Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 480 - 480. United Arab World

Chapter 480 – 480. United Arab World

[A/N: I am not an expert in history or religion, so forgive me if there are any mistakes in this chapter. Magnus\'s main goal is to make religion more spiritual than something physical, that\'s what I am writing about. I know many deeper and more complex things go around in the background, but we don\'t have time to talk about that.]

Killing terrorists for someone as powerful as Magnus was a piece of cake. The best thing about terrorists was that they rarely got the support of any wizard because they had nothing to offer.

Managing the world, a new thing arose. The Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher arrived at the Palace to meet him, it was to talk about something highly important, she said.

"Your Majesty," she greeted him.

"Take a seat, Prime Minister. What brought you here today?" He called for two cups of tea.

"Sir, we have received multiple requests from the Chinese administration about the handover of Hong Kong back to the mainland. We have tried to ignore them and reject their proposals but they seem to have started to panic and threaten they will just lay siege to it." She briefed him about the situation in the East.

"Hmm, the lease agreement ends in 97, right? Well, give them my one and final offer. Hong Kong can join Mainland China, it will not be called British territory anymore, but it will remain a free market and will be administered by the crown. It will hold no major elections and will be a Special Economic Zone, a capitalistic port for East Asia to make money from.

"Then, in 2047, the crown will completely give away control to China. They can do whatever they want. Of course, Chinese nationals can enter the region freely and work there until then. So can British nationals." Magnus wrote down everything on paper.

"They will likely not accept this, sir," Thatcher said.

Magnus scoffed, "Who is telling you to give this to them? First, try to stall them, make them frustrated, then start throwing small pieces, after they start to become desperate, then propose this option. From what I understand, they want Hong Kong not because they care about the place, rather it\'s so their government can pat their backs and tell the people that \'Look, we united China, now only Taiwan is left.\' So, don\'t worry."

"What will happen after 2047? If we do this, won\'t they target Taiwan next?" She asked him.

Magnus smiled silently, ~There won\'t be any countries or borders in a few decades, what Hong Kong, what Taiwan? All are the same in my eyes, just a piece of land on the blue planet, stranded in the deep dark space, acting as a ball of a magnet.~

"Don\'t worry about that, I have all that in mind. You can get them to sign an agreement for the terms I gave. With Hong Kong remaining a prospering region, we can develop the entire China and South-East Asia, uplifting hundreds of millions out of poverty." He assured her.

Yes, he wanted to develop China too. He knew that the land had immense potential to rival any other nation in the world. They had huge raw material resources and a big population. The only problem was the government, it didn\'t have its eyes set straight yet. [A/N: It\'s the 80s, Magnus does not know about future China so he is estimating the growth of China from the current scenario. Remember, the World Trade Organisation was not established yet.]

Thatcher gathered her documents and left soon after. Next was the meeting between the leaders of Israel and Palestine. This was going to be a tough nut to crack for Magnus but he had to. The region had already been stabilised, for the most part, only this conflict was remaining.

5 days later,

Magnus welcomed the Prime Minister of Israel, Chaim Herzog and Yasser Arafat, the Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organisation. He brought them to the big meeting hall in the Palace and first shared initial small talk.

"I wish that during this negotiation you don\'t let anybody other than the three of us be present. Not even your assistants. Today, I can guarantee that you will go home happy with a good deal in hand. I speak most languages from around the world, so don\'t worry about a translation." He requested them.

They had nothing to fear as the world knew Magnus was meeting them. If anything happened to them then that would bring much shame to the UK. So they accepted this request, and in the end, the decision rested in their hands anyway.

Magnus started with letting them make their demands and offers be known to one another. Soon enough, the Prime Minister of Israel, Chaim Herzog, gave his offer. The first main part of the deal was territory, that if a new nation of Palestine was to be made, how much land would it have.

[A/N: Those who don\'t know about this conflict. Just know that it\'s mainly about land and religion, both sides won\'t tolerate giving away their power or living in peace together. Not to mention, the Arab world stood by Palestine while Israel had America and other western nations, this basically made the two pawns of greater powers. In the real world, both sides need to make compromises and both don\'t agree to this. However, now the situation is so bad it can never be resolved as Gaza Strip and West Bank are now controlled by two different Palestinian groups, each claiming they are the legitimate side.

