Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 281 - 281. Against The Odds





Curses and charms flew left and right. All aimed at Magnus and Ragnar at the centre. Both brothers were fanatically defending their ground until the backup arrived.

"Ragnar, I\'m gonna apparate you out of this encirclement. Then I will jump directly among them and start chopping them with my sword. They can not use their powerful spells in such a crowd and small distances." Magnus whispered to Ragnar amidst all the hurling spells.

"But... aren\'t there anti-apparition wards?" He asked.

"There are, but they are only for stopping someone from going out of this area. I\'m just gonna change our position. I will breathe fire and surround us for distraction." Magnus planned.

Ragnar knew his weaknesses. He can\'t fight as effectively if he\'s standing here alone, "Mag, take me with you into the crowd directly. I will chop them and also destroy them with my potions. Here, drink this. An antidote to everything I\'m soon going to use. Also, take this and put it on the sword. It\'s a more potent poison I made from Cuddles\' venom."

Magnus trusted Ragnar like a brother. So he agreed. With urgency, he drank the potion and put the venom on his sword. "One... Two... THREE!"


Magnus opened his mouth and spewed fire like a dragon. He made the fire go full circle around them. In a split second, the two apparated from there.


The first scream came.


Screams one after another covered the crowd of wizards that had not long ago surrounded them. Magnus without any mercy chopped limbs of the dark wizards. Even cut full heads whenever he got the chance.

"HAHAHA... YOU CAME TO YOUR OWN DEATHS, FOOLS! YOU WON\'T GO TO ANY AZKABAN! ONLY DEATH AWAITS YOU! *SLASH!*" Magnus cut another one\'s head, sending it flying away.

His proclamation spread fear in their hearts. After all, they all knew that the ministry was incompetent and they would rather send him to death. But, Magnus was the boss now and he was killing them right here and now.

"HAHA! BURN! I\'M GONNA MELT YOU ALL!" Ragnar\'s scary roars came from the other side. He was throwing vials left and right. There were poisons, acids, sleeping potions, where he would stab their necks after making them fall asleep. He had actually already killed about 7 of them. All had their heads severed. Those who were left alive around him were not in a very good condition either as most were either burned or crying in pain.

It was unbelievable how two boys could do so much damage to the army. But it wasn\'t that Magnus and Ragnar were invincible, it\'s just that Voldemort was not a good battle commander.

A distance away, Voldemort seethed in rage. His army was dying left and right. Magnus and Ragnar were chopping them like vegetables while the bombs from the sky were blasting limbs apart.

"INCOMPETENCE! ALL OF YOU, ATTACK!" He finally launched the big guns, all the death eaters and he himself moves in.

Magnus was busy dealing with the crowd around him. He took out the Disarming grenade he had made with Ragnar and Severus.


Immediately a dozen wands flew out of the wizard\'s hands and got stuck to the small grenade, then, the grenade burst into flames, destroying the wands.

He chuckled like a wolf among sheep, as all wizards around him had no wand now and were panicking.


He spun 360 degrees, dislodging 3 heads in the vicinity. It was truly a blood bath as Magnus\' clothes were now covered in blood.



Magnus immediately turned around and blocked the killing curse from Voldemort with his Hope sword. He was using it since the Despair sword was already full of spells it had absorbed.

Magnus took him one on one, "Haha... Inbred Voldemort, you already lost 20 of your men. Is this what you call an army?"

Voldemort enraged, he used some kind of a flying spell and hovered towards Magnus at great speed. "MUD-BLOOD!"

Magnus prepared himself with his spells ready. Voldemort was, of course, not going to use verbal spells.


A spell of an unknown name flickered towards Magnus. Magnus also countered it with his own. Their magic hit each other in a tug of war as both of them supplied magic to their wands.

Voldemort and Magnus both had green coloured magical energies striking each other, appearing like plasma. It was a beautiful show of the destructive powers of wizards. Magnus wanted to use his full force but he was in constant worry that someone would attack him.


Immediately a loud explosion resounded in the distance. Magnus smirked with a sigh of relief, "Finally they have arrived."

The Army of Merlin, a total of 100 wizards, armed to teeth with specially enchanted leather robes arrived. Behind them were Dumbeldore and his people.

The tides changed in an instant, panic appeared in Voldemort\'s eyes. Magnus taunted him, "What? Did you think only you have an army? You seriously underestimate how much people hate you."

"NO NO NO!... BELLATRIX! CALL THEM!" Voldemort crazedly shouted. Taking his command, she sent a flare into the air for something.

Seeing the change, Magnus increased his magic flow into the wand and pushed the ongoing magical tug of war. He easily started to gain on Voldemort. It seemed that Voldemort\'s mental instability was causing this.

Magnus scoffed, "Inbred Voldemort, no matter how much you try, you will never have more potent magic than me... because you\'re an inbred... impure."

Magnus just used their own pureblood theory on them. His constant calling Voldemort an inbred was not doing well for him.

"AAAARGH!..." Voldemort jumped to the side and avoided being struck by Magnus\' spell. Next, he silently cast an Expelliarmus charm. Magnus saw through it and let his wand travel to Voldemort as planned.

Voldemort stood up in triumph and pride, "No no... don\'t even think about taking another wand out. Put down your sword now."

He pointed his wand at Magnus. But, Magnus instead of doing as he ordered, laughed, "HAHA... look at the wand first."

Voldemort\'s face lost its smugness as he glanced at Magnus\' wand in his hand. It was uncontrollably shining. *BOOM*


In that instant, it exploded. Magnus in that short duration ran like a cheetah and arrived in front of Voldemort. He crouched down.

The bald noseless man just looked left and right, as his ears were filled with a tingling noise. He tried to look around and find Magnus.

