Doomsday Pillars

Chapter 160 - Star Base

Today the star base is like a majestic fort. Surrounded by a four meter high concrete auxiliary wall, 13 kilometers around in rectangular shape. All of four gates are full of guards and machine guns. On the outside of the wall, along the east to the north adjoins the river Tukad, thousands of farmers were spoted busy picking potatoes. The 100 hectare agricultural crop which had been cultivated for more than three months had finally shown its results. Potatoes and yams, the perfect plants for facing the end of time. As far as the eye could see there were dozens of three-floored watchtower surrounding the headquarters.

As soon as Alex entered the main gate of the headquarters, Alex was quite surprised. The headquarters with a total of 115 hectares had become a city with a soul. There was almost no empty field left. The thousand hangars project for the residence has completely done and fully occupied within three months. One hangar could accommodate five hundred people. It means that there were five hundred thousand people lived in this entire headquarters area...

Still inside the jeep, Alex went through a lot of people. At this hour, the farmers and the construction workers and also the soldiers should be outside the headquarters. Seeing the current conditions of the city, it seemed like there were still many unemployed people in this city.

Alex passed by the most crowded place. Devita explained that this place was a market area. There were about 10 market locations spread throughout this 100 hectares area. This market was located in an open area and side by side to a giant storage hangar. In this place, people were allowed to exchange their meal vouchers for all types of equipment; mutated meat food, weapons, clothing and daily supplies such as soap and others. This market also accepted payment with spirit stone as a currency.

Alex noticed that the large hangar, which was an iron factory, a botanical garden hangar that housed hydroponic plants, and also a medical and research center, was twice bigger than before. Alex couldn\'t wait to see the details of its progress.

Finally Alex headed to the location of the meeting, a large hangar downtown which was the command center of the Star Army. There were already dozens of people gathered. They all were familiar people. Alex sat in the empty chair at the forefront of the table, Devita sat in the opposite chair while Aria stood behind Alex.

The seven leaders of the Star headquarters division that Alex had assigned before leaving were all there in attendance in this room:

Supplies and Equipment Division: Devita

Agriculture Division: Jane

Development Division: Tony

Health and Research Division: Rachel

Educational Division : Agung

Security Division: Major Sandi

Administrative Division: Cahaya

As for who was also invited to this meeting were:

James Randall, Winter, Colonel Arief, Rama, Donny, Dario and Farell.

Cahaya who was an experienced governor before was a suitable person to come for Benny who went on an expedition to East Indonesia with Commander Karra and the others.

(Benny was the assistant regent of the bay city who was asked to help Alex to buy a land in Bali before the end of time.)

"Well, let\'s start with the administration data of this island first," Alex said

Cahaya had came well-prepared.

"In this situation, the residents of Bali island have gathered at five different locations"

Star Headquarters - Main Base

Size: 115 hectares

Population: 553,312

Military personnel: 209,000

Civilians: 344,312

Antiga City - Military Base 

Size: 45 hectares

Population: 55,572

Military personnel: 50,000

Civilians: 5,572

Bay City - Naval Base 

Size: 55 hectares

Population: 15,755

Military personnel: 10,000

Civilians 5,755

Gilimanuk Post - (West Post)

Area on the west side of Bali island which is attached to the Java island.

Size: 311 hectares

Population: 7,326

Military personnel: 5,000

Civilians: 12,326

Pos Denpasar - (Central Post)

Area on the north of Denpasar. The capital of Bali

Size: 171 hectares

Population: 7,211

Military personnel: 5000

Civilians: 2,211.

Total population on the Bali island: 639,176 inhabitants.

Military personnel: 289,000

Civilians: 350,176

Alex examined the data. It apparently explained that the total population of these four locations was even more than the total population in the city of New Java. This population explosion occurred due to population migration from Surabaya and Madura that reached more than 300,000 people. According to the report given by Cahaya also showed the number of population based on age, gender, previous occupation and current occupation. This data was useful as benchmark in making decisions related to development regulation of this headquarters.

As he notice how full the population at this main Headquarters, Alex was very happy but it made him worried at the same time. This base was currently overcrowded. Alex expected that as the migration coming from the east they needed even more housing for them to live. Bali island initially had a population of more than 4 million people. If we didn\'t count the number of migrants from Surabaya and Madura, at this time Alex was able to accommodate 10 percent of this island\'s population. Comparing to his previous life, this was way much better.

