Maiden Of The Splitting Moon

Chapter 370 - Passing On One's Legacy

"What do you mean? What is the Elder doing?" 

Ming Yue looked at the house worriedly before flipping towards Matron Shuang. The latter was more resolute although, there was sadness in her eyes. 

"This is something only those who have reached the highest level of Dao Mastery can do. They can pass it on to another", she explained.

"Such a thing can happen?" 

Ming Yue was shocked, she had never thought it to be possible but Matrong Shuang confirmed it. 

"Daos are separated into three categories: Minor, Major, and Grand. That is determined by the rarity and strength of it. Wind, Sword, Metal, these are basic Daos for they are basic concepts. Something like Life and Death, Balance, Eternity, these are considered Grand Daos. Above these daos is True Dao, where one\'s understanding and comprehension allows them to form their own unique Dao. In this case, Elder Shuang\'s True Dao is the Dao of Flourishing Life."

"But a True Dao is not the end, that is the stage where one finds their path. To walk this path to the very end is the final stage. That is called the Trancendant Dao, where one gains complete mastery over their Dao, complete control. And if they so wish, they can pass it on but this is akin to passing on their legacy."

It was then that the Matron transformed into her Hel-Fire Dragon form, watching as the emerald light slowly dimmed. 

"If they do choose to do this, it means one thing, they are prepared to die."

When the light was gone, the Elder walked out, carrying an unconscious Hua Xiong in his arms. He approached Ming Yue and held Hua Xiong out for her to carry.

"Take her and leave this place. Go back to the human settlements, where you will both be safe."

His voice was especially soft though it was a bit weak as well. 

"But what about you? What about Matron Shuang?"

He smiled and looked towards the Hel-Fire Dragon. 

"I will make an opportunity for you. Use it and leave after, do not try to save me."

The Matron looked at him, grumbling in protest but it was then that the Elder\'s face was firm. 

"Don\'t, just leave", he answered.

"You know I can\'t do that. The others will come out as well. This is our home and it has been for hundreds of years."

Elder Shu was silent, his eyes were somewhat empty. 

"So be it, let\'s move then."

Before Ming Yue could even utter another word, the pair left and this once bustling village was empty and quiet. The young woman stood there silently, looking around this lifeless place. Then she studied Hua Xiong, whose face was peacefully asleep, breathing ever so slowly. She was safe although, Ming Yue could sense the increase in her strength, a change in her energy. 

"We should go", Xue Yue said, "Lingering here any longer will be dangerous."

Ming Yue looked around and left quietly. Xue Yue was right, she couldn\'t stay here any longer. Strangely enough, the forest was just as quiet, no beast was here.

Where could they have gone? Escaped the forest? Or had they gone to to defend it instead?

She only moved quickly, bringing Hua Xiong away. 

"When I send her off, I\'m going back."

She made up her mind then and there.

"What? That\'s insane. What can you do against an army of demons?" Xue Yue asked. 

"Don\'t even try. You are not the one in control, Xue Yue."

"I am only here to make sure you are alive. Even when you felt that hesitation, that doubt, I helped to clear it away because that would have hastened your own end. I was born out of your desire to survive, Ming Yue."

"And you are the one who told me to use my instincts."

"This is not instinct! This is just idiocy, Ming Yue! Use your instincts in a fight, utilize your killing intent, battle to survive."

"Then this is a fight."

"No, this is a war. And this is more than helping Hua Xiong, this is about what that demon said to you, isn\'t it?"

Xue Yue went straight to the point, forcing her counterpart to go silent. 

"Perhaps, you tried to hide it but the Elder noticed it. It\'s only been a day and you\'ve become attached to this village."

"And is it wrong of me? Elder Shu\'s words made me realize it. He was right, overcoming this tragedy takes more than just a few years. Underneath it all, I still miss my home but it is gone, everyone is dead except for me. Is it wrong to try and save this one? Be it bandits or soldiers, I have the power to do something."

"And if you fail?"

Ming Yue stopped walking, her eyes grew increasingly more resolute. Her two beasts stopped as well, looking at her. They could feel the tenseness of the conversation and stayed silent. 

"I won\'t."

Xue Yue kept silent, taken aback by this sudden stance but she relented in the end. 

"Fine, but if I come out, I will be thinking about our survival."

Carrying Hua Xiong away, Ming Yue continued to make her way through the forest. 

Further down, she heard the sounds of clanging metal and heavy steps as a small group of twenty soldiers appeared. Leading them was none other than Commander Nie Xia, they were all in full armor and had their weapons out, careful to not attract any beasts. 

The commander\'s eyes blinked once or twice before widening in surprise. 

"Oh, Ming Yue! To think that we would cross paths again!"

He hastened his pace, walking right up to her. Seeing her, his eyes furrowed as he saw Hua Xiong in her arms. 

"Is that the one you were looking for?" he asked. 

She nodded. 

"I must bring her somewhere safe before coming back here", she answered. 

"Yes, I know. Me and my men had bumped into some fleeing demons and they told us everything. The situation is much more grave than I had anticipated but those demons are being escorted back to the Iron Citadel. Furthermore, messengers have been sent to notify the other commanders, reinforcements should be coming soon."

He quickly explained the circumstances before offering to have one of his men bring back Hua Xiong for her.

"The trip is several days at least. By then, the forest would be a much different place."

Ming Yue looked at him, her eyes asking if he could be trusted. 

Nie Xia did not hesitate to grin and puff out his chest. 

"We might not be the most gentle but none are more trustworthy than me and my men!"

She thought carefully, before handing Hua Xiong off to one of the soldiers, a woman carrying two swords. By the time, Ming Yue reached the Iron Citadel and returned, 

"Be careful with her! If I hear even a complaint from this young lady, I will personally beat you! You got it!"

He warned the soldier before sending the two off and looked to the others. 

"Everyone, some of you may recognize her, some of you might not. This is a special guest from Heaven\'s Gate. I know some of you lot have been talking about the "Fairy of the Moon", well this is her."

Upon his introduction, Ming Yue stepped forward and cupped her fists.

"I am Ming Yue, it is an honor to join you in this."

The armored men and women all began to murmur as they gauged Ming Yue, trying to estimate her strength. Unfortunately, all they could see was her cultivation, the Soul Stage of the Earth Realm. She did the same, finding them all to be in the early levels of the Sky Realm with Nie Xia very close to the Heaven Realm. 

"They must be the strongest among that elite force", she thought.

Nie Xia looked at the two sides in interest before finally stopping at his own soldiers. 

"Do any of you have anything to say to this?"

He asked but the question was met with silence. 

Even if Ming Yue was a realm below them, these soldiers relied on their senses. With those senses, they all knew that she was much stronger than she looked. 

Nie Xia smiled. 

"Good, let\'s move."

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