Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 191 191 Two More Please

Chapter 191 Chapter 191 Two More Please

"You are free to try if you can do it, Foul Creature. I believe that the truth will make itself known soon.

Other than this, you can\'t say or do anything that will make me change my mind nor alter your fate in that matter. You are bound to die in our hands, Foul Creature."

Lin Che replied in a lengthy manner because words would already become useless past this point in time.

She and her sisters had faced countless evils together and the ending were usually the same.

The devils were always vanquished at their feet and they would once again await for when the next plague would come into both the Mortal Realm and the Divine Realm.

This was ever the mission of the Primal Wardens and they would no doubt do so until forever.

"We shall see then. Don\'t blame me for being heartless at that time, Lin Che. I\'ve already said time and time again that I want peace and yet you are still here to bother me endlessly.

I just hope that when the time comes, no regrets whatsoever will flow upon your lips." Clark replied and went back on his bed to relax.

Well, this may have been his exterior guise but deep inside him was a whole nother matter entirely.

\'FUCK ME! How can I escape this deadly woman?!\'

\'And to think that Lin Che has already called for backup from afar!\'

\'SIGH! Is this the end of me?\' Our bored gamer mused from deep inside him.

He had thought of many plans and counter plans but they seemed ineffective in how to permanently kill Lin Che and her sisters.

But it seemed that Death was already a familiar friend of theirs because dying would only make them stronger each time.

\'It\'s good that there seems to be a limitation in their power. They would turn back into the 1st Stage of Mortal Shedding Realm after a particular time has elapsed.

But I don\'t think that knowing this would also give a great help in my dilemma.\' Clark sighed again and was about to lose all hope.

He used the Grand Dao of Fortune Telling once more and knew that the sisters would arrive in no less than 3 weeks from today. And in that date, 2 more Primal Wardens would come for him.

And with every breath, our bored gamer could feel the tight stranglehold of the looming threat of death upon his neck. It was a very disturbing feeling.

\'Although I have tasted countless deaths before in the hand of that Freaky Lady but I still choose to believe in hope and life in the end.

I have yet to see my family and I don\'t plan on giving up before I can finally fulfill my dreams. I will see all of them into reality!\'

Clark vowed and this great push of determination fueled his will to do more. And his system cheat was a good start as any at this time.

\'Show me my stats, Nancy.\' Our bored gamer ordered his good system.

"Affirmative, host." Nancy replied almost instantaneously.

Host: Clark Colter

Level: 99 (True Immortal Realm 9th Stage)

Power: 5,143,683,729

Class: Necromancer, Korou

Constitution: Chaos Physique

Weapon: Severance, Spear of the Executioner

Armor: Darkheart, Carapace of the Undying

Cultivation Manual: Spear Art, Autumn Swallow

Boundless Void Insight

Experience: 99/100 (simplified)

Health: 9,950/9,950

Health Regen: 10/s

Mana: 80/11,450

Mana Regen: 20/s

System Shop

Shop Points: 57,315,826

Class Skills

Skill Points: 63



\'Hmmm... I have 3 more unspent classes and maybe that would do the trick to help me escape this tribulation of Primal Wardens. Now what should i choose?\'

Clark thought and spent some time to contemplate his decision.

He knew that this was an irrevocable change in his character progression and it would stupid to use them carelessly at this time.

\'Tsk. Tsk. If i had known that the fucking Elder God would cheat me out in the end, i would have not chosen the Korou class at all. It\'s nothing but a grave mistake at this point.

And to think that i even spent my precious skill points on it.\' Clark wanted to cry but he has no more tears to spare to past mistakes.

Regrets would also do him no good at this time. And so he continued to think of new ways in order to have some sort of solution to this problem.

\'Do you have any idea on how to detach the Elder God\'s influence on Lin Che, Nancy?\' Clark asked after a time.

"Affirmative, host. You only need to..." Nancy had wanted to add more but found herself disconnecting from the system and her database of information.

"...System Error!"

"...System Error!"

"...System Error!"

"...System Error!"

"...System Error!"




The annoying beeps continued and it did not take long for our avid gamer to know who has been pulling the strings from afar.

\'It\'s that fucking Elder God once more! He really wants to make this hard for me! What a sadistic bastard!\'

Clark shook his head and awaited for when the error notification would stop ringing inside his ears.

He has of course tried to mute the settings and even went as far as use his divine power to deafen this irritating sound but to no avail.

The same sharp noise persisted and thus, he could only apply patience in his life. He did not even let his endless deaths break him.

This little bother was a paltry inconvenience in comparison to what Clark had experienced in that meddlesome Freaky Lady. One hour later and it was when the noise finally stopped.

