I'm a Walking Disaster With My Unwanted Virginity

Chapter 252 - And Time Just Moves On

After coming back home, I installed the new stuff. 

I ran around the house and triple-checked the sound. It was good, really good. 

With a victorious grin, I went back our room and gave Marg a thumbs up. 

She also gave me a grin: a very knowing grin. Oh yeah, stuff would surely go down tonight. 

And when the night came, it was just as fun if not more wonderful. Yeah, it went down alright!

I had confidence in this new soundproofing gear, hence I didn\'t hold back. 

We teased each other, talked dirty, had fun, and eventually slept in each other\'s arms. 

It was heaven, it really was. 

But I knew it wouldn\'t last. Eventually, something bad will happen: it was part of life.

And that\'s why I was trying my best to enjoy this, and make sure- in the end, everything worked out, and maybe, we could have this forever….


Days passed by.

The academy went full throttle. Thanks to the already instilled knowledge, I could keep up with virtually everything. 

People kind of avoided me more than usual. I didn\'t really give a crap about that though.

Marg and I were as close as ever. Leilis, Selene, and Raea often tried to seduce me and in front of other people too. Sometimes they\'d try to feed me, other times, they\'d drag my face into their chests and taunt Marg for her lack thereof. It was kind of amazing that Marg never really exploded and dropped them into the middle of the ocean- at least I didn\'t know of any such exploits. 

Things were kind of stable and everything moved on smoothly. At home and at the academy too.

And for once, our nights were truly ours. I really hope so.

Nothing much happened, and no one could hear us anymore. Muahahaha ah!

But still, we acted on caution and had fun in our little world. 


Roughly halfway through the month- I\'d run into Clyde just outside the gymnasium. 

I kind of wanted to pummel him but I held back to see where he was coming from. The last time he tried to hit on Elsa and though I knew it\'d have happened eventually, I might or might not have acted a bit too overprotective. 

So- I tried my best not to hit him…yet.

But instead of saying anything he smiled and gave me a small pouch. 

"This is?"

He chuckled nervously. "I kind of spent all my money and didn\'t have enough to cover this month\'s payment till now. Sorry \'bout that." He slightly bowed his head. "Really sorry for being late." With that said, he ran away.

He was fast. 

I opened the pouch and found 10 gold. \'Oh yeah, he did owe me money every month.\'

How the hell I\'d forgotten about that, I had no idea. 

Well, I guess I\'d at least be able to afford chocolate this month. Mom and father were kind of taking care of the rent and all that with their newfound fortune- while I only got 2 gold per month allowance. It was enough to cover clothes and maybe snacks but I didn\'t quite get why the hell they were being so stingy about this. But now I\'d be a bit well off- also I did still have half of my tournament money so, technically I wasn\'t that broke. The money was kind of in mom\'s possession, so I couldn\'t really use it frugally either though.


Anyway… the rest of the day went flawlessly.


Enira never actually came out of the saber. So, I couldn\'t use the instiller often. 

I did use it, but with moderation. 

As for our little dragon, I\'d bought cheap cores and tried to feed it but it refused to absorb anything less than purple cores. Talk about being choosy!

Even taking it to the geezer, didn\'t really help. All he had to say was, "She\'ll come out once it\'s time."


In the end, I just gave up on that and decided to wait patiently. She\'d come out eventually- or so I thought.

I really hope she would cause at this point, I subconsciously started missing all those teases of her. 

To distract myself from all this dedicated myself to training in my free time. 


Near the end of the third week, it got slightly colder. 

Nothing to worry about but I had to wear a jacket to school. And mine looked terrible. I actually missed Merin\'s nice jackets. I missed the guy and his witty remarks too but at this point, I missed his jackets more than him, honestly. 

Marg looked great in hers and she\'d always teleport me to the entrance whenever I was late. Otherwise, we\'d walk to the academy together- chatting. 

Most days Raea would join us and kind of ruin the fun but these days we just ignored her. 

At times, she and Marg did seem to chat on their own though. Oh well. 

On that note, last night Raea had sneaked into our room and got in bed with us. Our bed was really large, so at first, I didn\'t quite notice. 