To make it better for you to understand, imagine that Canada took over the USA. Then the Americans got divided into two factions, one holding in Texas and one in New York, both saying they should be the ones to represent the USA in negotiations for getting the land back from Canada. But Canada is confused about whom to take seriously now.]

Israel offered to form a Palestinian state initially on 73% of the West Bank and 100% of the Gaza Strip. In 10–25 years, the Palestinian state would expand to a maximum of 92% of the West Bank. The reason it could not be 100 per cent was that a lot of Israeli communities had major settlements in the West Bank. It was impossible to move all of them. The smaller ones will be shifted though. In return, Israel was ready to give the remaining land in the form of another uninhabited part of Israel, so this meant, in the end, Palestine was getting 100 per cent of the land back, just not all of the West Bank.

The next topic was refugees and the right of return. Israel didn\'t make many compromises here. Magnus had to interfere here to make them agree, "It\'s understandable. No nation wants its own demographics to suddenly change. It\'s like asking Saudi Arabia to allow millions of Christians to enter and then hold public offices. Don\'t worry, I will invest enough money in Palestine that it will become a high-income nation in no time."

Next and the final topic was Jerusalem, a place that has seen more blood than prayers. It\'s a holy place for all three Abrahamic religions. Hence, Magnus accepted Israel\'s proposal. "I agree, the United Nations will maintain Jerusalem, allowing all tourists and devotees to enter safely. It is better that it goes to no nation as that\'s what caused so many wars in the past."

But at this point, Yasser Arafat, the Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organisation, had a problem. He was already on board the plan as the world and he too respected Magnus for truly investing in the region, he is known to keep his promises.

"Even if I agree to the other two points, I don\'t know about Jerusalem. I agree it should be under an international body and not a nation, but the Arab world will not agree. Palestine is connected and supported by them, I can not make a decision that will upset them." He said.

It was an understandable concern. Magnus sighed and clapped his hands, "Let them In,"

Both leaders were alerted by Magnus\' sudden call. They looked at the door as it opened. But soon enough, both had their jaws dropping to the floor.

First entered King Faisal of Saudi Arabia with the President of the United States, Harrison Ford. Then entered the new leaders of Iraq and Iran, both walking side by side. Then came the Prime Ministers of Pakistan, Bangladesh and India, all walking together. Followed by Indonesia, Egypt and Jordan. Lebanon, Bahrain, Azerbaijan, Yemen, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Qatar, Syria, Turkey, and the UAE. Their leaders also entered.

Then finally entered a man that was very famous these days, the man Magnus had helped stand up and take the lead as the true leader and teacher of the faith. A true promoter of peace and equality. Haitham Khaalid al-Muhammad al-Aziz.

The room in an instant became crowded, voices of all of them joking and laughing were clear. All of them were either true followers of Magnus on their own or were appointed by Magnus himself. Be it a Shia or Sunni, they were talking with smiles on their faces. This was a sight to behold, the world would go crazy if this photo was released to the public, and it will soon happen.

Magnus got their attention, "My friends, tell me, do you have any problem with Palestine and Israel letting Jerusalem be an international zone under the United Nations?"

Harrison Ford spoke first, "I have no problem. In fact, I just passed a new bill in Congress to develop infrastructure in the under-developed Arab nations and also fund 300 million dollars for the beautification of the whole Jerusalem."

King Faisal barked, "Huh, let me give some money too, Ford. You are not even religious, you\'re a wizard,"

"I did take the oath of the President with my hand on the bible," Harrison Ford replied.

King Faisal scoffed, "As slimy as always. I offer 4 Billion for the development of the region. Magnus, it seems Emrys Construction will be making big bucks soon."

Magnus chuckled, "Don\'t worry, in the end, you all will profit from the development."

Just like that, all nations pitched in money to develop the entire Middle East. By the end, a total of 69 Billion dollars had been pledged. Magnus looked back at the leaders of Israel and Palestine who had gone silent this whole time.

"See, I don\'t think there should be any problem with you signing this deal now,"

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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