Legend of Legends

Chapter 32: First Day At Work 1

She stirred.

Sarang was in front of her desk when she stirred and got up. Haesook Lim had been trying to cover her with a blanket. She turned her head, saw Haesook and was stunned.

"You didn’t answer me. If you are sleepy you should sleep on your bed."


Sarang ran and hugged her mom, and her mom gently tapped her back.

"What? Did you have a nightmare?"

Was it a dream? Is it OK to call it a dream? Everyone who had spoken with her had died. Would you call that a dream?

Libya had looked like a fairy, and there had been the oxen person, Minota, and Warren, the werewolf. Had it all been a dream? However, when she met them, how scared had she been? It wasn’t a dream. It was real for sure.

Still, hugging her mom, it all felt unreal.

"Mom, what day is it today?"

Haesook looked at Sarang, sighed deeply and held her wrists, pulling her closer. She placed Sarang on her bed and said:

"Do you remember you have a test tomorrow?"

Sarang grimaced a little at the thought of a test. She had spent more than five days on the Battlefield of Dimensions, but the test day had not passed.

She did not feel well about it.

Haesook caressed her daughter’s hair and said:

"Go to sleep. I will wake you up at four. You could study a little then and go to school."


Haesook placed a blanket on her and left the room, turning the lights off. Inside her dark room, Sarang thought about what had just happened.

She thought about destroying the force field around the castle and about Junhyuk. When she saw him the first time, he looked familiar. Now, she remembered him vividly because she had fought alongside him for several days.

Sarang extended her hands outside her blanket.

"Was it really a dream?"

What about the basics of magic she had learned from Vera? Was that also a dream?

Sarang thought about her energy bolt. Then, specks of light coagulated around her hands. She was used to gathering light around her hands before launching her energy bolt.

Sarang looked at the lights on her hand. Suddenly, she got up and stared at the bright lights and gulped.

"Is this for real?"


Slowly, Junhyuk looked around. His hospital room hadn’t changed. He sighed of relief, and moved his toes.

He could move easily, and that meant his shin had also healed, so he laughed a little.

"I can’t fool them. I should ask them to remove the cast next week."

Junhyuk moved his cast-covered leg lightly and placed his head on the bed. He had barely survived his second trip to the Battlefield of Dimensions, but he could not relax.

"Do I have two weeks, again?"

Could he survive his next trip? When would he be summoned again?

In his first trip, he hadn’t done anything, but his second trip had been different.

Since his power level advanced, he was able to transfer his force field and he changed the flow of the battle. The battle on the first trip had lasted more than a month, but, this time, it was over in less than five days, and his contributions had a lot to do with it.

However, the enemy had concentrated their attacks on him. He understood that, from then on, he was the front man. Even if he used his force field on himself, it only lasted ten seconds. Also, he could use spatial relocation every thirty seconds, but spatial relocation did not cover long distances.

He could only relocate up to five meters at a time, and the opponent could cover that distance with one or two paces.

His powers had to evolve. He had to shorten the cooldown times, or his powers had to evolve.

So, Junhyuk decided to test his powers soon.

This time, he had gotten many items, and they should help him out the next time he was summoned. He was deep in thought when he felt something on his chest.

"This is...?"

There was a pendant on his chest with three colored runestone stuck to it. Junhyuk looked for something else on his chest, and he found it stuck to his hospital gown.

Junhyuk had paid 500G for it. It was his potion. He whispered, looking at the potion:

"How did it get here?"

It had treated a broken arm and a broken leg in an instant; it tasted like poison, but its effectiveness was the best. It had power like no other medicine.

Junhyuk looked at the potion and placed it against his chest, inside his clothes. He bought it to save his life, so he should treat it with care.

He looked outside, and watched over the nightlife. Soon, he could only think of the face of one person.

She was wearing glasses and looked patronizing - a woman. He was thinking of Eunseo and he shook his head and closed his eyes. The potion could cure her.

However, the potion tasted like poison. It had a taste from hell, so it wouldn’t be possible to sneak in and give her the potion. He might have to make her pass out to get her to drink it.

Even more important, they had announced that her case was impossible by modern medicinal standards, so it would be a hassle if he gave her the potion. They said that if one held on to jewelry, it would only bring blood. He should be more careful.

