Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 318 - 318. Space King?

Adam nodded, "Correct, innovation is the key. Even I have already started to work on the next version of the locomotive. It will be completely electric. Magnus, you need to understand, in the future, maybe in a few decades, the world will slowly try to shift towards electric power cars, engines and everything. Using coal and liquid fuel that generates pollution will be seen as bad.

"Now I want you to imagine, what if the United Kingdom keeps on investing in it and by that time, we become a world leader in Electric technology. Our home industry can be worth trillions, and we personally can be a major percentage of it. With the improvement of science and education, people will slowly start worrying about the planet.

"Heck, I am working on an electric motor called Electric traction motors, it does not use any magnets at all. Magnets, typically using rare earth metals like neodymium. I have ditched that whole process. The design uses no magnets, instead, it uses powered coils in its rotor. It transfers power to the spinning rotor using contactless induction, so there are basically no wear surfaces.

"The best part, the lack of expensive metals should make it cheaper to manufacture than typical permanent-magnet motors. And even better, it has allowed us to achieve efficiencies above 95 per cent. I\'m going to use these motors in the coming car designs as well as locomotives.

"Combine these with my Solid-State Batteries, and we have truly entered the age of long-distance travel with one single charge. Do you want to see the designs?"

Adam enthusiastically showed them. Bobby easily understood them, Adam made it easy for Magnus to understand as well. In short, Adam was no less than a genius. The man was probably restrained due to family conditions and lack of money in the past. But now, as he had no worries, his real talent was coming out.

Bobby rubbed his chin, "Hmm... I would like to get the authorisation of the patent from you later. I might be able to make super silent vehicles for surveillance for the Military with this later."

Magnus, meanwhile, felt dumbfounded. He knew he was a Wizard, a brilliant one at that, but for some reason, he felt he was pretty stupid and a shame to Adam and Grace\'s godly genes. ~I guess. I should start focusing on muggle studies as well. And since I am so good at alchemy, why not go with metallurgy and chemistry? Maybe I can help dad and Bobby by finding stronger and lighter metal and also help Pfizer by using Chemistry and Alchemy together.~ he thought.

Magnus put a file on the table. "Dad, to build not just locomotives but entire trains in the future, you will need to have a company that can fulfil those commitments. So, I have a few shortlisted.

"One, you can buy Lohner-Werke, a Viennese luxury coachbuilding firm founded in the 19th century. During the early 1900s, the firm manufactured aircraft after World War I, the company manufactured trams, and after World War II, the company began manufacturing scooters and mopeds. Now, the company is up for sale, and a Canadian aircraft manufacturing company called Bombardier Inc. is interested in buying it.

"Well, my idea is to go for Bombardier Inc. We are living in a special time when mergers and accusations are easy. So why not go for the big one? I mean, we can give them a juicy deal, that by getting bought by me, they will be having access to batteries and technology of Dad and FutureTek for a pretty low price.

"But, they also make aeroplanes, I don\'t know if we want that. What do you say, Bobby?" Magnus asked.

"Hmm... we are developing many military equipment and vehicles, that includes researching jets. So we\'re soon going to make jets engines. Maybe we can make a safer and weaker civilian version for aircraft. Umm... maybe we can do something with the airline manufacturing aspect." Bobby weighed the pros and cons of buying it.

Magnus closed the file, "Cool, I will pass it on to Ted. He will oversee the acquisition of the company. Now, towards my newer announcement. Bobby, you already know about my Africa plan, but there has been more development.

"Dad, you don\'t know so I\'ll tell you. Next year, Zimbabwe is going to permanently join the United Kingdom, as Greater Britain. All its citizens will become British. So, it\'s a good opportunity for you both to expand to that region. Ah, dad, the Saudi King also ordered 30 of your engines.

"Anyway, beyond this, I am also trying to buy the land the size bigger than that of the UK in the Sahara desert."

Adam was taken aback and interrupted, "And this whole plan of adding Zimbabwe was yours?"

