Doomsday Pillars

Chapter 181 - Final Evolution

The multiple cannons from the tanks really make a lot of smoke, but Alex startled to see the golden rays piercing from the smoke of the ruined building. 

Nathanael, as a veteran delta force fighter, wouldn\'t want the opportunity wasted. He couldn\'t let this monster recover or run away. He believed that the monster must be either dead or at least in a critical condition. He immediately ran towards Arief and retrieved his artifact axe. He then quickly moved toward the monster and wielded the axe, splitting the smoke in half. But when Nathanael was about to swing the axe again, two red eyes appeared from the smoke staring blankly at him. 



Something quickly grabbed Nathanael\'s face. Even though Natahael was the fastest among them, he was unable to see nor avoid it at all. A sturdy golden-skinned hand grabbed his neck and locked him in place.


"Huufff huffff"

Nathanael gasped for breath as he used his axe to strike the burly hand.

Clank Clank!

The slash did nothing as it bounced back as if the axe in Nathanael\'s hand hit solid steel. Nathanael wriggled in pain when the monster began to harden its grip. 


Alex froze in disbelief while watching the figure emerged from the smoke. A gold-skinned zombie with a height of almost three meters. The strongest zombie. The perfect zombie evolution.

This time, Alex was convinced that there\'s something special that brought this zombie here.  This stage of zombie shouldn\'t even exist yet! Moreover, this zombie was something even he couldn\'t defeat even in his best condition in his previous life.

Alex finally woke up from his disbelief as he heard Nathanael screaming in pain but a moment later...


Nathanael\'s neck broke as his head flew up several meters and his body dropped, becoming separate from each other.


"Kekekekekeke..." The golden zombie resumed laughing while it licked its bloody fingers.

Everyone took a step back as the hands of terror gripped their hearts. They just witnessed this horrifying monster kill one of the strongest men as if it just patted a mosquito to death.

Alex immediately shouted, "EVERYONE, RUN RIGHT NOW!!!"

Everything was beyond Alex could have ever imagined. The only thing he could do right now was to reduce the number of casualties. Alex immediately summoned the rocket launcher from his storage ring and even though he knew this rocket wouldn\'t be able to hurt the monster, the rocket should be able to buy the others time to run away.

But before Alex could shoot it and all the people in that place even had time to move. Golden rays shot out from its body exhibiting a tremendous amount of energy causing the ground to tremor for several kilometers. The monster sucked in the air deeply with its mouth and exhaled a barrage of fireballs toward the three tiger tanks.


One of the fireballs flew near James. Since James had a defect in his legs from the start, even with the consumption of spirit stones, he could never run as fast as the other fighters.

"JAMMEESS!!!" Alex shouted.


All three tanks exploded and shattered into pieces. Since James was standing near the tiger tanks, the explosions blew him several meters. . 

James did not think he could survive the explosion. But as he groaned in pain and slowly opened his eyes. He saw the reason why he is still alive. In front of him lay the figure of a man with a destroyed body. Some parts of this man\'s body were gone. It was Winter, the spirit enhancer with an extremely hard body had been blown into pieces.  A great spirit enhancer and bodyguard died protecting him.

"ARRGGHHH!" Alex shouted loudly while firing a rocket at the monster.



But Alex knew that his efforts were just that, the monster avoided the rockets easily and ran toward the group of fighters who were trying to escape with the mutated bears.

"Golem, stop that creature!!!"

The golem quickly obstructed and tackled the monster into one of the buildings


The golem then picked up a vehicle next to it and slammed it at the monster repeatedly.


All of the fighters immediately prepared to run away. Daisy, Tommy, Cindy, Oscar and Oliver boarded the five mutated bears along with the martial arts masters.

"Go, go!" Jerry shouted.

But in less than a few seconds, the golden zombie counterattacked. It got up, smashed the golem down.. grabbed the golem\'s feet and easily ripped it apart.


The monster then turned toward the running fighters. 

Jerry noticed this and knew what he had to do. He glanced at the big man next to him. "Sergei!"

Sergei and Jerry both decided to block the horrifying monster. Sergei didn\'t waste time and enlarged his hands, as well as Jerry who readied his two large blades. They both knew there was nothing they could do to defeat the monster. But if they could hold the monster for a few seconds, maybe the other fighters could escape.

But regardless of their plan, the monster passed through them like a flash of golden light. This monster was dead-set to not let anyone escape and be held down again. The golden monster moved so fast that it immediately appeared in front of the 5 mutated bears.

The monster stood still facing the five mutated bears while smiling.


Looking at the gold monster suddenly standing in front, all the fighters lose hope. A speed ​​that could easily outmatch Nathanael\'s, a long-range fire attack that could destroy tanks, as well as a physical strength that could effortlessly rip apart stone golems. No one could defeat this monster.

Seeing the creature standing in front of them, the five mutated bears immediately stopped. Sitting on top of a black bear, Rama said, "Cindy, the bear will help you escape."

Hearing Rama\'s words, Cindy immediately shouted, "No, I will fight him! I\'ll avenge Theo\'s death!"

Rama replied, "Even a rocket bullet can\'t hurt it. There\'s nothing we can do."

Rama patted the bear\'s neck and the bear understood. Cindy, sitting on top of the black bear, as well as the other four bears that carried the others scattered in five directions.

Rama immediately jumped and focused all of his strength on the tip of his spear. The vanguard of the spear shone brightly as he threw it with all his might.


The spear flew toward the monster\'s forehead, but the monster easily grabbed it mid-air and swung it against Rama. 


Rama, who had just landed, got his ribs and shoulder broken. But he gritted his teeth against the pain and advanced instead to try and embrace the monster. But it was useless. The monster kicked Rama, sending him away several meters.

All of the people on the bears didn\'t have to look back to know the ill-fate Rama had faced.

Alex couldn\'t think of any solutions. Will all of the greatest fighters die here? Is this where his second chance ends? Seeing the five bears move away for several meters away was the only thing Alex could say was a fortune.

But then, the golden monster started laughing again.


The monster once again let out a golden glow. And then suddenly, a tremendous amount of pressure pushed down Alex and everyone in the area.  It was as if their bodies were being dragged toward the center of the Earth. Everyone fell to their knees even the mutated bears!

"Impossible! I\'ve never heard of this!" Alex blurted out. He had never seen this kind of ability from this stage five zombie in his previous life.

The laughing golden monster\'s crimson eyes then shone as a pair of horns started growing out of its forehead.


Alex had never seen anything like this in the whole ten years he had struggled after Doomsday. Stage five zombies didn\'t have horns. But next thing this creature did shook Alex to his core. The monster let out a sound. It was unintelligible at first, but it gradually became clearer.




The creature spoke! Alex tried to withstand the pressure and terror filling him... 

"Wha-what are you?"

"Kekekekkekekeke… actttuaalyy… Alex.. I.. Also wonder… whooo are youu?"


Just when Alex thought things couldn\'t get any worse, this monster spoke his name! This monster even recognized him. What kind of a monster is this?


Author Note

over the months I read many people\'s disappointed with the chapters, but please read it till the end of the volume which is only a few more chapters before deciding to drop the novel.

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