I'm a Walking Disaster With My Unwanted Virginity

Chapter 241 - The Nectar





I woke up. I was sweating- I couldn\'t really remember what kind of dream I was having but it must have been a weird dream…

For once there were no bird chirps. No nice sunlight.

Instead, all we got was intense cold and a windy morning. It was almost like there was a frigging snowstorm outside. Good thing the window was locked at least. 

I was alone in the room and so far, no one actually bothered to show up. I couldn\'t really tell if this was way too early in the morning, or way too late.

Anyway, I got up and got outside of the blanket. It was cold but since I had just come out of there, I didn\'t yet feel the intense cold coming my way. I checked my body and everything was intact. I had some scars here and there but everything was good to go. Even my hand was as good as new.  It did feel a little weird though.

\'To think I\'d actually lost this. Maybe, I wasn\'t prepared after all.\'

Even now, I didn\'t really feel all that different that I\'d actually killed someone: things just felt surreal. At the time, I was too concerned about my family\'s safety and now it all felt distant. Yeah, I\'d killed someone, but if it happened again, I\'d kill her again. I didn\'t have any remorse. I didn\'t feel bad either. It was almost as though something had changed within me- something died. Or was it because Hyora said she\'d be back? I didn\'t know.

The fact that I didn\'t feel like dying while standing was a miracle though.

I couldn\'t tell if this was thanks to Enira\'s healing or maybe my untapped regeneration power. If I did have that sort of power, why couldn\'t it manifest and get me out of this pain? Cause, even just standing around was painful: I could still stand though.

Anyway, since I didn\'t have any clothes lying around, I wrapped the warm blanket all over myself and went for the door. Why? Too bored.

It wasn\'t locked, so I could easily get out of here. Once outside, I didn\'t really find anything- as in the whole hallway was empty. \'I\'m not dreaming, am I?\'

I didn\'t know, honestly. Okay, maybe I did know cause it was definitely five degrees chillier outside. 

It was a bit dark and I could see the end of the hallway, so I walked towards that end. It took me about ten minutes to cross the distance worth two minutes. Walking in this body was definitely not comfortable.

Every step felt like torment. And this blanket was kind of thick and heavy. It was soft, warm, and comfortable but that didn\'t mean, it was easy to carry around.

But I still reached the end anyway. When I did reach the end, I saw a lot of stuff. Apparently, this was a separate building and the actual Battlesuin mansion was about a few hundred meters away. This was more or less a two-storied abandoned house of sorts. No wonder the room was so small and furniture less.

There weren\'t many out. I only saw some gardeners and butlers out. And the mansion still had lights here and there. \'Early in the morning, I guess?\'

But that brought out the question, if the Battlesuins had surrendered and all that, why was I here of all places?

"You know, you\'re a bit too curious for your own good." The voice came from up. Apparently, it was Eve.

She was on the roof and with a swing like a master acrobat, she swiftly descended. Man, talk about gymnastics. That was no easy curve! She literally swung her way past the railing.

"Care to explain?" I could see my breath turning into mist- cold.

It was almost as though she was waiting for that as she smiled pridefully. "It\'s true your father is now in charge but the fact remains that you killed the head of the Battlesuins and you\'re not even a pureblood, so some are there who could harm you." Wow, she actually, literally knew, what I was going to ask. This almost felt like a practiced speech though. "You\'re currently in a separate space from them, courtesy of Nellie Battlesuin. Of course, I don\'t trust her either, and hence I was watching over you." She winked. Yeah, definitely practiced, it did not sound like something she\'d say.

But what made her think I trusted her? And more importantly, why was she even here?

"Thanks for helping out. I\'ve been meaning to ask but, why are you still here?"

"You\'re welcome." She smirked sweetly. "And thickheaded, are we? For your nectar of course!" She wore a sultry expression and pursed her lips.

She was in light clothing and it was almost as though she was radiating heat from all over her body.

"For my what? You\'re not making any sense."

"Really?" She seemed slightly troubled as she walked exactly in front of me. "I mean this." She hovered her hand over my blanket-protected crotch: my downstairs warmed up for various reasons- her radiating heat was just one of them. "The juices from this place are as sweet as nectar- assuming they\'re yours." She winked.

The hell did she just say?

I wanted to take a step back but I couldn\'t as there was a railing behind me and I would have literally fallen down. "Can you stop with the jokes, please? Why do you always need to tease me?"

She giggled and stood next to me, looking out. I also turned around and looked the same way. It was snowing and it was snowing pretty hard. The wind was also rather strong.

This girl- Eve had always teased me ever since the day I first came to the academy. Lately, she got a bit daring and even explicit no less. But somehow it felt like she wasn\'t joking this time.

"But I\'m not kidding," Eve said. "I\'m totally serious." She smiled gently as she looked at me. "I want your kids too."

Wait, wait, what!?

She was serious!

Seeing my dumbfounded state, she opened her mouth again. "I love you and I don\'t think this feeling is temporary. And the last thing I want is to lose to that kid sister."

Okay, she was not making sense no. "You can\'t just walk up to me and want my sperms. And losing to your kid sister? This ain\'t a competition! That\'s both weird and disgusting and rude and-"

"Those are three things you know." She kissed me. Just a kiss on the lips. "And that was just an excuse- I really do love you- probably not as much as her but- my love won\'t lose!"

She did realize, she was contradicting herself, right?

"Look, I already have my hands full with-" I couldn\'t look at her with any more emotion than just perhaps a friend. 

Besides, she and Marg had history and they were sisters- though half. I couldn\'t give in to temptation, bring her into the family, and screw my relationship with Marg.

My relationship with Marg was my lifeline, I did not want to ever screw that one up.

"Then it\'s okay with you if I jump and die, right?" With that said, she got up on the railing. 

"Hey, what the hell-"

"Goodbye," She whispered as her body slowly fell backwards.

"Eve!" I got out of the blanket and by instinct grabbed her hand. 

I breathed hard; it was almost as though my body was being torn. Talk about pain!

But I wasn\'t going to let go. I couldn\'t just let someone kill themselves for me.

"Hey, you finally called me by my name." She smiled sweetly. "See, you do care about me!" Eve giggled and I just realized, we were only on the second floor and she wouldn\'t have been that hurt anyway. "So," She grinned. "Second wife?"

And I let go. "Bye and no."

She screamed slightly and dropped on the ground with a thud: I could hear laughter. IT was really snowy, so everything was okay!



Roughly half an hour later, Marg, Mom, and Selene came with morning food. Apparently, it was too early, rather than the vice versa. 

I was kind of pissed but was in my room anyway.

"So, how long am I going to stay here?" My voice had a weird sulky tone to it.

"You went out, didn\'t you?" Mom said, a bit expressionless.

"I might have."

She stared at me with a bit of disapproval and shoved a spoon full of hot porridge in my mouth.

It was good but I almost burned my mouth, tongue included. 

"Ouch, aw, ou!" I almost cried. 

Selene giggled from the sidelines. "Don\'t worry. Things are more or less calm and we\'ll get you out today."

"What do you mean, get me out? What is going on here?"

Selene chuckled nervously.

Mom sighed. "In order to let you rest here, we made a deal with Nellie. Apparently, she wants to transfer to Demigrace and go exploring the world as a third year."

"And you guys agreed to that?"

I guess that much was self-explanatory.

I sighed. "Well, if you\'re okay with it."

I was still a first-year, so it probably wasn\'t my business anyway.

Mom continued feeding me but boy did my mouth sting. And I couldn\'t taste the food anymore. 

Sigh.. Not the greatest start to the day.

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