"Cahaya, how do you see about this condition?"

"People who came from Surabaya and Madura within this month have been able to adapt to the local population here. The current conditions are much better than back in Madura island. Even though this base is overcrowded, I am quite optimistic that they can contribute immediately. "

"Alright ... we will have a lot of additional expansion in the next few weeks so we need help as much as possible. It is also important to think that unemployment would only rock the boat. Even though it is only a simple activity, make sure all residents can contribute. "

Alex then gave a piece of paper to Cahaya, there were dozens of names of people written in that paper.

"Do me a favor to find out if there are people with these names among the list of residents gathered."

Cahaya didn\'t probe any further and casually followed Alex\'s order. This list of the names was the people Alex familiar with in his previous life. Alex had expectations to find them among these more than 600,000 residents.

Next Alex turned to Major Sandi.

"There are almost 300,000 fighters, almost 50 percent of the population are fighters, this is a very large number, can you please give some explanation, Major?"

Major Sandi, a middle-aged man, a former head of the Bali special forces, gave his report:

Total personnel: 289.000

Elite troops: 6,000

1st Division soldier: 65,000

2nd Division soldier: 50,000 troops

Cadet: 70,000

Militia forces: 98,000

Elite troops were those who were chosen from the best. The martial arts experts, members of military special forces, and the veteran soldiers. All the members had already reached the peak stage of mortal realm.

As explaining about the next category, Major Sandi reported that the 10-day basic training, that was made at the start of the end of the period, was added to the 30-day additional advance training. Beside adding and sharpening self-defense training, this training also trained some techniques to fight back the provications of the zombies and the mutant monsters. And also for survival training to face the end-time world.

The 1st division was the group of those who had successfully passed the initial training and advance training. They also had been in battle for more than one month. On average, 1 st division troops had reached the high mortal realm stage.

Whereas 2nd division troops are those who had completed initial training but even though they had conducted patrols and some kind of it, they had not yet completed the additional training. Many of them were also fighters from Surabaya and Madura who joined the group not long before. Even though they had also reached a high level of mortal realm, these 2nd division troops did not yet have sufficient cohesiveness.

Cadets are those who were still in training as fighters. At the moment, they were still under the supervision of Major Sandi and some selected trainers, such as Mahaguru Indra, the master of Pencak Silat.

The last but not least was the militia forces. They were a group of those who failed the initial training. Many of them were waiting to run through the initial training again. But they were currently assigned as the city guards as well as protective forces for the equipment hunting forces for the time being.

"So, even though there are nearly 300,000 troops registered, half of them are still under some training and need some more time for additional training before they are ready to fight. and the main obstacle right now is that we\'re out of trainers. Currently , Mahaguru Indra and I have more than 500 trainers, but that is not enough. Many are good at fighting but it\'s just few of them have the talent to teach"

Alex got the point. Ten days of initial training and 30 additional days were nothing compared to other military training. Ranger training in America took 61 days. While special forces required up to 1.5 years. Alex\'s consideration of 30 days of training was more than enough, not to train physical and technical skills, but rather to form any sense of teamwork and unity. Ideology and unity was something that was very crucial in the early formation of a military. The rest, as for technical skill, Alex will relied on the upcoming pillars that would come in less than 1 month.

But Alex currently couldn\'t wait for the all 300,000 people to be ready to fight. Last night situation with the emergence of the stage three zombies in the yellow zone seemed like that the zombies provocation in the city of Bali is threatening increasingly  way more dangerous.

"Major Sandi, I need you to gather all the elite troops and also all of the 1st division soldier  tomorrow morning"

"Yes, Sir!"

"And also call the Wolf squad special forces back to Bali"

(Wolf forces was special forces led by Jerry)

Alex also gave special assignments to Aria and Rama

Half a day had passed in a blink of eye as they had some review and discussion about these two divisions, and Alex suddenly frowned deeply as he glanced at a pile of reports prepared by the other divisions.

"Ok, for the next division, I want to see with my own eyes about its progress on the field. Today you all will accompany me around. "

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