The Spider Queen

Chapter 503: Sophie’s Plan Begins

Chapter 503: Sophie’s Plan Begins

(Hydra Star System- Planet Eleron)

(Training Field No.12- Special Arena)

Sophie reached into her storage bag and pulled out a small glass-like container with a thin film cover stretched over the entrance.

She lifted the container up with practised motions and bit down hard on the film. The venom inside her glands traveled along hollow tubes and exited her fangs.

Greenish liquid began to fill up the container and Sophie kept going until she could not produce any more venom.

The hybrid girl lifted up the container to admire her work for a brief moment before turning her attention back to the matter at hand.

“We will attack the worm-like monster in several waves. Remember that safety is our number one priority so no matter what happens… do not move,” Sophie calmly spoke.

“The first wave will involve using the explosive method while the long-range attackers fire at the creature from the distance.”

“Hopefully it will give us some idea of how strong the monster’s natural defenses is so we can adjust the plan if necessary.”

“The second wave is when I will use the poison and will try to activate my poison techniques once my clone has been swallowed by the beast.”

“Does anyone have any questions?”

A couple students asked about more details so Sophie obliged and told them that she would draw the monster out of the ground at a distance that was neither too close nor too far.

Luna was fiddling with a long plasma rifle and adjusting the settings while Blackie growled softly in the direction where the worm-like monster was last seen.

Sophie closed her eyes and concentrated on the qi flowing through her body.

She had already used the Rsychosis technique several times earlier but there was still enough energy in her dantian to last for a few more hours.


Sophie’s figure blurred and then reappeared along with eight mirror copies that were completely identical to the hybrid girl.

“Err… you with the explosive devices… could you pass them over?” one of the mirror copies spoke lazily.

“My name is Lucas…” the boy replied as he pulled out four egg-shaped metalloid devices from his pocket.

“Yeah… I don’t care… just hand them over,” the clone responded nonchalantly with a casual shrug.

Lucas frowned slightly but still walked over to the mirror copy and handed over the devices in his palm.

Each device had a small red light in the middle that was blinking ominously.

There was a hefty weight to the explosives and Sophie’s clone could almost sense the devastating power that was hidden inside.

The mirror copy let out a heavy sigh and distributed the devices to her other sisters who were similarly displeased with this turn of events.

The only comfort that they had was that the original Sophie would receive all their memories and painful sensations after their deaths.

Sophie waited until she saw that the other students had finished taking out their weapons.

This included bows, plasma rifles, needles and a variety of throwing weapons.

“Is everyone ready?” Sophie asked in an even tone.

“Yes!” Luna replied softly as she stroked Blackie’s hindleg.

“I… I’m ready,” the Quafes boy with the tiny combat beast pet hesitantly spoke.

Sophie nodded at her mirror images who shot her a scornful look before activating their movement technique.

Cloud Treading Dragon!

The clones holding the explosive devices vanished from the spot and appeared several hundred meters away.

The leading mirror copy took in a deep breath and then began to jump up and down on the spot with enough force to send the sand flying.

“Come on you bastard! It’s a free meal!” the mirror copy yelled as she began to slam her fist into the ground.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

A massive body began to slither towards the sound and the mirror copy could not react before it was too late.

A gigantic sixty-foot-tall worm-like abomination rose up from beneath the sand and swallowed her and her sisters whole.

This was their chance!

“Activate the bombs and fire off your attacks!” Sophie yelled as she pulled small needles out of her pocket and flung them at the monster.

The needles gleamed under the sunlight and Sophie used her qi to direct them towards the beast’s flesh.

Luna adjusted her sight and fired off several shots from her plasma rifle. She made a series of secret hand gestures and Blackie’s middle head responded.

The hellhound’s three mouths opened wide, and flames began to gather inside their throats.

Blackie aimed at the worm and a series of fireballs flew out of his open maws and slammed into the monster’s body.

They were not the only ones to attack as the other students instantly responded to Sophie’s orders and coordinated their assault.

The girl with the whip-like blade lashed out her weapon and a burst of sword qi left the tip of her sword.

Another Mendolesa boy held up a long bow and let loose a series of arrows so dense that they temporarily blocked out the sky.

Lucas played with a small trigger device in his right hand and waited for a few moments before pressing the raised button.

A muffled boom could be heard from inside the worm as the monster let out a bloodcurdling screech of pain.

The students’ attacks slammed into the worm’s pinkish- red flesh and easily penetrated its soft hide.

The creature’s enormous size made their attacks seem like mere mosquito bites but slowly but surely the wounds on its body were increasing.

Blackie’s fireball attacks in particular were quite effective as they burned on the monster’s body with no signs of stopping.

This was due to the unique flame of the hellhound.

They were quite difficult to put out and were far more deadly than just ordinary fire.

“Good job everyone! Keep it up!” Sophie encouraged them as she dipped her needles into vials of poison.

Poison Art- Needle Storm!

Sophie flung the needles outwards and they split into multiple copies midflight each with an illusory tempest surrounding their metallic bodies.

The needles penetrated the worm-like monster’s fleshy exterior and this time its size no longer mattered.

The toxins on the pointed tip of the needles entered the monster’s system and began to insidiously travel towards its organs.

Sophie’s golden eyes darkened as she allowed a faint crimson mist to begin to spread from the corners of her eyes.

The beast thrashed around on the ground in agony as it temporarily lost control of its senses after experiencing so much pain.

Should she try to take a risk?

No… there was no need… at least not yet.

“Move onto the second round of attacks! Keep up the fire power and concentrate it on the same spot!” Sophie ordered firmly as she gestured towards the most damaged section.

She threw the container full of her enhanced venom at one of the surviving mirror copies who caught it easily.

It was time to finish this.

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