Junhyuk decided to think about it carefully. He shouldn’t be careless, whatever he decided.


A week passed by quickly, and Junhyuk learned more things. His pendant worked properly, so his power was double what it had been before. He could lift his bed, which surprised him.

Also, his interpretation pill worked as well. He could understand foreign broadcasts from any TV station. He could flip through Chinese and English channels and understand everything.

It had cost him 100G, and he thought it had been expensive, but he would’ve needed more than that in the real world to understand all languages.

Junhyuk decided to use all his time to try to upgrade his powers. When there were others around him, he browsed "how to use a two-handed sword" on his smartphone.

He had swung it without any skill, so he needed some proper training. With his naked eyes, he had been able see what his opponents were trying to do.

Of course, he had only mimicked their motions and he did not know what kind of mindset he needed to have to wield his sword, but their movements gave him a lot of clues.

When there was no one around he practiced using his powers, but just because he used his powers often didn’t mean they would evolve. However, he could use his powers more easily.

Every thirty seconds, he could use spatial relocation. He was not too concerned with the changing scenery, but, at that point, he could relocate over six meters.

It was just like Artlan had said: hard work did not betray you. His powers did not evolve, but he made good advances.

That day, he was getting discharged. In the morning, he punched the casts around his arm and leg.

Crack, crack!

At once, the casts broke, and Junhyuk got up easily. Until then, he had tuned his leg muscles lying down, but it was different to work them out while walking.

He took a few steps and checked on the condition of his legs. He heard something outside his room, and the door opened. The doctors who were in charge of VIP rooms came in.

Dr. Guak, the head of the department, and his subordinates came in. They saw Junhyuk without his casts and were all surprised.

Dr. Guak was the first to collect himself and asked:

"How is you leg?"

Junhyuk jumped up and down easily and said:

"I felt OK, so I got rid of the cast, and everything looks fine."

Dr. Guak frowned a little. Junhyuk was a special patient. ST Capsule’s Director Kim had asked them to look after him. So, they watched him closely, but he seemed to be OK and wanted to leave. Everything was very shocking.

"How did you get rid of the cast?"

"I hit it against the ground, and it broke in one blow."

"What if your leg isn’t completely healed?"

Junhyuk smirked, and Dr. Guak sighed and looked at the chief resident.

"Take one more X-ray, and notify ST Capsule. If we don’t find anything, we will discharge you."

"Thank you."

Junhyuk got another X-ray. Since he was in a VIP room, he did not have to wait. He went to Dr. Guak’s office to look at the results.

Dr. Guak looked really surprised.

"Honestly, we thought it would take three weeks. You fell from a high cliff, and, even though you only broke your leg, we should be more careful."

"I know."

"You’ve healed really fast."

That was because he had been to the Dimensional Battlefield, but there was no need to talk about it. Dr. Guak looked at him and said:

"ST Capsule agreed to pay for everything, so we contacted them. There will be a person from the company coming to help you with the discharge procedure."

Junhyuk got up and bowed.

"Thank you for taking care of me."

Dr. Guak shook his head and extended his hand. Junhyuk took the doctor’s hand, and Dr. Guak smiled.

"Congratulations on getting well."

"Thank you."

Junhyuk went to his room and opened the cabinet. He had already prepared something to wear. He changed clothes and sat on his bed, pulling his legs toward himself to exercise his stomach. It was better to workout each muscle during an exercise, than to exercise just sitting around.

While he was exercising his abs, he turned the TV on to CNN, and saw that W.A.N.C.S. was trying to make every Friday a worldwide holiday.

"Are they going to do it?"

It had already been three months since the first abnormal narcolepsy patient, and mass coma affected even more people. They were creating more patients by causing accidents.

They were not for sure about anything, and it was not easy to make every Friday a holiday, but the power W.A.N.C.S. possessed was beyond imagination.

Their opinion was being accepted by each nation. There would be a holiday every Friday, soon.

Junhyuk watched the news when someone knocked on the door. He got up, stretched out his torso and said:

"Come in."

The door opened, and a man wearing a black suit walked in. He looked familiar, but, when he moved, a surprising face appeared.

Wearing her glasses and with the same haughty expression on her face, Eunseo who came in.

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