Doomsday Pillars

Chapter 173 - Terror

Tratattatatata Tratatatatatta

"Retreat !! Back off !! "

It could be seen that Major Sandi and dozens of elite troops were fighting against endless hundreds of zombies. Currently they were retreating gradually but they had already passed the setback time too long. All of the regiment\'s elite platoon troops had succeeded in retreating to the second line, dozens of troops around this area were the last troops who had not managed to get out yet. They looked so overwhelmed by the hundreds of zombies that increasingly surrounded them ...

"Look on the roof !! On the roof !! "Shoot! Shoot! "

Tratatattatat Tratatattatat

The major looked very pale at the time. Not only in his chest did the marks of the attack appeared quite deep, but because the major was very worried about their current condition. Dozens of red zombies had gathered at the top of the multi-story building around this platoon. It\'s not just their numbers were growing but they all did not attack right away .... It seemed like they were waiting for something ...

"Retreat immediately !! ... Retreat !!"

As they slowly retreated, another unit ran onto them from behind ...

"Report, Major! Our retreat path is closed ... Hundreds of zombies are behind us."


This was the biggest threat using the strategy. In all 7 regimens, 7,000 elite troops carried out a concurrent attack forming a single line. Tens of thousands of zombies simultaneously attacked back ... And if there was one regimen left behind and broke out of the line, then the regiment would be surrounded from all directions. Sandi could only blame himself for being injured and made the whole platoon were forced to await him.

Major Sandi was currently unable to think with ease ... he had to choose to force himself to break out or looked for a place of defense and waited for some help ... He thought for a while but he finally saw that dozens of his members were injured then he decided to take the second option.

"Immediately call for back ups ..."

"Yes, Sir!!"

Every second that passed, he felt increasingly uncomfortable. Until this moment, none of the ed zombies join the attack. Only the first-stage zombies kept coming in... And their numbers were increasing ... The entire street around them had become a sea of ​​zombies.

Suddenly he heard a noise from one other side ...

Tratatatatat Tratatattat!!!

"Another unit is coming!!"


"Which unit has a nerve to come approaching us the beleaguered one?"

Major Sandi saw just a small unit approach, but for him every each of the additional force will be helpful... he saw a soldier walking in the front ... A very fat man holding a large shield and a club. He ran and kept crashing back into the zombies that blocked him .. There were 8 people running following this fat soldier .. Among them were 3 women and a child ..

If other regimens saw this group, they would be amazed but not for this platoon. Over the past few days this small unit had been quite well known. They were a newly formed spirit enhancer army.

Two people rushed over to Sandi ... Theo, who was one of the closest people to Alex and a young woman who the Major did not really remember the name… its.. Daisy. This young girl was a spirit enhancer who was famous for being able to detect monsters ... At the moment Daisy\'s power would be very useful. But when these two people arrived right in front of Sandi, he realized their expressions were no better than him.

"What\'s wrong?" Sandi immediately asked

"Major, I detected a very strong zombie nearby, and it\'s coming this way. We got to leave this place immediately!!"

"Type three zombie?"

"Yes major ... I ... I ... detected there are more than one ... there are two monsters less than a kilometer nearby"

Hearing the information about two black zombies approaching them, Sandi called in special reinforcements right away .. Hopefully they could arrive on time .. But realizing that they were trapped between a sea of ​​zombies, it seemed that reinforcements would not come anytime soon ..

He could not say anything ... two black zombies .. If he did not face this threat appropriately, there would be many more victims down from this platoon. Sandi finally decided not to wait any longer and broke through the zombie siege ... Sandi summoned several squad leaders and immediately opened a map.

"Which point is the black zombie be?"

"One is here ... The other one is over here ... They will be here in less than 5 minutes ..."

"Troops, go move up the wounded immediately!! We will break through the zombies crowd ... "


Sandi chose to try his luck against thousands of type one zombies rather than waiting in place to await the arrival of type three zombies. They took the path away from the two monster.

There are around 90 people currently in the platoon led by Sandi. However, only 60 more troops could run focus on killing zombies and opening the path .. Other forces were injured or helped bring injured colleagues.

Tratatattaat Tratatatatt Kaboommm !!

Machine guns never stopped firing and grenade explosions filled the area they were about to pass. The elite forces led by Sandi could not be compared to the Death Squad troops, but at least the most of them were soldiers or police before the Doomsday came. They could follow directions swiftly and were not daunted by the siege of thousands of zombies.

Unfortunately, there were too many zombies in front of them .. Not to mention the red zombies who were still jumping up and down right and left of the buildings they passed ..

In this condition, the spirit enhancer unit led by Theo looked very prominent. Raufgar, who held a large shield, opened the front path. Although he looked panicked, this big man was very reliable. Giant shields and clubs were suitable weapons for those who were not accustomed to violence. Oscar and Oliver accompanied Raufgar on his right and left. The twins had fought several battles with Alex so they were very confident being in the front row. Both machetes and the speed of their movements made each of their attacks very deadly. In the back row stood Ark and Dinda both using long range attacks. Ark was with a machine gun and Dinda was with a giant iron arrow. Theo, Daisy, and Tommy were in the middle area with short range weapons while Cindy was right in the middle of this group who always looked excited with her whip attack.

This unit was very different from when they were formed 5 days ago. Especially in the last 2 days they had participated in 5 big battles. Their cooperation and fighting abilities have increased greatly. In every second, dozens of zombies fell down facing the unit.

But in the last 5 minutes, all of these troops could only go 200 meters far. And suddenly Daisy screamed ...


Major Sandi approached Daisy immediately. "What\'s the matter? Are we misdirected? "

"Major ... There\'s another level three zombie in front of us ... We\'re besieged ..."


"Is there another way? ..."

Daisy concentrated hard, using all her abilities and trying to penetrate the range of 1 kilometer. The two black monsters behind them were only less than 500 meters, and within the radius of 1 kilometer was only thousands of zombies. Reinforcements would not arrive on time ..

"I\'m sorry, Major, I have no idea ..."

The conditions became very dangerous for these troops. The momentum of their current attack was lost when they stopped .. Sandi saw each second pass more soldiers drop death or heavily injured... Even at this moment, there were already two zombies jumping on Raufgar\'s back and biting him ..

"Go!!! Help!!"

Cindy\'s whip pulled one of the zombies and what was left was pulled by Tommy\'s shadow creature.

Major Sandi increasingly blamed himself for allowing this to happen to this platoon. But as a leader, he must not give up .. He looked around, calculated and made a decision.

"Everyone, follow me!!"

Major Sandi chose a small school building right on the edge of the highway. The three-story building was filled with classroom with front balconies that surround its 3 sides.

"Everyone, we will stay here! 10 minutes I am sure that if we can survive for even 10 minutes, the help will come right away."

"YES, SIR!!"

The major immediately gave orders, all of them who got injured were brought up to the third floor of this school building. Those who were still conscious, were given firearms and took positions around the balcony of the 3rd floor. The remaining 50 people were divided for guarding 3 sides with melee weapons.

The 2 meter high wall surrounding the school building was not high enough to block thousands of zombies who were very aggressive. There were so many zombies that amassed in front of the wall and finally hundreds of zombies began to overflow up the wall ..

"Major, we cannot survive more than 5 minute under this condition!!"

"Major ... our ammo… we don\'t have much left!"

Not long after that, the first black zombie finally appeared before their eyes .. Many of them were seeing these giant monsters for the first time. The monster was getting closer. Every step of the giant monster shakes the wall of the school building,and also the soldier\'s heart... A terror began to engulf them all.

Thud !! Thud! Thud !!


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