"Yup, why let them go when we can make the overseas territories ours permanently by just treating the people right and giving them the same opportunities as us. The UK needs to become bigger if it someday wants to compete with the United States in terms of the economy." Magnus explained.

"And what\'s this about the land in Sahara? What are you going to do there?" Bobby asked.

This is where he explained his plan. "Food, my idea is for food. That land will be a Wizard Stronghold as well as a super economic zone for muggles."

"How will you grow food there? Plants are gonna burn." Bobby inquired. He knew Magnus had an idea though.

"My friend, what I want is underground, indoor vertical farming. I got this idea when I learned about LED lights and how similar they are to the sunlight, as well as when I learned about Plant Alchemy.

"I want you two to imagine, we can have huge huge underground facilities, with vertical walls as tall as a 5 story building. Each wall grows food crops of all kinds. With the help of Plant Alchemy, we can make super crops that give high yields. If we do this, we can make sure something like Year 536 can never happen again.

"If you don\'t know, that\'s when a cataclysmic volcanic eruption in Iceland spewed ash across the Northern Hemisphere. After which a mysterious fog plunged Europe, the Middle East, and parts of Asia into darkness, day and night—for 18 months. "For the sun gave forth its light without brightness, like the moon, during the whole year," wrote Byzantine historian Procopius. Temperatures in the summer of 536 fell from 1.5°C to 2.5°C, initiating the coldest decade in the past 2300 years. Snow fell that summer in China; crops failed; people starved. The Irish chronicles record "a failure of bread from the years 536–539."

"Such things can happen today as well, and still, we won\'t have any way to clear off the sky. Hence, by using this method, we can ensure the survival of humanity for as long as we want. We can also use gene editing with magic to make new plants more resilient.

"And the best part, we can cover a part of the Sahara desert to provide us with unlimited renewable energy. We already have super highly efficient batteries. All we need is efficient solar panels and we\'re good to go. And one thing, there is a huge application of this, why don\'t you guess."

"Removing hunger from earth?" Adam asked.

"Making Britain biggest food producer?" Bobby added.

With a frustrated sigh, he shook his head, then nodded, "Wrong, but you two are also right. Yes, hunger will be removed and we will become the largest food producer. But, something even better. Dad, Bobby, with this, we can finally colonise the Moon and Mars. Just imagine."




"DAMN! THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING!" Bobby exclaimed excitedly.

Magnus chuckled, "Yup, man, with the help of wizards, humanity can colonise the entire solar system in one single generation. Do you need water in an emergency? You can have it with a single spell. You want to travel instantaneously between locations, Wizards can do it. I actually wonder how far can portkey go. Can we go to the moon with it? If we can, FutureTek can become the first private company to establish a moon base. Once there is one base, the rest will come in a fast flow."

"Then... it becomes more important that we invest in space tech. We gotta send people into space by the end of this decade. Then to the moon." Bobby planned.

"And I will be on that mission to the moon. I will be the strongest wizard by then, and I have the most magic, so it\'s better that I test the limits of portkey. And it will be pretty cool for the people to see their awesome King go to the moon. My name will be in history then, the first British monarch on the moon. Wait, why just moon, I shall become the first man to step foot on Mars." Magnus proudly thought. He could already see the image of himself putting the flag of his country as well as the planet on Mars.

Bobby also dreamily thought, "Hmm... make it two then, brother. I\'m not leaving you to enjoy the view alone."

Adam laughed suddenly, "HAHA... if I was sitting with normal kids or if someone else was listening to you he\'d just laugh, thinking these are dreams of kids. But... I know terrifyingly well you two are going to do it."

"Of course, I promised Ragnar that I will take him to Mars so he can find more potion ingredients. Though I don\'t even know if magic will work outside earth." Magnus fell into deep thinking. It was a big question to ponder.

If he is able to use magic outside Earth, that would end the debate of whether magic is due to our body or the air around us.

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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