Blood Elf Monarch

Chapter 297 - Blood Paint


Countless bullets were fired at the flying blood knives as well as the white-haired elf who was controlling them.

From what they knew, the bullets fired were armor-piercing bullets enough to destroy the Arcadian knight armor, but not enough to go through their own powered armor.

With this information, Siegfried quickly used the body of the other squad leader as cover. As for Rayna of the Kingsblade, and Wash the pilot, the two were wearing powered armor that was hard enough to deflect the fired bullets. Thanks to this, they were unscathed… for now, at least.

Clank! clank!!

Rayna could hear the sound of her armor cracking due to the bullets, and the same sound could be heard from her surroundings as well. She could tell that the powered armor they had would not be able to hold the bullets for long.

Fortunately, Tristan\'s [Blood Synthesis] came in time to rescue them. Tristan swiftly created a shield of blood for them, immediately blocking the incoming projectiles.

The people on both sides were astonished by the scene in front of them. Just when they thought that it was going to end soon, out of nowhere, they saw blood hovering in the air and instantly formed into shapes that covered most of the hallway to block the bullets.

"What kind of skill is that!?" the officer in black uniform shouted. In all his years on the battlefield, not once had he seen a skill like that.

After blocking the bullets, the hovering blood that was previously protecting them began to turn into blades once again and flew towards them.

The officer, who was a saint-level fighter, quickly cast his own magic. [manipulate metal] Right after, the bullets that filled in the floor hovering in the air forming into multiple metal spheres. As soon as they were formed, the officer used them to block the incoming blades.

Crack! Crack!!

Unfortunately, the difference in strength was unbelievable. Even though the officer expected there to be a gap in their strength, he never expected the power gap to be this big. All the metal balls that the officer formed could only be the first attack and when the blood construct returned. The spheres were completely destroyed, catching the officer off-guard and rendering him speechless. 

The moment the officer was in shock and confusion, a blood blade silently flew toward his back, swiftly cutting his head off from his body.

The officer\'s head was rolling on the floor followed by screams from the rest of the space knights. More blood blades began flying toward the rest of the knights, charging at them mercilessly.

The surviving space knights decisively tried to dodge the flying blades by following its trajectory. Unfortunately, in such small corridors, none of them were able to dodge fast enough to successfully escape from Tristan\'s blades.

One by one, the limbs of these space knights were chopped off. Some had their arms cut off, some their legs, while others their head. Blood splattered all over the gray tunnels. Witnessing the horrendous scene, the last space knight standing gave up fighting and tried to run away, only to be attacked by Kingsblade captain Rayna\'s thunderbolt. With that, he fell lifelessly to the ground with a stunned expression.

"That should be all of them!"

Within just a few minutes, 15 space knights were turned into corpses and the hallway that was previously spotless was now painted red with blood.

Siegfried took the time to take one of the squad leaders\' powered armor and put it on himself to improve his fighting power. This way, at the very least, he would be able to survive longer.

While waiting, Tristan did what he enjoyed doing the most. He raised his hand, and red mist started to gather into his palm.

[Blood Extraction]



[A mix of 4,500 medium-quality blood cells were found.]

[Extracting and filtering the blood cells...]

[3,100 Blood Essence has been gained.]

Now that he already got what he wanted, he turned to Siegfried and asked, "Siegfried, which way to the engine room?"

The blood-sealed space knight did not dare delay and quickly answered, "This way, Master."


The incident was clearly captured and shown on the display screen on the bridge.

"What kind of magic is that!?" Captain Jenkins shouted in disbelief. Never once had he expected that there would be such an ability, magic that controls blood making it able to pierce their proud power armour. 

There was also the last word he heard the space knight captain called the elf \'Master\'

Captain Jenkins could not believe that a captain and squad leader of a space knight would betray them.

"Is this some kind of mind control magic?" he thought to himself

These space knights were all heavily trained to never surrender or be threatened by the enemy no matter the threat or pressure. They also had been given implants in their brains that would allow them to resist any kind of mind-controlling magic. Because of that, he believed it nearly impossible for such a thing to happen.

Not only that, but it had only been a few months since they had gone MIA (missing in action). Within such a short time could a strong space knight captain really be converted? The mere thought really worried him.

Seeing the images on screen, the massacre of the 15 space knights in the hallway really irritated him. Captain Jenkins unconsciously smacked his seat and gritted his teeth.

Just when he was about to plan for his next steps, he noticed strange movements from the person standing next to him. The major was anxious, and he was overly interested to see the elf on the huge screen from every angle.

"Major, tell me if you know something!"

"My apologies, Captain, what I have in mind right now is only a theory. But if I am not mistaken, you should send all of your best warriors to subdue that elf! No matter the cost!" the major hastily said, his face showing clear anticipation.

Hearing the major\'s response, Captain Jenkins immediately gave his orders, "Send squad 204 to 209 there right away! Also inform the Marshall"

"Right away, Captain!"

"Which way are they heading?" Jenkins asked. He wanted to be sure of his opponents\' moves to make his.

"they are heading to the engine room, Captain."

After hearing the response, fury took over him again. While gritting his teeth and clenching his fist, he muttered to himself in anger, "Who is this damn elf!?"


Written by Avans, Published exclusively by W.e.b.n.o.v..e.l, 

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