"The system could not answer your query, host. Please ask something else from the system." Nancy\'s voice rang once again and there was an unmistakable tinge of apology in her tone.

Clark understood her well enough and realized that she may have had a great scolding from that fucking Elder God earlier.

\'Thank you, Nancy. You did well enough for me already. Now i need to find the answer myself.\'

Our good gamer said and began searching for clues on how to defeat these Primal Warden ladies.

In his premonition, 2 women would come to rescue Lin Che and he would have no choice but to face 3 of them all at the same time.

Should he somehow find a miracle and win, he knew that there were perhaps thousands or millions more of other Primal Wardens out there.

This was simply a game where he could not win at all because the game was already rigged from the start. He was truly bound to fail and suffer.

\'Since i could not escape them nor could i kill them, then i have only one option left for me. I hope this works for me in the end.\'

Clark defined a single path ahead for him and he feared that this would backfire in his face at the instant that he tried it. Alas, this was better than waiting for death to come at his doors.

"I just remembered that I have something I need to tell you, Lin Che." Our bored gamer did not waste time and began to enact his plan in full.

He uttered these preliminary words and stood up once again to face the silent lady on the corner.

She was so beautiful in her spot and the pure animosity that she exuded towards our very own protagonist has all but added further challenge in what our bored gamer wanted to do in the first place.

"What is it, Foul Creature? Are you ready to repent for your sins? Should I wash your neck for you so that once it tastes my sword, it will be over in one quick slash?"

Lin Che replied and began spouting the same morbid words from her mouth.

Nevertheless, she could not help but raise a delicate brow when this Foul Creature before her took 2 steady steps towards her.

\'Just what is this Foul Creature planning to do right now?\' Lin Che asked herself after the 3rd step of our bored gamer took place.

Clark did not take a fourth because that would make him within kissing distances unto this lovely Primal Warden.

Our bored gamer has of course wanted to be as subtle as he possibly could.

He knew that he had one chance to do this and should he fail, the heavens would be torn asunder in consequence. Unfortunately, our good protagonist has already made up his mind.

This was the only chance he would ever get. If he waited for 3 weeks more, there would be additional Primal Wardens to tackle.

And at that time, it would impossible for him to do anything but just accept his death in the end. He even had time dealing with one Primal Warden in the name of Lin Che.

How much more the difficulty would rise when he would fight or escape with three of them hot on his heels.

"Lin Che..." Clark spoke the name so gently this time.

"Yes? Is there something wrong with your head or what? You seem more stupid today more than ever, Foul Creature.

Just tell me what you wanted to say so that we can have this discussion over and done with. I have no desire to continue this even further and you wi..."

Lin Che commented in the same toxic manner that she was used to. At this time though, she was robbed of her faculties to continue.

"Hmmm..." Lin Che\'s eyes grew wild and big when she felt a set of lips locked her own in an instant.

This pervasive intruder sucked and bit her until she could feel her lips throbbing with all the extreme attention it was getting.

Never in her life had Lin Che experienced this carnal thing between a man and woman and so it was totally acceptable that she was allowed to freeze for several breaths to process what had happened to her in full.

And when this epic realization struck her awake, her only reply was a not so gentle shove at the body that had already taken liberties and embraced her body into his hardness.

"Foul. Creature. You. Dare." Primal Warden Lin Che had a furious look on her face.

She still held her temper in check at this time but the next thing that our bored gamer did has absolutely made her forget her sanity.

"I think i have fallen in love with you, Lin Che. Will you be mine from today onward?" Clark said in all sincerity and used the Dao of Seduction to its utmost limit.

If there was any other mortal woman in here, she would have long achieved a thousand orgasms in just the span of three breaths. Alas, this trick won a different reaction from Lin Che.

"BOOM!" the residence shook and in a flash, two figures were already outside and away from the buried sword relic to where the Demonic Sword Sect laid.

"Today will be the time of your death, FOUL CREATURE! Come back here!" Lin Che roared in anger and she has now returned to her true form.

A 10 foot goddess that had a full golden body armor on with a giant sword and shield.

It was already clear at this point that the gamble that our bored gamer took had earned him nothing but more hostility from the Primal Warden.

"How can you repay my love with hatred, Lin Che?! You should be ashamed of yourself!" This was Clark\'s brave response to the golden goddess that pursued him with abandon.

But deep inside him, our bored gamer has only one question in mind.

\'How come my Dao of Seduction did not work? Do Primal Wardens prefer women more as lovers rather than males? Impossible! How can i be so unlucky today?\' Clark moaned in disappointment.

He did not even know if he could ever get this question answered but there was one thing he knew for certain at the moment.

"I need to run. And run far far away from here." Our bored gamer sighed and two unbelievable existences played hide and seek in the vast expanse of the universe.

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