Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 172 172 The Babysitter

Chapter 172 Chapter 172 The Babysitter

"Hmmm... Did you like the show, Lin Che?" Clark asked while hugging the two lovely sisters at his side.

It was already high noon and there was a good chance that the rest of his party downstairs might have been wondering already where his maid servants had been.

Alas, such minor matters were definitely not on our bored gamer\'s most pressing list of his priorities.

Today was for playing and the sisters Lian Li and Lian Ah have indeed proven themselves worthy for his time.

"You are not fooling anyone here, Foul Creature. All you ever did was take possession of their body. These two remains ever pure at heart.

Although they have already become willing sluts for your cock, this truth will be hard to change. And I will make it certain that you can never corrupt their minds more than you already have!"

Lin Che\'s sharp words rang in the air once more but the threat behind her words was truly palpable in the scene. In response, Clark could only shake his head and never even bothered to give any kind of reply.

He was feeling sorry for this Primal Warden because of how blind she was at the moment.

She was no different than a mindless puppet that would just follow the hidden strings that pulled at her back to whichever direction it may be.

It was really a pretty sad fate for one who did not possess a soul to call her own. Robbed of her free will for all of eternity.

Our bored gamer could only hate the one person who created Lin Che in the first place.

\'You will have your time, Elder God. There will be a reckoning someday. That or I will die trying to find any way I can in order to see that day. Just you wait!\'

Clark clenched his jaw and continued to think of venomous thoughts against that fucking Elder God who used him like a toy for entertainment just like the very destiny of this annoying Primal Warden in his front.

Since there was really nothing he could do to change his situation today then worrying about it was certainly a practice of fools.

A full minute passed and it was at this moment that our bored gamer also closed his eyes to attain a facade of unconsciousness that sleep brought to him afterwards.

* * *

Three days later and it was finally time for the Inner Disciples Exam to begin.

This was an annual highlight for every Outer Disciple as this event would give them the chance to finally enter the Inner Disciples Court should they pass the test of strength before them.

Anyone was of course encouraged to join but it was sad that the only one who had a standing chance of breaching unto the next level in the ranks of the sect was only those Outer Disciples that had reached the 10th Stage of Mortal Shedding Realm.

Though that did not mean at all that there were no brave souls that tried to test their skills against their Seniors in the Demonic Sword Sect.

"Good morning, Uncle Ren, Uncle Lin! Are we going to be late for the contest?" Clark asked his everyday Dao Protectors in the sect.

If truth be told, the two had been serving all our bored gamer\'s wants more seriously especially since that fateful day that they had seen for themselves of how fast and unbelievable Young Master Clark truly was.

This mysterious Legacy Disciple could even defy gravity and fly in the sky even before arriving at the Foundation Establishment Realm.

Elders Feng Lin and Feng Ren could only imagine how deep Young Master Clark has hidden his real strength and abilities from everyone else around him.

"I have already registered your name in the list, Young Master Clark. You don\'t need to do anything. Shall we go?" Elder Feng Ren answered with zest.

His perception towards our bored gamer has drastically changed over the days.

If before he would think that the boy was only lazy in practice and training, his opinion today has already taken a hundred and eighty degrees turn after the fact.

In Elder Feng Ren\'s mind, he judged with absolute certainty that Young Master Clark has indeed earned the capital for appearing to be lazy and nonchalant almost all of the time.

The young Legacy Disciple\'s strength was indeed not something that they could fathom by any normal standards.

"Thank you, Uncle Ren! I don\'t know how much my life would have become more tedious if not for such an able guide like you and Uncle Lin."

Clark smiled towards the two olden Seniors of the Demonic Sword Sect.

"Please speak no more of it, Young Master Clark. It is our duty to show you the right path of cultivation." Elder Feng Ren really knew how to play with words.

"Feng Ren is correct, Young Master Clark. We are here to teach you everything we can but I doubt that there\'s really much we can share for someone as talented as you are.

I even had the subtle feeling that you could single-handedly defeat my brother and I should you want to do so." Feng Lin replied.

