Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 236 236: Part 1: The Mining Colony II

This was the first time Tehilla had really seen Cole go to work, the first time she has seen the blood lust that he was now universally famous for. She had to be honest with herself though….it scared her. For all of her bravado, the ease with which Cole had ordered the deaths of over a dozen people had shocked her, and the way he had stood, watching it all happen without so much as flinching had left her pretty shaken to her core.

In the end it had all come to an end pretty quickly, with Cole sitting on a stool while facing off against the young man called Raven, who was now kneeling in front of him. Tehilla wrinkled her nose at the smell of urine and the scent of fear in the air. The fact that they could smell emotions was weird, something that Cole had actually told her was new for him too. She had a theory, but that would be something to work on later, right now though she was hoping he doesn\'t go on any more killing sprees.

"So Raven, we finally get the chance to meet in person. I have to say I\'m disappointed I thought you would be taller, and at the very least I thought you would have more balls considering all the time we met, you always felt the need to run your mouth and scheme all over my Glade. Now why are you so afraid? I\'m sure you also have your abilities here too, I can see the feathers in your hair and notice the largeness of your eyes to know that you\'re showcasing traits from your face in reality just as I\'m doing with mine.

So why didn\'t you fight back, why did you just stand there and watch your men get killed? Does this mean you\'re as much a coward out here as you are in there? It\'s a shame really, at some point I thought you would have been a worthy adversary. But never the less let\'s get back on point, where\'s Cassandra\'s ship or the ship she\'s in. And how many more pirates have you hired and brought along with you?" Cole asked, as he rested his hand on top of [Black Malakai] which was on his lap.

Raven didn\'t have much of a choice though, especially with how scared he currently was, spilling all of his current secrets was a task too easy for Cole. Apparently he had hired three pirate crews that were all offshoots of a bigger crew. The bigger crew themselves had a frigate of their own, along with a couple other smaller ships that made up their fleet. The fleet itself was a few light-years away, busy terrorizing a major shipping lane.

Cole did not think he was well equipped to dealing with a fleet of pirates as he was right now, so it wasn\'t too hard to have Morgan slip the necessary information to the authorities. But never the less there were two crews still left in the colony, not to mention the 300 plus miners that lived on it, half or at least more than half of which were in cahoots with the bad guys and would do anything in their power to repel and resist Tehilla\'s new management. It did not matter so much to Cole, with the current state of this place a purge was in order, perhaps it would be for the best anyways.

But it was not as if he wanted to go on a million spree, this was his reality. And powerful as he was, he was not above the law. He could still get arrested if he proves himself to be nothing more than a mass murderer, which he was, but the deaths have to be a necessary evil. From this point on they would have to split up, Neral and Dragon would go with Tehilla to secure the colony and assume full ownership, taking out the crew at the command center. Then Cole and Delarosa would go along with their prisoner Raven to docking bay 3 where the escorts he sent for Cassandra and her son were still holed up in their ships and resisting any attempt to board them.

"I\'m sure every one has got their tasks, let\'s limit everything to a 30 minute run, and check back in every 5 minutes, 7 minutes tops if you are held up. I want this done as efficiently as possible, the quicker we take command the lesser time the remaining miners have of finding out what is happening, and they wouldn\'t have to die in the process of their resisting. Dragon, Neral, make sure you keep her safe." Cole said to the two going with Tehilla, giving them a focused glare that more than told them both the levels of horrors that would be waiting for them if so much as a scratch touches her.

They separated from there with Delarosa vanishing into Cole\'s shadow as means of having a hidden card should they come up against enemies. Morgan was already in the process of hacking and taking over the Colony\'s network. It wasn\'t much to be written home about, but it was still a system governing an entire mining colony and the hundreds of machines and infrastructure held within. The doors in front of them hissed open as Cole went Left and Tehilla right, moving down the hallway that opened up to them.

Cole held his handgun with both hands and close to his chest and he picked his steps through, letting his perception be the guide as he tried his hardest not to gag from the smell of old oil, rust and deuterium…. The damn ore had a rather distinct cloying scent, especially when it has been refined. He kept his focus, the bay he was heading to was two bays away from where they had docked, which means he had to cross at least 2 to 3 kilometers of space to reach it. He needed to move faster, and so he dug his heels and moved.

For some reason much of the path to the bay was absent of people, or better yet perhaps it was because they had been made to dock in a bag that was hardly used and isolated. It would have given Raven and the forewoman the chance to rob them blind without the rest of the colony noticing. And speaking of Raven, this guy was slowing him down, so Cole turned around gave him a big smile then slammed his head into the wall by their side….twice! It came as no surprise to Cole that he was passed out before he hit the ground.

Then Cole picked him up and unceremoniously dumped him in a trash chute….. hopefully that doesn\'t lead to outer space. Cole gave Morgan orders to keep and eye on Raven as he turned back to his journey…..now happy to move as fast as he wanted to, without a burden holding him back.

"Well Let\'s go Hunting!"

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