Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 439 - 439. One Step Ahead

Chapter 439 – 439. One Step Ahead


"Haha, I remember that time in the meeting room, your Prime Minister nearly peed his pants. Man, I am happy for your small nation. People are happy, got more money in their pockets, you gave up absolute monarchy and democracy is thriving." Magnus was having dinner with the Bhutanese King.

He was on a visit to Asia to focus on India and Pakistan. The plan he initiated a few years ago was fruitful. The dictator was removed from Pakistan and democracy was once again put in place, this time with many more elected people who were loyal to him. But the major problem with this nation was that its military had too much power. Hence, dozens of officers were found dead, new laws were issued to truly make the military a servant of democracy. In a few years, the Prime Minister will be Magnus\' guy, a member of the Order of Merlin who was a top graduate in economics from Oxford.

On the other hand, in India, he was able to force the population to stop rambling about religion and caste and instead ask the ruling government for jobs, healthcare, education and the economy.

Of course, the current political parties panicked as this never happened before. They doubled down on pandering to religion, but this only got them less popular. Magnus\' entire secret plot was based on revealing all the corrupt elements of society. Hence, a lot of audio recordings and videos were coming to light.

Previously, the biggest problem in the country was that there was only one television channel, and that was controlled by the government. Hence, in the past few years, Magnus set up third party factories in India to mass manufacture televisions at cheap and sell them at razor-thin margins. The scheme was so successful that by 1980, out of every 7 households, 4 had a television.

Next was to force the government into allowing more channels to start their services. The moment this happened, dozens of companies started entering this business, many of them were Magnus\'. Spreading truth about corruption became much easier after that.

Slowly, he was replacing current people in power with his own, soon, new elections will be held and the Prime Minister was going to be his guy. With both nations under control, all hostilities will be stopped, friendship will be promoted. Once that happens, he will have a billion people to man his manufacturing units. Like a well-oiled machine, the world will get rich, or at least the part under Magnus\' influence.

After these two nations, there was China. The country was angry at Magnus and the UK. Why wouldn\'t they be, he just took away their lapdog, North Korea. So, it was not the right time to enter there.

Magnus returned home after a long week of hard work. Seeing Emma in his bedroom writing something in a diary, he simply hugged her from behind, "What is my tigress writing?"

"Just some important things to do. Since the broom you tested was a success, I was wondering what are its limits. The broom speed is limited when on Earth because it can be dangerous, but in space, I think I can go crazy with it. Oh, one more thing. I got something for you," She quickly got up, excitedly walking to the cupboard and taking out a box from the locker.

She put it in front of him and revealed a shiny golden needle that was pointy from both ends. It was about 7 inches long and 0.5 centimetres in width at the centre. There was nothing special about it.

Emma lifted it with care, "Behold, my greatest and most deadly creation. A flying needle that you can control with your mind. The stronger you are, the deadlier it will be."

He was excited, "This… with this I don\'t even have to cast a spell, I can kill people from miles away. This is beautiful. How do I control it, tell me!"

"Well well, before that, where is my appreciation kiss?" She cheekily hid the needle away.

Magnus giggled and pecked her, "Okay, you will get the rest at night."

"Fair enough. Hold this needle and read the runes on it. Use Legilimency and try to enter it. Sev helped me a lot with this part." She instructed.

Magnus was soon able to imprint his magic on the needle. He willed it to hover in the air, it did. He willed it to make a hole in the window, it did. "Let\'s go out and check its speed."

Excitedly, they went to the lawn in the backside. There was a tree in the distance. "Let\'s see."


The needle zoomed past, making a humming voice as it cut through the air. They didn\'t even hear the sound of it making a hole in the tree, that\'s how smooth it was. Its speed was more than a human eye could see, only because Magnus was controlling it could he know where it was.

"Tell me, can someone else imprint on it after I have done it?" He asked her.

"No, unless you remove your imprint over it, nobody can control it without destroying it. Hehe, aren\'t I the best?" She stood with her hands on the waist.

"You are the best, that\'s why you\'re my girl. I think I will get to use it soon enough. Let\'s go, it\'s time to tell you how much of a good girl you are." he grabbed her waist, lifted her over his shoulder and walked back into the Palace.

"AAA… put me down, people will see us," She wriggled like a fish out of water.


He slapped on her back, "Shh… I will just obliviate them."

Voldemort was short of only one thing for his eventual return to power. He needed to get all his followers out of Azkaban. He was even more excited about his soon to start campaign because Magnus had gone overboard and jailed so many Dark Wizards that even if they had no allegiance to him they would now flock to him.

He gathered all his remaining men, the army of 100 was only 30 now, with the number of Death Eaters in single digit. They all wore their masks, long black robes and prepared to start the siege of Azkaban.

"My followers, you have been here, faithful in me. Today, we get your fellow wizards back, then we shall kill that muggle king. This time, we go with an overwhelming attack, one they can never anticipate. Do not be afraid. For even the Dementors fear me, what\'s a mere child? Let\'s commence the siege, GO!"

All of them apparated away. Soon to appear riding brooms over the sea, headed straight towards the prison that was considered the most secure in the world. Dementors were always on alert there and had started to rush to them.

Voldemort was flying on his own, leaving a black smoke trail behind himself. With him was Lucius, flying in a similar fashion. He was the heir of Voldemort after all and learnt many great things from the Dark Lord.

Soon, the prison island came into view. Voldemort took the lead this time and sent a barrage of spells that damaged the tower-like building. The real prison was underground, expanding farther than one could imagine.

"Find them and set them free," he commanded.

There was mayhem as soon as the Death Eaters and Voldemort\'s army entered the building structure. However, what surprised them was that they received no pushback. There were no guards at all.

The Dementors did try to kill them, but Voldemort had ways to keep them away even without casting a Patronus charm. He laughed madly and walked in, trying to find the likes of Avery, one of his most trusted followers.

He reached the gate to the internal chambers of the prison that housed the most dangerous criminals. *BANG* He blasted the gates.

"Rahah ha… my faithful, it\'s time to regain the lost glory and…"

His arms that were risen fell abruptly, as did his face. eyes filled with confusion, he rushed in, "No no… Avery, wake up…"


No matter which one he tried to touch, all bodies were cold as ice. Just then his followers arrive near him, "My lord… everyone\'s dead."

Lucius gloomed, "Lord Voldemort, I found this message."

Voldemort read it and read in mind, "Oops… my bad, was I not supposed to kill them? Haha… Eat shit, you bald halfblood filth,"

*Crunch* He pressed the paper in his palm strongly, burning it later. He silently looked left and right, the entire prison was lifeless, the Dementors were not even attacking them anymore, as if laughing at their foolishness. All his hopes and dreams were shattering. The prophecy was also going to arrive soon. All that could go wrong had gone wrong. ~H-how is he always one step ahead? Is there… a traitor?~

"My lord, I just received words from the Albania base, a thousand wizards have attacked and taken all our collective wealth and resources. Everything\'s gone." Bellatrix informed, her face also going pale.

"I WILL KILL HIM!… REEEEE" looking at the sky, he screamed at the top of his slimy lungs, what else could he do.

But what he didn\'t know was that this failure was the last straw for many of his followers, including his most beloved one.

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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