Fatal Shot

Chapter 490 - Belonging of the Pet Evolution Solution

Feng Luo reached out to take out the Pet Enhancement Fluid from his Agent backpack and put it on the table.

It was a very thin silver syringe with a length of less than a finger. Although its value was not up to that of the Force Enhancement Fluid, it was definitely far higher than a piece of quality Rare equipment.

Its price was even able to match up to half of Legendary equipment because it was able to 100% raise pets to Commander-Grade.

Although high-grade Pet Chips were able to guarantee Commander pets, there was a chance of failure. Once it failed, ten millions of credits would go down the drain. Not to mention that this had a 10% chance of raising pets to Quasi-Boss-Grade.


“Quasi-Boss.” Big Pineapple stared at the thin silver syringe on the table, about to drool.

“Before the bidding starts, I suggest setting a rule. No matter who bought this thing, it can only be used on oneself, it can’t be passed on and auctioned or given to others – I suppose no one has any comment on this.” Feng Luo brought up a rule first.

Everyone had previously discussed and decided at last to split this thing internally through the method of bidding, but due to basing on the estimated approximate price, the money Phoenix and Big Pineapple had on hand previously would be insufficient to buy it.

Thus, it waited until today after everyone had split the Force Awakening Solution money from Mister X for them to once again start to decide on this matter.

“Ah, this way, Old Feng, you wouldn’t suffer a loss.” Hearing this, Big Pineapple looked towards Feng Luo with an expression of shock.

“Yeah, Leader Feng. This way, aren’t you not prepared to participate in the competition?” Phoenix’s expression was also a little shocked as she looked towards Feng Luo.

On Death Hunter Island, Phoenix and Big Pineapple had already known that 24K was a Boss-Grade pet; although they were not sure whether it was a Quasi-Boss or a Boss, they were sure that this Evolution Fluid was no use to 24K.

Feng Luo saying what he did was undoubtedly equivalent to actively backing out of the competition.

“I’m prepared not to participate in the competition, y’all know too that this thing isn’t of use to me.” Feng Luo nodded.

Saying this, he was not deliberately being generous.

He had considered that the use of this thing to the three of them was really far more than to himself, let alone the fact that 24K’s evolution criteria felt very unique – it could not be used at all even if the quality was too high.

However, the actual price of this Pet Evolution Fluid was still very high.

If taken to the auction, not mentioning anything else, tens of millions or even up to a billion credits would really be possible.

There were too many people who were rich in War, especially now that there was an increasing trend in developing towards a second-world; to a Galactic Era local tycoon, millions and tens of millions of Star Coins were really expenditures that were not taken to heart.

Therefore, Feng Luo set this rule hoping not to let everyone have the intention of first buying it at an internal price then passing it on to auction it.

This was similarly an unwritten rule in many mission teams – they would rather not sell the equipment that everyone needed for money but cheaply split them to the internal members.

Feng Luo did not even notice that with this action of his, he vaguely had the self-consciousness of being the leader of the team.

“I agree. I’m also prepared to buy it for my own use; although I don’t have a pet now, I’ve long set my eyes on a type of Elite monster which is very complementary to my battle style.” Big Pineapple nodded.

“I have no objection, I just want to level up Jelly.” Phoenix agreed as well.

Feng Luo had seen her pet Jelly before when battling with the Tyrant T-100 – it was a mutant Elite pet.

“I have no comments...” Onishi similarly had no objection, but his gaze at Feng Luo at the moment had a bit of complexity.

Seeing 24K in the three-men battle with Xing Shao yesterday continuously summoning Elite-Grade beetle troops and pinning down Xing Shao’s Commander-Grade bat that was initially strutting around with battle prowess, Onishi had suspected 24K’s Level long before. And now, he knew that his suspicion had been proven.

In some way, it was just as complex as his gaze right now.

Compared to a huge portion of star players who anticipated the fame all day, he was actually considered comparatively low profile – he long possessed Legendary equipment but never revealed it, letting those people laugh at him for not having Legendary equipment and say that he was not up to some of those who were defeated by him before.

But he had just asked himself in his heart. If he had long possessed a Boss-Grade pet, would he have been able to keep being in low profile and not reveal any bit at all?

No, since he was a star top-notch player, no matter how low key, becoming a star player and having experienced tens of thousands of views, with the taste of such attention, it would be very hard to maintain a straight state of mind.


“I won’t compete, I’m not really interested in pets. Y’all go ahead, I’m switching off the communication.” The three people had all expressed agreement, while Digital Cat’s voice sounded from the channel as well.

Even for her combat profession, she played a different mission every few days; towards combat pets whatsoever, it was impossible for her to have the same enthusiasm as the other few of them.

“Alright, Old Feng and Digital little girl are not competing. Then don’t mind me, I’ll name five million credits first.” Big Pineapple gave a crooked smile, pondering for a while before naming the first price.

“You’ve just had more than a billion credited to you just now, and you’re only naming five million? Then I’ll just add to 10 million. Onishi, how about you?” Phoenix rolled her eyes at Big Pineapple and raised the price by two times.

Speaking of which, Phoenix completely had a duo-personality in front of familiar people and in front of strangers met once or twice.

Just like at the start when she met with Feng Luo and the others, she had completely displayed a kind of shy, alluring impression.

But now that she was familiar with everyone, she displayed another side, plus a feeling that she was unbothered by her image.

However, who knew how, it seemed like Phoenix had taken a liking in bickering with Big Pineapple.

“13,500,000.” Onishi said after hesitating slightly.


After one minute, after going through a few rounds of bidding, the Pet Evolution Fluid had been taken by Phoenix at 25 million credits in the end.

This was a little out of Feng Luo’s expectation. He initially thought that this thing would have landed in Onishi’s hands in the end.

Among the three, Onishi’s financial power was definitely the strongest.

As a star player, it should not be seen that he was a solo player with no guild – in actuality, the income normally came from his various ambassadorship, advertisements and things like that that were extremely rich.

It was Big Pineapple and Phoenix whose money probably still mainly relied on the division from the over one billion credits credited just now.

However, after the three people had raised to 20 million, Onishi had backed out of the competition straight with a calm expression.

When Big Pineapple and Phoenix had raised the price to 25 million, he pursed his lips, pondering for quite a while, before his money-face nature triumphed over his anticipation for a high-grade pet at last and he had chosen to give up.

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