"LOOK DOWN!" Magnus shouted.

As soon as Voldemort was lowering his head, he felt something connect his chin. It was warm and very strong. *BAM* All he felt was a slight wet sensation on his lips and in the mouth.

Magnus jumped back, "HAHA... WANDLESS MAGIC, BITCH!"

Voldemort touched his face. His hand became red, wet with his dark red blood. He looked at Magnus in disbelief.


He noticed he couldn\'t speak correctly. That\'s when he realised. He immediately conjured a mirror and looked at himself. Next, he just screamed, "YOUH! I WIRR KIRR YOUH!" he forgot he had promised Lucius.

Magnus chuckled, "Well, you did take a Bombarda to your jaw, it was bound to be broken and destroyed."

Voldemort\'s red-eye said a thousand words of his hatred. His jaw was just hanging open, a few centimetres extra as it wasn\'t able to move.

Magnus was satisfied, "Let\'s end this,"

"MAGNUS!" Dumbledore arrived to provide Magnus support.

"You\'re late," Magnus complained.

"They had locked all apparition routes. I needed to work to get my people here, luckily yours also came along." Dumbledore explained the reason for their delay.

The old man looked at Voldemort, who truly looked like a demon at this point. "Voldemort, you\'re not even a human anymore."

Voldemort acted scared of Dumbledore for some reason. But he also showed deep hatred, and this didn\'t go unnoticed by Magnus.

"Let\'s finish him," Magnus suggested. Death Eaters and dark wizards were dying left and right anyway.


Magnus\' first reaction was to look at the sky, there was a full moon. He panicked and faced Dumbledore, "How many werewolves live in the Forbidden Forest?"

Dumbledore shared his fears, "I don\'t know, the forest is too big to contact and count all of them. A few hundred maybe."

They faced Voldemort again, he looked happy now, even with all that injury to him. The mad Dark Lord quickly pointed his own wand at his jaw and fixed it. "You should rejoice, Mud-blood prince. You were the first person to have ever injured me this much. And you, Dumbledore, to answer you, there are one thousand, two hundred and fifteen werewolves in the forest.

And yes, they all follow me."


Dumbledore scowled and shouted to his people, "SURROUND MAGNUS! PROTECT HIM AT ALL COST!"

Dumbledore couldn\'t let anything happen to Magnus. He was the hope of the wizarding world, if he became a werewolf then how would he bring the change? His command was absolute. And hearing him the Army of Merlin also became active and tried to surround Magnus, keeping him inside a protective circle.

Magnus didn\'t like this one bit. Everything had turned opposite in an instant. His worst fear had come alive.

He saw countless crazed red-eyed werewolves, all in complete transformation, running towards them. But not all of them, many were running into the village, and soon screams started to come, screams of leftover hiding Hogwarts students. Emma was trying to keep them away by dropping bombs on them. Ragnar arrived beside Magnus, "WHAT NOW, MAG?!"



The Army of Merlin and the Order of the Phoenix, along with some ministry aurors tried to keep the werewolves away. But they also had to face the spells of Death Eaters. They were completely outnumbered with the odds of 1:12.

They were being completely besieged by werewolves from all around. The beasts were forming a circle around their protective circle. Crazed and strengthened by the full moon, they were magically immune to some degree, hence it was more problematic.

Emma and Ragnar were throwing whatever they could to slow them down. Dumbledore, Moody, Eugenia and professors were gathered around him, throwing spells left and right.

"MAG!" All of sudden Severus\' voice came. He squeezed himself toward him. His face was full of sorrow and guilt. "Mag, I want to tell you something."

But Magnus completely ignored his words. In his ears, the grim cries of his followers, the students of Hogwarts and residents of Hogsmeade were echoing.

The Army of Merlin and all others, they were all brave wizards, but, against werewolves, anybody would be afraid, because even a small bite could result in a lifetime of misery. Fear spread and they started to slowly take steps back.

This would crush all those in the middle. They were already standing shoulder to shoulder anyway. Cries of men from the front had started to scare those in the back.

He glanced at Voldemort. The man... demon was standing on the side, watching everything gleefully in triumph, most likely thinking that he didn\'t even have to do anything.

Magnus chuckled, "Heh... so this was the real reason why he chose this day to attack. Full moon?"

He turned to Dumbeldore, "Professor, make sure you take care of Voldemort. Ragnar, kill as many as you can, no need to show mercy."

"What do you mean? Where are you going?" Ragnar asked him, glancing in his eyes. A sudden thought emerged in his head.

"NO! DON\'T!" he blurted.

Magnus\'s eyes started to turn red as veins popped out in them. He chuckled, "I still have a lot of magic in me. Look at them, they are my followers, Rag. I cannot justify their deaths to their families, their kids. What will I say? That they died while protecting me? It\'d be a shame to my name, Merlin\'s name and Arthur\'s name. These Werewolves are after me anyway."

"THERE ARE A THOUSAND OF THEM!" Ragnar reminded him.

With a look of indifference, Magnus just clenched his sword in his hand a tad bit tighter, "Then I just have to cut a thousand heads. SEE YA!"

He crouched on the ground all of a sudden. Without wasting a moment, he used max strength in his body and spewed as much fire as he could from his feet. It was strong enough to launch Magnus a few metres in the air. When in the air, a simple air spell sent him towards the Forbidden Forrest. His flight was shakey as it was his first try to fly like this. So he fell down a few metres inside the forest.


The growling of werewolves continued for a few more seconds, then it abruptly stopped and all twelve hundred wolves ran back towards the forest, leading them was the most vicious werewolf, Fenrir Greyback.

[You can see Crazed Voldemort on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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