Apocalypse: System of lotteries

Chapter 500 "Fire! Turn Him Into A Porcupine!"

The fleet continued to sail. Ming walked to the bow behind the Black-haired Pig Demon sitting cross-legged. The demon inquired, "Boss, what did you do before the apocalypse?"

"That\'s none of your business."

Ming moved forward and sat down nearby, then countered, "I\'ve been curious. When I first entered your territory, you clearly had many powerful skills but didn\'t use them. Instead, you \'easily\' allowed me to connect. Why?"

"Boss, can you refrain from prying into my affairs?"

"And yours?"


The Black-haired Pig Demon continued eyes on the setting sun on the horizon. "You must know that I possess a strong self-awareness. Though I\'m not sure why the world has changed this way or where that voice comes from, I don\'t believe in gods. To me, it feels like a nightmare."

At this point, he turned to look at Ming\'s young profile, continuing, "I\'ve always wanted to wake up. But this dream was too real, and I knew I couldn\'t do it alone. Moreover, I couldn\'t leave that place despite being a deity. That doesn\'t make sense, right?"

Ming nodded subtly. "Mhm."

The demon fidgeted with his rake-like weapon, "When that frog entered, I didn\'t choose to leave because I wasn\'t sure about its nature. But when you came into my area, I knew I\'d follow you out from that moment. However, I couldn\'t leave easily. So, using my acting skills, I let myself be \'overwhelmed\' by your \'strength.\' That\'s how I got out."

Ming glanced at him, "That makes sense now. Why were you so certain about leaving with me?"

"Because..." The Black-haired Pig Demon smiled, looking at the sunset.

[The Black-haired Pig Demon tells you you are Ming!]


Ming maintained his composure, but he was deeply shocked inside. He had seen the Black-haired Pig Demon\'s skills and talents, and none of them were like Alice\'s[True or False] ability.

So, knowing Ming\'s real name must have come from another source. Raising his hand, Ming pointed his middle finger to the sky, "It told you."

The Black-haired Pig Demon chuckled, "In my dream, I dreamt of you. And I believed that you could end my nightmare. You should understand what I mean by that, right?"

Ming stood up and slapped the pig demon\'s ear playfully, "If you\'re so clever, dare to be lazy again and see what happens."

The Black-haired Pig Demon grinned, showing his big teeth, "Though I look strong, I\'m actually quite delicate."

As Ming retreated to a corner to reflect on their conversation, he concluded: A voice had told the Black-haired Pig Demon to follow him upon their encounter, not to harm him, to protect him, but also not to leave with him without putting on a show, for \'someone\' to witness.

Piecing everything together, Ming speculated that the entities known as \'small A\' and \'small B\' might not be on the \'same side.\' Was it a power struggle or a clash between two distinct personalities of Janice?

Meanwhile, within the dense fog, Mike, with cuts on his face, sharpened his knife while sitting on a cliff. He shouted insults at a creature standing on the back of a mutated whale far in the distance. "Think you\'re all that just because you\'ve got an octopus head? Look at those slimy tentacles all over your face. If I didn\'t know any better, I\'d think you hung your little siblings on your face, and there are eight of them! Haha!"

The creature, a humanoid with an octopus head riding a killer whale, was infuriated. With his foul mouth, that guy on the cliff made it hard for the octopus-headed being to come up with a retort.

After taking a deep breath, the octopus-faced creature came up with what he thought was a winning retort, "You... you\'re just jealous of me!"


Mike spat over the cliff, jesting with a smirk, "While I unbuckle to pee, you just wash your face. Damn, what\'s there to envy?"


The octopus-faced creature\'s tentacles twitched in anger, clutching its chest in exasperation and spewing thick ink.

Mike laughed, "Look at you, going all liquid in the middle of our chat. How unsanitary!"


With a furious swing of his bone knife, the octopus-faced creature commanded the Naga sea witches, armed with bows, "Fire! Turn him into a porcupine!"

Arrows rained down upon the cliff. Mike raised his shield to take cover.

Once the barrage ceased, he stood, bowing sarcastically to the abyss below, "Thanks for the arrows! Though you\'re not much to look at, you sure are generous! Ha!"


Looking upwards, the octopus-faced creature exhaled another jet of ink.

Suddenly, David was dropped onto the peak by a giant eagle. Glancing below at the inky octopus, he wasn\'t surprised. After all, no creature had yet bested Mike in a war of words.

He said to Mike, "The \'Ghost Gate\' ahead isn\'t open yet. Save your energy and stop teasing that octopus, man. By the way, where\'s the fellow with the trident?"

Mike grinned, "Chased him back into the sea with words alone. He couldn\'t handle it. Didn\'t even get my fill."

David nodded, not doubting it for a second. "We\'ve determined that this wall-like range is the Qin Mountains. The rising tide has slowed. Our plan is simple: hold this ground and clear the way ahead. If we can\'t, we move west into the  Mountains. The lowlands in between are now a vast ocean. Everyone\'s figuring out how to cross."

Glancing over the cliff, ensuring the octopus creature had sunk beneath the waves, Mike replied, "Just lay out the plan for me."

"Alright, I\'ll scout the next peak."

As David, clutching the eagle, departed, he cautioned, "Your location is our final line. Be careful."

"Rest easy," Mike smirked. "Each one that comes will question their very existence."

"Stay safe."

David clutched the mighty eagle and headed east.

Mike hoisted his massive shield, gazing at the sea below, then turned to the people behind him and said, "Have a bite to eat. We\'ll all shout insults together soon."


Astride the back of a sperm whale, a brunette man with a trident sat upon an elevated throne. He looked down at the octopus-faced creature and softly said, "Hurry the Siren. I wish to damage that peak!"

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