Crossdressing To Survive An Apocalypse

Chapter 208 - 208 - Electric

Fan Xui entered the room without knocking. Hary who was in the middle of changing glanced at him dully. "How did your date go?"

"Spectacular... I have run into another problem now. How do you use this new ability?"

Hary paused while he was wearing his shirt. "Oh I forgot, you don\'t know how to use your powers... well its simple. I just have to think and it activates.."

As he was saying this, the metal in his leg melted away and swarmed around him in small droplets.

He caught one of them. In instantly turned into a small ball shape. "It\'s like a part of my body, so I can easily control it with just a thought."

Fan Xui looked at him, astonished. "Well I tried the thinking part... it didn\'t work."

"Hmm.. I see. Why don\'t you go see Qian? He might be of help." Hary continued packing his gear.

Fan Xui sighed. "He will nag... I don\'t know after that happened, he seems pretty upset and cranky...." he picked up the gun on the bed and fiddled with it. "Hary.... was I an amazing fighter? My other personality I mean. You have met him and traveled with him, right?"

"I guess you were....but I hate his personality.." Hary grumbled, plucking the gun from his hands.


"He was annoying."


"Just annoying to the eye..." Hary peered at him. Fan Xui in front of him looked like a cold person, but in fact, he was very warm and welcoming. But that personality was not so good at talking. Every time he opened his mouth, he would sprew out shit. He really hates that about him.


"He did save my life once. I guess he is tolerable," he finally zipped his bag of weapons and went to pack his second bag.

Fan Xui silently peered at him. "Do you think Yue liked him more? He does sound like a heroic character unlike me..."

Hary paused and sat next to him. "I don\'t know... I think Yue likes both your personalities. He might not show it but o feel like he is slightly depressed."

"Depressed... why do you think so?"

When he was with him Yue looked like he was the happiest person. He had never once shown a sad expression. But he saw it in his eyes a few times when they were together. Yue would look down at his feet with tears in his eyes.

Hary just shrugged. "When he is not with you, he has this expression like he is about to cry..... I talking to him about it. But he said it was nothing..."

\'If he is in fact depressed because my other personality disappeared….. Isn\'t that sad… he likes both. But can only like one?…\'Fan Xui fiddled with his thumb. \'Was the other personality so charming? Charming enough that my boyfriend misses him even now…\'

This was partially the reason why he was subconsciously so rough on him. He was secretly jealous. His heart was still burning knowing that Yue still held someone else in his heart. Even though it was his other personality it did not sit well with him.

"so.... which one do you like?"

"Ew I don\'t want to answer that question," Hary stood up and went to clean his hair with a wet rag.

"Come on, am I likable compared to the other one?"

"I prefer your personality more, I guess..."

"Thanks.." Fan Xui got up. "So how does this power thing work again?"

"Just think about electricity in the palm of your hand. See if it works."

Fan Xui raise his palm and peered into it. After a while of intense thinking nothing appeared. "it did not work"

Hary glanced back with a brow raised. "That\'s okay, we\'ll try something else. Come on," he took the bags and walked out.

He led him over to the rooftop and locked the door behind him.

"Your powers are mainly based upon electric energy. Maybe you need a recharge... try to see if you can feel the electricity flowing through the solar panels there," he pointed to a corner where solar panels were attached.

Nodding Fan Xui closed his eyes. He could feel a small amount of energy in the air.

His mouth went dry and he could taste a subtle taste of iron.

He licked his gums and lips. There were definitely no cuts anywhere inside his mouth.

"I feel the taste of iron."

"Not electricity?"

"No..." Fan Xui tightly closed his eyes and concentrated. The feeling of something in the air felt intense.. a small rumbling was heard above them.

The iron taste became much more apparent filling his entire pallet with blood-like taste.

The sky angrily rumbled loudly.

Fan Xui could feel it. The small shocks of electricity gushing to him.

He glanced up in shock. The clear sky suddenly changed into a thick expanse of grey clouds. Small sparks of thunder were passing in between.

With naked eyes, he had never seen such a spectacular sight. Small blue energy danced around in the sky. It was like the electric current was slowly passing from one cloud to another. Like a small snake..

"You are feeling it aren\'t you? Tap into that feeling. Summon that energy into the palm of your hand."

Fan Xui held his palm open.

The electric energy in the air condenses into his palm, forming a condensed energy ball. It sparked and crackled in the air.

"That\'s it. You got the hang of it right? I have to leave now. Just keep practicing it," Hary said, moving to the door.

"Wait," Fan Xui closed his palm. The energy got adsorbed into his body. The small hairs in his body wall stood up and he felt a small tingle in his bones. "I\'m coming as well,"



"Out where? I\'m going in a mission Fan,"

"I\'m going too. So is Yue," Fan Xui walked out of the terrace door.

Hary just turned back with a deep frown. "huh? No, you are not. You both are staying here. My team and I will take care of everything,"

"But Yue said...."

"His uncle will never allow him to go out. Not after what happened.."

Fan Xui deeply furrowed watching him walk away. "Yue will not listen though..." he hurriedly ran back to the infirmary where he found Tian.

She was hugging a girl and kissing her cheeks with a small pout on her face.

From this angel she really looked like Yue but with a taller figure.


Tian glanced at him in shock. "Is there something wrong? Does your head hurt?"

"No, your brother is planning on going out for this mission. Do you know that?"

Tian nodded. "Yeah, I\'m going with him. Why are you asking?"

"Hary said his uncle won\'t allow Yue to go...." Fan Xui was confused at this point. A small suspicion grew in his mind. \'but why... why is he like that?\'

"Tian... can I ask you something? I heard from Yue that you don\'t share the same father? do you perhaps know who your real father is?"

Tian just shrugged. "Don\'t know,"

"is it maybe.... Qian\'s father?"

Tian frowned at this. "Why do you say so?"

"I have known him for a long time.. Qian\'s father never shows any kind of love to his child... but with you and Yue he is different. He loves you both. I.. don\'t know..Maybe it\'s just my guess. Aren\'t you curious?"

She did not react much. "Oh... I don\'t want to know. I don\'t want anything to do with my real father.. Whoever it might be."

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