He was sharper than his brother Feng Ren as this wise Elder tried to gauge more from what was on the surface of this enigmatic Legacy Disciple.

"Surely you jest, Uncle Lin. Those were just trivial tricks of mine. I can only fly with the use of a simple magical tool.

I\'ve no fantasy whatsoever that I can match swords with such famous characters like you and Uncle Ren." Clark replied with soothing words coming from his mouth.

Alas, not everyone around him was impressed by his epic wordplay.

"LIES!" This was of course none other than Lin Che. Just like the rest, she would not miss anything that would happen to our bored gamer.

Not a single picture escaped her notice as she was akin to Clark\'s shadow in more than a week and some odd days since she has arrived in this Demonic Sword Sect.

"You really know how to weave magical lies from your filthy mouth, Foul Creature. You even made this pair of stupid evil cultivators to believe your rubbish.

I expected no less from such fallen souls of this earth." The Primal Warden continued and the usual harsh garbage flowed from her lips.

"Please be careful with your words, Young Lady. I do not take offense lightly. But should you continue spouting more nonsense today, I can\'t promise that I can keep my hand any longer."

Elder Feng Ren growled and there was a hint of barely concealed lunacy that glinted from within his eyes.

He had been abstaining from doing and saying anything that would offend this beautiful woman in consideration of Young Master Clark\'s feelings.

Elder Feng Ren was not dumb and guessed hastily that Lin Che was perhaps a new lover that Young Master Clark had picked from somewhere outside the sect.

But after a full week and more of being kind and gentle, Elder Feng Ren has finally ran out of patience already.

"So you have death then. You should have told me earlier so that i can give you a proper burial, evil old man." Lin Che uttered and smiled quite attractively towards Elder Feng Ren.

\'Oh boy. Here we go again.\' Clark could only sigh and true to his expectation, the sad lament of innocence happened before he could ever blink in where he stood.

"PUCHI!" Elder Feng Ren\'s head exploded in place.

Blood and pieces of his decapitated part flew to random directions but it was funny to notice that in about one breath, the motion of this discarded gore stopped completely in time.

"Did i not tell you that you are not allowed to kill anyone inside this sect, Lin Che?" Our bored gamer whispered.

His voice may have been soft but there was a pure unmistakable note of anger in them.

Clark has already lost count of how many times he has had this same exact conversation with this stubborn Primal Warden.

Alas, he could not help but conclude that it was probably much easier to teach a tree to talk than making Lin Che change her manners against all things wicked.

"You did... but what made you believe that I would listen to anything you say, Foul Creature?" Lin Che retorted. All around her, everything froze alongside the beat of the clock.

Every soul laid like statues in display.

Immovable and static to every change save two Supreme Existences that was of course our very own avid gamer and the other one was Primal Warden Lin Che.

"Don\'t do it again. Or do you want me to execute every pure soul in this Demonic Sword Sect?" Clark threatened.

Although the majority of the population inside the sect were bad apples but that did not mean at all that there were no good ones to be found here.

"Hmmmp!" At this point, Lin Che could only rest her case.

\'She never learns. I hope I don\'t ever do this again today. It\'s getting so tiresome already.\' Clark shook his head and rewound time to his bidding.

The scattered portions of brain, flesh and hair took a perfect guise once more in the form of one very old man in Elder Feng Ren.

The naive Elder did not even know what hit him as he uttered his past words in replay. But at least this time, he was still alive and that was what mattered most unto our bored gamer.

"Please be careful with your words, Young Lady. I do not take offense lightly. But should you continue spouting more nonsense today, I can\'t promise that I can keep my hand any longer." Elder Feng Ren growled.

"You are lucky, evil old man. You have been spared." Instead of killing Elder Feng Ren for the second time today, Lin Che has chosen to say these cryptic words towards the old man.

"You little b..." Elder Feng Ren started.

"Anyways, it\'s time for us to go. I am very much interested in this so-called Inner Disciples Exam. Come." Our tired protagonist interrupted to save the day.

\'Why do I feel like I\'m babysitting a couple of old men at this point of my life?\' Clark lamented inside but found no answer to his woes whatsoever.

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