I Have A Super USB Drive

Chapter 210: Attack

Chapter 210: Attack

The black man made the broadcast in English first, then repeated the message in three different indigenous languages.

After his announcement, the refugee camp suddenly erupted into chaos. Tens of thousands of refugees surged forth like a wave and pooled beneath the city, forming a large dense swathe of bobbing heads.

Clearly, all of them hoped to be qualified for the vaccine clinical trials.

Most of these people were infected with the virus. Although they heard from the broadcast that only healthy people would be admitted, they did not hesitate to swarm forward.

This was the wishful thinking of human beings. Their minds only had one thought: What if they were chosen?

Moreover, how many of these refugees knew what a vaccine was?

Chen Chen’s mouth twisted into a mocking smile. Their attempts to trick the system were meaningless because vaccines and serums were two different things.

A vaccine was a virus extracted through a series of methods such as isolating and purifying a virus strain. This virus was lower in toxicity, allowing healthy people to produce antibodies without issues, thereby preventing future infections.

On the other hand, a serum was an antibody substance obtained by immunizing specific animals, drawing their blood, then putting it through centrifugation. This could be used to treat people infected with the virus.

In other words, vaccines were ineffective for people who had been infected with the virus.

Therefore, the Eco Science City would use test strips to test whether these people were infected with the virus. If they had been infected, naturally, they would be driven away. If they were healthy, they would be moved into the city. Chen Chen had built a new temporary camp in a clearing, where they would house the subjects for the vaccine trials.

As the gate to the Eco Science City slowly opened, a collective scream rose from the crowd. Tens of thousands of people poured in and swarmed the space, like a tide that wanted to flood the city in one rush!

This scene caused countless people on the wall to sweat in silence. If those on the ground went berserk and rushed into the Eco Science City, the entire city would crumble completely within half a day.

However, as they stared at the torrent of people at their feet and felt their limbs go weak, a burst of scattered shots from a machine gun rang out. Innumerable people instantly screamed and howled as the refugees in the front row forced those in the back to retreat!

“Everyone, remain orderly. I’m only warning you once. If anyone tries to force their way in, we’ll open fire immediately.”

Below the city, a military officer used a loudspeaker to sternly say, “Now, those close to the checkpoint, line up in two rows. No jumping the line, no fighting, and no threatening actions. As long as you’re healthy, you’d be qualified to get an experimental vaccine!”

Faced with the threat of firearms, this group of refugees finally settled down. With their fear of firearms and attachment to being alive, they automatically lined up in two rows, praying in their hearts that they would be selected and moved into the city.

This was because everyone already knew that there was no way to survive outside the city. The only way to survive was to enter the city...


“My God, Blacklight Biotechnology actually opened fire!”

At this time, a few kilometers away from the Eco Science City, a small helicopter was hovering over the refugee camp, recording everything that was happening before the city gate with a camera.

“The group of soldiers in front of the city gate who made the shots seems to be the Namibian army!”

On the helicopter, a cameraman kept taking pictures as he beamed. “This is wonderful. We’ve got a big scoop. Blacklight Biotechnology shot at innocent civilians. This company is done for.”

Another beautiful, blonde woman in a work suit glanced at the large, heavy crowd below her feet. She shuddered involuntarily and yelled, “Aven, don’t stay here for too long. I’m afraid that they’ll try to stop us!

“We’re BBC reporters. Would they dare to do anything against us?”

The cameraman was a young man in his twenties. He leaned against the door of the helicopter brazenly, constantly taking pictures of the city’s gate in the distance. Following that, he shouted to the helicopter pilot in the cockpit, “Alf, move forward a little!”

The blonde woman felt a little helpless after hearing this. “What if they shoot at us?”

“Don’t worry, Emma, our helicopter is marked with the BBC logo!” The photographer known as Aven chuckled.

As the helicopter got closer, everyone on the city wall slowly started to notice it.

“That helicopter isn’t ours, right?”

Chen Chen could not help frowning as he watched the approaching helicopter.

The colonel of the Namibian army, who was responsible for the security of the city gate, took out a pair of binoculars and looked into the distance. His expression changed quickly. “Oh cr*p, those are reporters from the BBC. Why are these paparazzi here again!”

“The BBC?”

Chen Chen’s expression flickered. Only then did he faintly make out the letters “BBC” on the helicopter which was a kilometer away.

“It seems that some of what just happened has been photographed.” Chen Chen squinted, then looked at the colonel beside him. “Can you contact them by radio? Tell them this is an epidemic zone and ask them to land here for investigation.”

“I’ll try, but I can’t guarantee that they’ll listen to us.” The colonel proceeded with the arrangements with a worried expression.

Chen Chen thought for a while, then shot Cheng Cao a meaningful glance. Cheng Cao nodded knowingly, then turned and left.

After a while, the colonel came over again. “Mr. Chen, they refused to land for investigation.”

“Forget about it then.”

Chen Chen waved his hand and looked up again. The helicopter circled in mid-air in an apparently provocative manner, then flew toward the distance.

They were going to leave.

However, just before they vanished into the horizon, a violent rumbling sound boomed out from behind, drowning out the cries of the thousands below the city!

The colonel quickly turned back, only to spot a massive beast, as large as a bus, flying overhead at an incredible speed. The fierce wind and pressure nearly blew him off the watchtower!

The Mi-28N Attack Helicopter!

The colonel inhaled sharply. He looked at Chen Chen incredulously through his mask. “Mr. Chen, what are you planning?”

“Nothing much. It’s just to prevent these reporters from twisting the story and spreading something that won’t benefit the company’s image,” Chen Chen said nonchalantly.

Before he finished speaking, the attack helicopter ahead emitted a piercing hiss. Before the colonel’s disbelieving eyes, a heat-tracking missile directly broke free of the weapon rack and flew into the sky!


A few seconds later, the helicopter burst into flames in the distance. Even so, because they were too far away, they could only see a blossoming orange glow, after which the small BBC helicopter fell like fine dust...

It was as if this was an inconsequential affair. The attack helicopter turned back and returned to the Eco Science City.

They could even wipe out those from the BBC without thinking twice?

Upon witnessing this, the Namibian colonel only felt that his back was drenched in a cold sweat.

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