Young Master Damien's Pet

Chapter 547 Night At Artemis- Part 1

"They know we are here," Penny whispered to him.

"That\'s good. It makes life that much simpler, doesn\'t it?" Damien asked her.? He pulled out the gun from his back, aiming at it when they heard a woman\'s voice come from behind who had been standing right behind them.

"What a violent man."

Penny\'s head snapped around to look at the white witch who stood there without any guard. At least that is what she made them believe until Penny caught sight of something s.h.i.+ny near her sleeves. The woman had come prepared with weapons.

"I haven\'t even done anything yet and here you are calling me violent. What a delicate woman you are to be carrying knives in those sleeves of yours," Damien said looking at the woman.

The white witch didn\'t wait for another second and she instead started to throw the knives at both of them. Damien was quick enough to deflect the knives with his gun but Penny couldn\'t do much with the needles that she carried. Though she had a gun for safety, the knives that were being thrown were too fast and she felt one of them grazing against her sleeve.

"Get inside," he said, sending her away and dealing with the white witch here.

"So confident in sending the woman alone. Do you think she will survive?"

Damien waved his hand that was holding the gun, "She will be just fine. You can in the meantime concentrate on the handsome man in front of you," Damien smiled at her.

"I hate men like you," the woman started through the knives again as he deflected them while saving the bullets which he had loaded before leaving the mansion.

"Don\'t worry, lady. I am not here to woo you. Even if you were the last woman I wouldn\'t court you," this only pushed the woman\'s b.u.t.ton before she threw something near him that let out white gas. He had smelled this gas before when he was in the village.

Oh, d.a.m.n it! he cursed himself and raised the gun, pulling the trigger that shot the silver bullet from the gun he held to the woman\'s head. The woman stood still for a moment.?With the bullet sinking into her flesh, the silver started to react slowly and her body started to disintegrate itself slowly. Damien noticed how the bullet had a slower effect on this white witch while other times it would take less than ten seconds for the body to turn to complete ash.

Looking around, he saw there was no one and he walked closer to the woman. Looking into her eyes which turned black, her skin turning to scale as the initial coat of her skin started to discard to show what she truly was. Turning to a black witch which they were unable to see previously. The white witch or the black witch had evolved itself to something more through the hands of the Artemis.

When her body finally did start turning into ash, there was a howling sound and Damien quickly turned around to catch a needle that was sent to attack him. From the trajectory it was sent, he raised his head to look up at the many windows that were closed. His eyes then moved higher to find a shadow that sat on top of the roof but in a blink of an eye, the person disappeared from there.

While Damien was outside, Penny had found an open door that she had dared not to enter. An open invitation was never a good sign. Instead, she decided to use the window. Pus.h.i.+ng it upward with both her hand when she heard a man\'s voice.

"I opened the door for you and you didn\'t enter. How rude..." it was the magistrate who she had tried to coax out some answers this morning but it had only turned useless in the end as he appeared to be tight-lipped from revealing any possible secrets, "It is a surprise to see you here, lady. Why don\'t you come inside and I treat you for coffee?" he asked her. His red eyes fluctuating to red and black.

She was already familiar with how corrupted vampire looked like thanks to Damien which was why she knew this color change wasn\'t because of corruption.?Penny gave him a bright smile as behind her was nothing but the wall and in the front was the man, "I don\'t like drinking coffee in the night. I find it hard to fall asleep after drinking it," she reasoned with the man.

"What about tea?" he asked her, taking a step closer to her and she moved away from him, walking diagonally from him.

"I think I would pa.s.s that too."

She noticed his hands move behind him, pulling two knives out. It made her wonder if it was a witch thing, to carry knives and then she paused. That was right. This man was not a vampire, he was a black witch! She let him closer which was when she noticed the slit eyes.

Not interested to play, Penny got straight down to business, "Are you a black witch or were you turned from being a white witch before?" she asked him.

The man stopped moving, his eyes staring at her when he asked, "What do you think?"

"Neither of it."

This had the man laughing as if she had told him a joke, "Aren\'t you an intelligent little b.i.t.c.h?" the expression on his face suddenly changing to something vile she wouldn\'t have been able to fit it in on him before, "I am going to enjoy butchering you. One-piece after another."

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