Abyss Domination

Chapter 513 - 8 Bottomless Abyss!

The most authentic embodiment of the law of chaos was a place where everything was possible because it was too chaotic.

There have been good demons, order lords, paladins from hell, sons of hell who were looking for salvation, and so on. Almost all things possible have happened here because the most authentic chaos was that everything was possible. However, as the incarnation of chaotic law, the whole Bottomless Abyss belonged to [Chaotic Evil]. Anyone who had made contact with the devils in the [Order Alignment] would have 2 points of Charisma impairment. If it was the [Good Alignment], then there would be an additional 2 points of Charisma impairment.

This was the law of the abyss.

Bottomless abyss would not directly suppress your power, but it will make you “Enemies on all sides”! (Note: Charisma impairment was only superficial. More Adventurers found that there was an additional goodwill impairment.)

Soran’s alignment was Evil Order.

So if he appeared in the Bottomless Abyss, because of the exclusion by the abyss law, all the demons that knew him and has heard about him would be born with two points of charisma impairment, which was simply ‘Why do I feel uncomfortable when I see this guy, I really want to fight with him and see.”

If the Good Order people appeared in the Bottomless Abyss, they were basically ready to go and fight all the way.

Because all demons regarded them as an enemy of life and death!

No one knew how many layers there were in the Bottomless Abyss.

Because chaos was an infinite possibility, as long as the power was strong enough, even half-planes could be created, and the gap between the half-plane and the first layer of the Bottomless Abyss was not as large as expected. Because of the space in between them, no one had really explored the deepest part of the Bottomless Abyss, but there were about 800 abyss planes known by people at present!

Even to the extent that even today’s Baator’s Hell used to be part of the Bottomless Abyss.

Because in a very long time ago, the lord of devils, Lord of the Hells – Asmodeus once cut the bottomless abyss with overwhelming divine power, and forcefully cut out the nine planes of the bottomless abyss, and transformed them into the present Baator’s Hell. The power of the lord of the devils was immeasurable. He even changed the laws of these planes, and rebuilt them into the present Baator’s Hell, belonging to the devil’s paradise of [Evil Order].

The forerunner of the Abyss Blood War was the war between the order gods and the source of chaos!

The fall of Asmodeus and the replacement of the Obyrith by the Tanari Demons led to the end of this ancient war, and thus turned into the current [Abyss Blood War], an endless war between the [Evil Order] devils and the [Chaotic Evil] devils!

The main battlefield of the Abyss Blood War was on the first layer.

Sometimes it was the first layer of the abyss and sometimes it was the first layer of Baator’s Hell.

It depended on how the two sides fought, whether the number of devils was large enough and whether the demons sent out real elite troops!

Because if the two sides really fought, it would be quite a terrifying war amongst the planes.

The Abyss Blood War never really stopped!

The first level of Bottomless Abyss, Plain of Infinite Portals.

In the howling wind, a figure covered in a cloak appeared here. It seemed that he came here from the other planes and disappeared on the spot just after he arrived.

In front of Soran’s eyes, a row of data showed:

“Multi-plane teleportation has been completed!…”

“You’ve entered the Bottomless Abyss!…. Multi-plane Travelling has been completed!… You’ve acquired a part of the information on [Plane Traveller]!… ”

“Data is running automatically!…”

“Compiling the statistics of the current plane’s properties!…”

Soran’s eyes saw a stream of data, followed by information on the first layer of the Bottomless Abyss.

“The first layer of the Bottomless Abyss [Plain of Infinite Portals]:

Ordinary Gravity: the top layer of Bottomless Abyss, the Plain of Infinite Portals, and many other layers have normal gravity properties, but some other layers of the Bottomless Abyss may have a totally different gravity property.

Ordinary Time: the time of Bottomless Abyss passes at the same speed as in the physical world. However, rumors have long claimed that there is a layer of time that was relatively old and went in the opposite direction. Although the reverse flow is strange, a visitor may return to his old age or even turn into nothingness. [Note: it is said that there is a trace of time dragon. ]

Infinite Space: the number of layers of the bottomless abyss was always infinite, although its famous kingdoms were limited.

Divine Form: the entity must be at least as powerful as the lower grade gods to change the properties of the Bottomless Abyss. Weaker creatures would find that the Bottomless Abyss was no different from the normal physical world (variable form property) because the current plane could be changed using spells and physical effects. [Note: it is as difficult to interfere with the law of the bottomless abyss as is the material plane.]

Mixing elemental and energy properties: this property is very different between layers. From the perspective of the bottomless abyss as a whole, no one elemental or energy can continue to dominate, although there will be one dominant elemental or energy, or two or more mixed properties in some specific layers.

Minor Chaos Tendency and Minor Evil Tendency: an Order character suffers a -2 impairment on all charisma based tests in the Bottomless Abyss, and a Good character suffers the same punishment. A Good Order character suffers -4 impairment on all charisma based tests.”

The plane’s properties of Bottomless Abyss emerged in front of Soran’s eyes.

In the Bottomless Abyss, it was helpful to find out the properties of the plane. First, this would be beneficial to one’s next step because sometimes it was just the difference of gravity that could make one feel unprepared!

The sand was blowing all over the sky.

Not far from where Soran appeared, there was a shabby and severely weathered sign that read:

“This is a place of endless, suffocating terror.

This is a place where the environment is extremely bad, and life is extremely dangerous.

This is a place where there is no morality and ethics, and there was no end to the killing.

The handwriting behind has disappeared.

In the long years, the only words left were those. That year, every Adventurer entering the abyss through teleportation could see it.

Soran turned and left this place.

His destination was in another direction, which was critical for him to bury a chess piece in the Bottomless Abyss.

——[Abyss Blood Pool].

This was a dark, horrible, and bloody place. Even the ground here had an eerie dark red. The visible places were full of big and small insects. These insects looked very ferocious. The number of terrorizing things here made people feel numb at a glance.

The endless killing began at the moment of birth!

Depths Worms were the most basic components of the Bottomless Abyss. Many souls from multiple universes came to the Bottomless Abyss. Unless they were taken away by some powerful devils, they could only be reborn in this plane through the Abyss Blood Pool. Depths Worms were their most basic form. They were the weakest creatures and needed to evolve into a real demon by killing each other.

There were many souls in this world.

But good souls were always scarce because gods were fighting for them, demons were fighting for them, and devils were also fighting for them.

Now even the chaotic demons knew to rob the good souls first, which could greatly strengthen their own power! Basically, the souls transformed through the [Abyss Blood Pool] were not very good as devil’s cannon fodder.

A professional’s soul, an ordinary person’s soul.

A human’s soul, a kobold’s soul.

A goblin’s soul, a beast’s soul.

The quality of these souls was not equal, the soul of an ordinary person was enough to attract the devil, but the soul of a goblin and a kobold might make the lower grade devils despise it. Because it took a long time for a human’s growth and cultivation, and the goblins and kobolds could produce a big nest in the spring.

Not many people were interested in these poorer souls!

Some flowed directly down the Styx River to the “unknown place,” while others were attracted by the Abyss Blood Pool and became the lowest level Depths Worms.

This was the source of the great artillery regiment of the Bottomless Abyss!

It was also the first step of Soran’s next plan because he had to find a way to eliminate the exclusion of the law of the Bottomless Abyss on him. These Depths Worms, as the foundation of the Bottomless Abyss, would be Soran’s first experiment.

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