spy names, the two were found dead. They had gone to participate in a sports championship there originally in disguise.

"Later, some of General\'s calls were mistakenly heard by the Captain, but he was immediately arrested and blamed for espionage." the lawyer explained.

Magnus sighed and laid back on the couch. "*Sigh* Seriously, the worst enemy of a country is often found inside the country. A general, a noble on that. Well, I guess the media is going to have a field day soon. However, I recommend you do not reveal it to anyone. I will talk to the prime minister myself. He will take the evidence himself and forward it to the highest concerned authority of the Ministry of Defence."

"Yes sir, we knew this thing is out of our scope of powers, that\'s why we contacted you." The Lawyer respectfully left after handing over all the evidence they had collected.

Magnus soon picked up his phone and called the Prime Minister. But, he had another plan. It was time his news channels and agencies under the umbrella of Warner Brothers soared to the skies. With the most exclusive news of the day.

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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