My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 120 - Light And Darkness Element

Kevin was very familiar with this kind of network and he knew it was probably their best option to keep the Queen and her sister safe from "his uncle".

Alan eventually relaxed and Kevin, to cheer him up, showed him the notes he had taken on the elements from the knowledge he had gained while using his Warrior Spirit skill.

When Axel and Erik saw that the topic had deviated towards the elements, they decided to leave them together and Axel motioned for Erik to follow him and they left for the warehouse.

Axel wanted to surprise Kevin and he knew that he wanted to ask a lot of things to Alan so it gave him plenty of time to prepare his surprise.

And Erik would give him a hand as he wasn\'t sure of what he had to buy for his surprise to be perfect.

Meanwhile, as Alan read Kevin\'s notes he was completely blown away, he had no idea that the wind element could be used in this way, being able to increase his speed by 100% during a fight was a formidable weapon, and it didn\'t seem difficult to apply a layer of wind particles all over the body.

He was also unaware of the fact that the water and the lightning element together had a paralysis effect, and that the water and the wind particles mixing together could create ice, this information was invaluable.

As for the darkness element, it was the most mysterious element of all, and no information had ever been gathered about it, at least that was what he had believed until now.

Alan knew already that it could be used to summon creatures but he didn\'t know that it could be mixed with the fire element.

After having read all this precious information, he remembered something very important and he quickly asked Kevin as he returned his notes : "Have you already checked the level of your elements, I noticed that during your fight against the Elite Warrior Vampire you absorbed the particles of the elements which were in the room.

When you told us about the System you told me that you could know exactly how many particles you were absorbing and the level of your elements.

Tell me where you are at now, it\'s very important."

Kevin nodded, he had planned to do this with him anyway, because only after that, they could both choose the best option to collect the particles they needed to craft their weapons with the Trinium.

Kevin opened the holographic screen of his System and he went straight to the Skills menu, he looked quickly and none of his skills seemed to have changed, not even his Warrior Spirit skill which was still level 1.

So, he continued until the block he was interested in, the Mastery of the elements.


Lightning element level 7 : 25 240 / 100 000

Spell : None

Water element level 6 : 1 502 / 50 000

Spell level 1 : Water Arrow (Soul force required to activate : 30)

Wind element level 5 : 19 678 / 20 000

Spell : None

Fire element level 5 : 17 563 / 20 000

Spell level 3 : Giant Fire Ball (Soul force required to activate : 200)

Spell level 1 : Fire Ball (Soul force required to activate : 20)

Earth element level 4 : 2 450 / 10 000

Spell level 1 : Throwing Stones (Soul force required to activate : 20)

Darkness element level 3 : 8 437 / 20 000

Spell level 3 : Summoning Dead Knights (Soul force required to activate : 1 000)

Spell level 1 : Darkness Ball (Soul force required to activate : 200)

Light element level 3 : 7 559 / 20 000

Spell : None

Kevin couldn\'t believe it, with the help of his items he could already summon dead knights, it was just too cool, and his fire element … How was it possible that he had progressed to level 5 ?

But, come to think of it, Alan had used an overpowered fire and wind spell, so the particles of these two elements must have been particularly dense in the boss room.

When he shared his results with Alan, Alan was so shocked that he didn\'t know where to start.

When Kevin saw that Alan seemed to be paralyzed he chose to take the opportunity to ask him some questions that itched him on the elements : "Alan, do you remember telling me that you had already been able to absorb particles from an element when you had no affinity with it, when that element was saturated in one place ... If you could do that, why couldn\'t you create an affinity with this element ?"

Alan immediately regained his senses and took his role as tutor to heart, he gave him his theory : "I have thought about it a lot since you told me that you only need to absorb 200 particles of an element to create an affinity with it.

And I think that you are unique ... I have already absorbed a lot of particles from other elements without ever creating an affinity with them, with the exception of the light element.

But then again, the light element and the darkness element are two extremely rare elements and only a few chosen ones are able to see them.

The disadvantage of these two elements, you have surely already noticed it, is that you have to absorb a lot more particles than for the others."

Kevin raised his hand to interrupt him and he pulled a Darkness Talisman paper small size straight out of his inventory.

He said to him just after Alan took the Darkness Talisman paper in his hand : "Let us assume that the 5 elements are the main elements, and that if no affinity has been discovered with an element, it doesn\'t matter how many particles you will be able to absorb, you will never be able to have an affinity with it.

Now, imagine that the light and darkness element are kind of optional elements, meaning you could have them in addition to your main elements.

Maybe you need a trigger to be able to see them. Do you remember the first time you saw the particles of the light element ?"

Alan looked at the Darkness Talisman paper Kevin had just given to him and he couldn\'t help but ask : "Where did you get this ?"

Kevin promptly replied : "On Saturday, we stumbled upon a dungeon full of wizards and summoned creatures, the System gave me many Darkness Talisman papers as rewards."

Seeing the expression on Alan\'s face that clearly told him \'What the fuck ?\', Kevin quickly told him : "I wanted to tell you about those Darkness Talisman papers a while ago, but we have been really too busy lately."

Alan ran a hand over his face and could only swear to have a serious conversation with Axel about the fact that he had to stop putting Kevin\'s life in danger all the time.

He took the time to think about what Kevin had said and he had to admit that no one had ever made such assumptions before ...

He then told him, answering his question : "I remember very well the first time I saw the particles of the light element.

Erik was just starting his second year and we weren\'t a couple yet. I had come by to see him in training as usual, and the instructors had them fight each other with real weapons to train them for the tournaments.

Erik won his fight and when he saw me he started to come towards me with a triumphant smile on his face.

The man he had just beaten loyally threw himself at him and pierced his body with his sword. The instructors got him under control, but it was too late, the damage was done.

I didn\'t have any Healing potions on me and the instructors only had low grade ones which wasn\'t even enough to stop the bleeding.

Erik was passing out in my arms and that\'s when I saw them, the green particles, they were all around me, so I focused and covered Erik\'s injury with them.

His wound disappeared right after that and I think I have never been so freaked out in my whole life."

Kevin reflected aloud : "These are just assumptions, but let\'s imagine love is the trigger for being able to see the light particles, then hate should be the trigger to see the darkness particles."

Alan looked at him startled and asked him : "Why would love be the trigger to see the light particles ... At that time, we weren\'t together yet, I told you so ... Why couldn\'t the trigger be more related to wanting to treat his injury ?"

Kevin chuckled and said to him : "You already answered this question yourself, you said that you had never freaked out so much in your whole life, it doesn\'t matter if you were together or not at that time, you were already in love with him.

Try to see it from another perspective, if it had been anyone other than Erik, do you think you would have seen the light particles ?"

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