Apocalypse: System of lotteries

Chapter 136 Bumper Crop

Three minutes later, Alan was panting heavily and leaning against a towering coconut tree, watching the big shot continue to cut the psychic stones with the giant crab. He lamented his mistake, realizing that he had bungled everything this time. The two carefully crafted puppets had plunged uncontrollably into the sea, and his hopes of joining forces with the big shot had been utterly shattered.

How could a weakling expect to keep up with such an influential player without dragging him down?

As these thoughts weighed heavily on his mind, Alan decided to leave. He did not wish to be looked down upon by the big shot any further, given his inexperience.

"Big shot; I shall head back now," he said, pulling out a teleportation scroll to activate it.

"Do not be so hasty to depart," said Ming, deftly dodging the crab\'s attack. "I need your help."

"Me?" Alan was taken aback. What could he, a feeble individual, possibly offer?

"All will be revealed in due time," Ming assured him.


Alan put the scroll away and resumed his seat beneath the shade of the tree.

"Incidentally, coconuts are also a vital resource. If I were you, I would gather all the coconuts on the entire island."


Alan was briefly taken aback, but then it dawned on him. Coconuts were a critical resource with no food or drank in the shop. He stood up, knowing what he needed to do. If the big shot desired all the psychic stones on the island, he would gather all the coconuts!

Later, on the small island, the wealthy individuals played with the giant crab and cut the stones, while another slender figure pledged to collect all the coconuts.

Three hours had passed, and Alan was now sitting on the ground, completely drained, while the big shot continued with apparent ease. He felt sorry for the crab.

"This crab has had a difficult life," he thought. "It has been toiling away for hours on end. Surely it must be exhausted by now?"

Two more hours passed, and Alan returned, his body thoroughly worn out. He could no longer pick any more coconuts and had already consumed his last bottle of stamina potion.

He gazed at the big shot, seated atop the crab\'s head, sipping canned peach juice.

"Big shot. Is the crab dead?" Alan asked.

"No, it\'s just tired," replied the big shot.

"..." Alan was speechless.

"Did you pick all the coconuts on the island?" the big shot asked.

"No, there were too many, and I am completely exhausted," Alan admitted.

"No problem," the big shot said reassuringly. "I will take care of the rest."


Alan stood frozen on the spot, amazed at the big shot\'s incredible stamina.

"Wow, you\'re not tired at all," he marveled.

The more powerful people were, the more hardworking they became.

"Now it\'s your turn to help," said Ming, pulling out two potions and tossing them to Alan.

Alan caught them deftly and noticed that one was a stamina potion while the other was a mental clarity potion.

"Big shot...what should I do?" he asked.

"Drink them," Ming instructed.

Alan drank the potions and felt a surge of energy coursing through his body.

"Big shot; how can I assist you?" he asked eagerly.

"I want to bring it back with me," said Ming, patting the exhausted king-level Portunus beneath him. "But I don\'t wish to harm it, or can you tame it and turn it into a puppet  ?"

"Can I do it?" Alan asked hesitantly.

He had only tamed regular zombies before, and this was his first time encountering a king-level Portunus.

"What? Are you unable to do it?" Ming queried.

"No, I can do it!" Alan replied resolutely.

He saw this as an opportunity to prove his worth in the big shot\'s eyes and did not want to pass up the chance to help him.

"Okay, let\'s do it then," Ming said, jumping off the giant crab and beckoning Alan to follow.

"Okay!" Alan agreed, feeling rejuvenated as he prepared to tame the formidable creature.

Alan twisted his neck and approached the king-level Portunus, placing his hand on its head and closing his eyes to establish a mental connection.


Ming stood by with an electric saw, ready to intervene if something went awry.

Three minutes later, Alan opened his eyes and smiled with satisfaction. He had succeeded in taming the creature.

To his surprise, the king-level psychic power of the Portunus was lower than that of the two zombies he had previously tamed.

"Is it done?" Ming asked, eyeing Alan\'s elated expression with some concern.

"Yes, it\'s done," Alan replied, nodding excitedly. "Big shot, watch this." He pointed at the Portunus and commanded, "Stand up!"

But the king-level creature remained motionless, ignoring Alan\'s command.


"Your Da Vinci pokes its head out of your pocket and tells you it cursed at someone, pointing and gesturing towards it. Its exact words were, \'Are you not tired? I\'m freaking exhausted!\' "

"Foodie says that Da Vinci\'s translation is too polite. It meant something more like, \'I\'m damn tired; what\'s the point of standing here...\'"

Ming chuckled, realizing the language between animals was so easy to understand.

Alan coughed awkwardly, turning around to face the big shot. "It might be tired," he said with a sheepish grin.

"Mm," Ming agreed.

Ming nodded in agreement; he was tired after cutting the large piece of psychic stone.

"Let\'s have a meal first, and when the Portunus has recovered, we\'ll have it help us pick coconuts," he suggested, taking out a picnic mat and laying it on the ground.



"Your Da Vinci thinks you\'re a brilliant person. No wonder you\'re so much stronger than that foolish person. Foodie is looking forward to grilling that little crab over the fire... "

"Foodie saw you bring out the fish and instantly felt bored with life... Can\'t you eat something else? You\'re on an island; why are you still eating fish? Foodie saw the look you gave when you handed it over, and it understood. Eating crab in front of a crab seemed cruel, but it didn\'t think the big stupid guy was that smart..."

An hour later, after they had eaten their fill, Ming commanded Alan, who commanded the Portunus, to begin picking coconuts around the island. It took some time for them to figure out the correct commands, but eventually, they collected many coconuts.

Ming checked the time and saw that it was already 7:00 p.m. The randomly generated area map had a 24-hour limit, meaning they would be transported back to their assigned area if they survived for 24 hours. He stood on a high point and surveyed the island. Half of the coconut trees remained unpicked, but they were fortunate that the warehouse allowed for stacking similar items, so they didn\'t need to worry about space.

"When are we going back?" Alan asked.

"After we finish picking all the coconuts," Ming replied.

"But that might not be until tomorrow. Tomorrow is the third day of the third chapter, and there will be a shared boss," Alan pointed out.

"Then we\'ll pick as many coconuts as possible before then," Ming said resolutely.

"Okay," Alan agreed, ready to work hard alongside the Portunus to accomplish their task.

Ming and Alan engaged in casual conversation as they picked coconuts, exchanging a few words here and there. Ming asked if Alan had considered coming center deficit from the Great Rift, but Alan felt it was not possible due to the depth and width of the Rift.

"I heard that when you teleport from a personal random map, you land in a random spot in your zone. I hope I can land near where you are, boss," Alan said wistfully.

"I hope so too, just don\'t land in the Great Crevasse," Ming joked.

As they stood by the seaside at 11 p.m., Ming mentioned a potential business opportunity, and they began using tools to shovel sand. Suddenly, two figures appeared on the beach.

Alan waved and exclaimed, "Don\'t come back!"

But the two zombie puppets charged toward them. Ming intervened and stopped them, reminding Alan that he should cherish his loyal companions.

At 11:40 p.m., they activated their teleport scrolls and disappeared in a white light.

Later on, the rain poured down on the small island, and the wind howled. Two black and white zombies stumbled towards the shore and landed under a coconut tree. As the wind blew, coconuts began to fall...

Ding~ The falling coconuts killed the two zombies, signaling the end of their adventure.

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