Crossdressing To Survive An Apocalypse

Chapter 198 - 198 - Diagnosis

"Yue, I made your favourite fried tofu... wake up eat my dear," a soothing voice silently whispered. A warm cloth touched his forehead ever so softly, wiping away his cold sweat.

Simultaneously, he could feel a warm hand gently caressing his bandaged one. "wake up soon Yue...."

it was the warm callous hand of his father….

Yue could hear them all, but responding took a lot of effort. It felt like his whole body was hit by a bus. Every nook and corner ached badly.

He groaned softly, moving his fingers a bit.

"Ah, he moved.. Yue, can you hear me/" his father\'s gruff voice came right next to his ears.

Yue sighed, trying his best to open his tired eyes. The lids were heavy and weighted. He literally had to struggle a lot to open them up. Glancing to his side, he saw multiple blurry faces looking at him nervously.

"Mom.... dad...."

"Yes baby, yes we are here," his mum happily kissing his forehead. "Do you want some water, baby?"

Yue nodded. His throat felt it was torn up by sandpaper. It felt scratchy, and it ached to even breathe out loud.

"Here," small spoon full water entered his mouth.

The cold water chilled his throat entirely bringing some relief to his pain.

His mum calmly fed him until he felt content.

Yue\'s eyes cleared up by then. He glanced around everyone was here. Tian was sitting on the bottom of his bed with a wide smirk.

"Awake princess?"

"Hmm..." Yue reached out a hand to her. "Fan?...."

"He is in the next room." She whispered back.


"Fan is okay. He woke up yesterday and even came to meet you. He refused to leave your bedside and literally had to be dragged away by Qian," his mum said, wiping his forehead with a wet cloth. "He is most likely sleeping..."

Yue sat up, leaning his hand on the bed. His back was stiff and frozen from not moving much. "How many days was I unconscious?"

"Three, it was chemically induced sleep." Juda gestured for everyone to give her space while she was changing Yue\'s saline drip. "You kept crying for Fan Xui." She slightly pinched his nose.

Yue crinkled his nose. "Yeah...I\'m worried.... he looked really sick and the electricity... it was out of control."

A small pain arose in his heart. It was entirely his fault that Fan Xui was in the hospital. \'if only I had waited a bit and calmed down before having the talk.\'

That was his problem. When he was super stressed or nervous, he usually will end up breaking down and crying.

\'I was crying for him to return my Fan Xui. How stupid was i!\'

He should have been the first person to understand Fan Xui\'s situation, after all, he too had an out-of-the-world experience.

But when Fan Xui explained his anomaly his heart was not ready to accept it. Knowing that the original Fan Xui was gone made his heartache slightly even now.

\'no… there must be something else going on…. there has to be some other explanation… because the one who called himself a stranger, felt very very similar to Fan Xui but had different mannerisms and speech patterns. Is it possible for a person to have such varied personalities?\'

\'He said he was Fan Xui... but he was also from another world that was similar to this...maybe he is like me.. Maybe he comes from another time line....,\'

\'Fuck I messed up!\'

Yue massaged his forehead. If he had let Fan Xui explain things he would not even have to think so much...

\'But he is not Fan Xui.. He is not the person you knew...\' a small voice inside his head echoed.

Like the voice of the devil, this voice kept saying the same thing again and again.

Yue looked around. His parents and family were looking at him with worried eyes. "I.. can I see Fan Xui...."

"After eating..." his mum hurriedly took a flash and poured some hot porridge in a bowl. "eat and you can go meet him."

Yue spooned the porridge and ate it sip by sip. His hands trembled slightly, but he did not let the spoon drop off. He held it tightly and finished the bowl. "Can I go see Fan?"

Sighing, his mum wiped his mouth. "Yes, can you get up and walk?" Tian and Juda helped him get down. His legs slightly trembled, unable to hold his weight.

Tian threw one of his hands over her shoulders and supported him all the way to the next room.

The underground hallways looked slightly dim with only a few lights lighting up the way. Just a few steps in, they reached the next door.

Juda opened the door for them while Tian and Yue walked in. his parents did not want to intrude so they stayed outside giving them some privacy.

Yue glanced around the room. it was a small room with a lot of glass beaker and other stuff kept in the corner. In the centre was a small bed connected to the heart monitors and stuff. a lone figure laid there softly breathing.

He hobbled close and held Fan Xui\'s hand. "Fan Xui..."