Apparently, our private times weren\'t truly private after all.

"I\'ve been found huh?" Raea had said, sweating. 

Marg sighed and turned off the nightlight. "I\'ll permit you just this once, next time if we find you here, you can imagine, you\'d spend the next of your days in the bottom of the ocean."

Raea had gulped audibly.

That night, I\'d slept with Marg in my arms and me in Raea\'s arms. Rather weird. No matter how many times I\'d kicked her off the bed, she came back and just hugged me like I was her long-lost pillow or something. 

She\'d disappeared just before the morning though. But I had a feeling, she\'d do it again despite Marg\'s warnings.

\'You did this yourself, Helio… You did this yourself.\'

And yes, we did find her the very next night too. Marg was this close to ending Raea\'s life but- yeah…



Despite the seal being weak, I never really heard anything from the shadow and I didn\'t have any weird dreams either- at least dreams that I could remember. 

I often found myself sweating in the middle of the night and waking up, staring at a concerned Marg. Sometimes Marg would even say stuff like, "Maybe we should go see the nurse if you\'re that reluctant to do to a doctor."

At one point, I had to give up.

And so- after roughly a month later, I finally found myself in the nurse\'s office. 

I was just sitting on a chair while the nurse was just doing some of her routine stuff.

This was nostalgic and this place brought back memories. Half of those memories were plain terrifying though

"So, I heard you did good in that fight of yours."

"Yeah, kind of."

I didn\'t know why but no matter when I came to this place, I felt awkward. I didn\'t quite understand why. Maybe because I didn\'t like doctors? Maybe because the nurse was too beautiful or was it because of how she acted? I didn\'t know. 

And the ambient sound and smell of this place didn\'t really quite help the matter either. 

"So, what brings you here today?" She was still cleaning up some supplies and hadn\'t yet looked at me. 

It was hard to tell but it was almost like she was slightly angry. I was probably just imagining it.

"Oh, I was hoping you\'d do a check-up. I\'m kind of waking up in the middle of the night sweating. Mostly my head. My hair is usually drenched." 

She sorted through everything and came here and took a seat in front of me. She\'d bought a stethoscope. I had no idea why she needed one. "Sweating is mostly normal, as long as it occurs maybe once or twice. How frequent is yours?"

"About five-six times a week?"

"So, basically every night?" She naturally held the disk on my chest and moved it around, while correcting her earpieces. 

She was awfully close to me and some of the buttons of her shirt were unbuttoned. I could vaguely see traces of her bra. 

She was voluptuous, to say the least. 

I gulped as she carefully listened to my racing heart. "That\'s odd. You have a new seal on you."

\'That\'s odd to you!\' And the fact that my heart raced faster than a jet didn\'t quite occur to her as strange. 

"Yeah, the old one broke."

"Hmmm…" She put the stethoscope away and moved back a little. "Your old seal also suppressed your memories, so it\'s possible some of your memories are returning in your dreams: but since they are still sealed, you can\'t access them yet. There\'s physically nothing wrong with you, but- you should tighten that seal up as soon as you can. There\'s a small chance but you could potentially die if it suddenly becomes undone. On the other hand, this might not be that bad, assuming it slowly becomes undone and you have time to adjust yourself. But then you\'ll have to worry about your other two personalities and maybe the backlash from that seal in the first place."

She said very scary stuff with a very straight face. I guess that was a medical worker for you.

"I\'ll talk with my mom about it."

I kind of knew what mom would say- but- yeah, I had to at least let her know my decision.

Anyway, with that done, I stood up. "Oh and-" But the nurse came close to me and just behind me slightly blew on my ears. "Next time, don\'t wiggle at my chest like that. You ended up making my heart race too." ASMR!

My face heated up. \'She knew!\' Of course, she knew! "Sorry." I chuckled nervously and hastily got out. I could have sworn I heard her giggle. 

Even outside, my heart raced and my face burned. 

I breathed hard. \'Calm down! Calm down!\' It was not working, no.

\'She- she\'s a teacher you know!\'

Uh-huh, I totally knew that. 

Well, my heart and Helio Junior didn\'t quite agree with me though.

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