Fan Xui woke up in an instant. His eyes snapped, open looking around. "ah.. Yue.. It\'s you... I thought it was that Qian." He said, sitting up. He massaged his head slightly. "I\'m sorry I didn\'t make it to our dinner plan. Is.. is it okay if we rain check..." he shyly glanced at him.

Yue froze. This shy glance was something he was very used to. "Dinner?"

"Yeah.... I was... planning a small date..." he blushed red, scratching the back of his hand. "Oh.. I also got my eyes operated hurray,"

"psst!" Qian suddenly made a sound.

He glanced at Qian who gestured for him to stop. "um… what is it Qian?"

Qian sighed loudly. "You are on your own buddy,"

Yue glanced at them both. "\'what\'s wrong with him? Fan; do you remember where you are?"

"Hospital?" Fan Xui confusedly looked around. "they don\'t have windows?" he slightly frowned.

"you.. what is the last thing you remember?"

Fan Xui looked his way with a deep frown. "We had dinner at your place. What\'s wrong….weren\'t you planning to leave to H city," he gently held his hand. "I wanted to say this back then... I-I want to come with you in search of your sister. I have a few influential figures in H. They might be of help. Don\'t worry, we will find her soon,"

Yue completely froze in shock. "Qian... what is... what\'s going on?"

Qian scoffed with a sharp glare. "He doesn\'t remember what happened after his coma. Isn\'t that what you wanted? I bet you are happy you got you \'Fan Xui\' back,"


Qian silently stormed out of the room.

"Wait!" Yue stood up hurriedly but his unsteady Legs could not hold him up.

Fan Xui silently caught hold of him. "you okay? Sit down.." he pulled Yue up onto his bed and securely held his waist. The person in his arms was trembling slightly as he peered at the now-closed door. "Yue.... what\'s going on?"

"I.. I don\'t know either... Fan do you remember what happened after you left my house? you... you got into a coma...." he desperately glanced up at him.

Fan Xui shook his head. \'Qian asked the same question. Something doesn\'t feel right… why was I in a coma? What memories are they talking about…...\' he was slightly perplexed why everyone around him was asking the same question. 

Yue\'s face was paling visibly.

"Yue.." he gently caressed his cheeks. "are you okay? Why..." his eyes finally focused on the bandaged arm. "What happened?! How did you get hurt?"

The young man simply looked up at him unsurely. His eyes were tearing up slightly... "Fan Xui..."

"yes.. what is it?" he cupped his face hesitantly. "is anything troubling your mind?" peering at his tear-filled brown eyes, his heart started to ache slightly. He gently wiped the tears escaping his eyes. "Don\'t cry..."

Yue shook his head. "Fan Xui.. I\'m so sorry. I\'m so sorry... just wait here. I will go see q-Qian and I\'ll be back," he stood up slowly and walked out with Tian\'s help.

Fan Xui curiously looked at the young girl next p Yue. She looked strikingly similar to him. \'Who is that? Why does she...\'

She looked back at him and nodded.

He nodded back.

"Wait a bit. Qian!" Yue shouted at his retreating back. "please.. tell me what\'s going on? Why can\'t Fan remember?"

Qian paused glancing back through his narrowed eyes. "follow me," he led them to a small divided room nearby Fan\'s.

"Take a seat," Qian rolled out chairs for them.

Yue and Tian sat down. "Don\'t delay it any further. Please.. please tell me what\'s going on?"

Qian held out a brain scan. "see this..." he pointed at the small bright spot on the left side of the brain. "That is Fan Xui\'s\' nerve activities. It\'s normal..." he took out another scan from his desk. "This was taken a month ago, see the spot." this spot was on the right side of the brain.

"I don\'t understand...."

"This is the primary somatosensory cortex and primary motor cortex. Look at how different the activities are compared to the report a month ago.."

"What do you suggest?"\' Yue tightly held Tian\'s hand in fear. \'Is Fan Xui sick….?\'

Qian sighed, sitting back in his chair. "You what did you do or say to him..."

Yue glanced down on the ground, hiding his tears. "He ... he said that he.. he was not the real Fan Xui... and that real Fan Xui did not wake up from the coma... I said.. I wanted him back.."

Qian silently closed his eyes... "You believed it when he said he was not the real one?"

Yue nodded slightly.

Qian chuckled dryly. "You... you really are an idiot. He is the same Fan Xui...but... but different." he held his head pulling at his hair. "E-even I didn\'t notice this how could you have. Yue, Fan Xui might have multiple personality disorder,"


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