That Person. Later on…

Chapter 190

Now, enjoy hanging from a cliff!!


Chapter 190 – The legs are the foundation to movement.

Heave-ho!! Heave-ho!! Heave-ho!!

*Whip*!! *Whip*!! *Whip*!!

Mnghh...!! Mnghh...!!

Weaving... Weaving...

Tighten... Tighten...

And finally...

Nail down... Nail down...

I tear off the chains connecting the ships of this Maritime City Sealance, straighten them, interweave them and make an improvised huge cage and finally nail it down in the deck of the big ship at the center to trap inside the mountain of pirates.

I tap my hands against each other to get rid of the dust from the job and give a nod while loking at the cage.

“... Great, it’ll be fine with this.”

The knights beside me become dumbfounded at my words. Is it something to be so surprised about? I guess so, making a cage this big in a few minutes would surprise anybody. But if I had more and better materials, I could have make a better one, you know? But even like this, the pirates inside will be unable of destroying it or getting out so please be at ease.

“Now, I leave you to stay on guard just in case. If they wake up and start making a ruckus, please call me... I’ll shut them up.”

I bow down to the knights guarding the pirates, leave that place and go to the captain’s cabin of the big ship in where Navirio and Orlando are.

“It’s me, excuse me...”

I knock on the door and while saying that I enter the cabin, and inside I find Navirio and Orlando resting in a sofa. I understand from that that they are more tired than I originally thought. When the two see me entering, they try to stand up but I tell them to stay like that with a hand gesture and get close to them while talking.

“You look tired.”

“Yeah... I’m beaten...”

“That was really dangerous... You saved us.”

“Just what happened?”

I ask them the details and it was exactly as I had expected.

At the begining they went to the deserted island to exterminate the pirates and they easily captured them but, immediately after a great number of pirates came as backup and now they were the ones that got captured. In ability, Navirio and company were superior but they were outnumbered. They were ultimately brought here and were wondering if they were going to be executed when at that time I appeared... I’m so glad I hurried... If I hadn’t make it, let alone Princess Eris, I wouldn’t have known how to face Naminissa and Narelina...

I got secretly relieved and now I got questioned by Navirio.

“So, why are you here, Wazu? Haven’t you met with my sisters?”

Oh right, I haven’t tell them.

I tell Navirio everything that has happened up to now excluding the thing about Princess Eris and the Evil God.

And after hearing that, the first thing that Navirio says is...

“... Fumu... So that means that Wazu will become my little brother... As an older brother I can’t show an embarrassing side to you... For starters, you can call me Navirio-ani if you want.”

... Et tu Navirio? Is this that thing called family trait? Well I actually don’t mind calling you that but, let’s wait until I marry Naminissa and Narelina please.

“And well? I understood that you were able to meet my sisters so why did you came here alone? Does it have to do with you coming to look for me?”

... Okay, from now on is the main question. I already decided to let Navirio have the final word in this so let’s tell him everything like that.

And thinking like that, I proceed to tell him about Princess Eris. Of course, I tell him that we brought her by the person’s own will... This is importatn.

“... And so, Princess Eris wants to marry you, Navirio. Or rather, do you know who she is? Do you remember her?”

“... If I remember correctly, I met her when we went to greet the King of Iscoa... That been said, before talking about marriage, I first need to get to know better Princess Eris... Although, did my parents felt displeased with her?”

“Well... It didn’t look like that at all.”

“Then what’s left is what I think about it... My parents don’t seem to oppose and she seems to be a good match.”

Saying that, the corner of Navirio’s mouth raise a little, and a small smile appears in his face. Stop looking handsome. That’s why good looking people are... Well, he is my brother so I’m actually proud.

“But to think that she wants to marry me... I guess this means that I’m following after Orlando?”

Saying that, Navirio gives a fave to Orlando of that like a kid that just pulled out a prank. Being looked like that, Orlando gives a bitter smile and starts scratching his head. Eh? What do you mean? Following after Orlando...? Don’t tell me!!

“Did you get married, Orlando?”

“Yeah... Well... I did.”

Orlando says that to me with a red face... Tch, that’s why good loking guys are... Everyone of you making handsome faces... Well, Orlando is my best friend so I’m actually proud.


“Yeah, thanks!!”

I honestly feel happy from the good news from my best friend and congratulate him. Orlando accepts them with a broad cheerful smile on his face.

“And who is the lucky lady?”

“You know her too.”

“Eh? ... Who?”

“The maid Kumia.”

“... Kumia?”

Is that maid with double personality? If I remember correctly she is Kumia and Kumua. You’re joking, right? When did that happened?! Is it that? You get double the flavour in a single package? I’m joking... Sorry...

And afterwards I started to ask with Navirio how did their romance started and stayed in the ship for the night. We got fired up.

The next day, Navirio, Orlando and I got together with the knights on the deck. There were already pirates that had woken up in the cage on the bow of the ship and were yelling things like “I’ll kill you!!” or “Let me out of here!!” and being noisy.

“And now we should get back but... Can we manage a ship with just this numbers...? We can’t also leave the pirates here like this...”

Navirio says that and Orlando and the knights also start thinking without saying anything. Well if you think it normally it would be impossible. No matter how I look it, it’s impossible for just these few to operate a ship. So I’ll have them leave this to me.

“How will you do it?”

“Let’s see... For starters, can you guys go tie yourselves somewhere you won’t get blown out?”


Even though Navirio and company made puzzled faces, they moved according to my words. You’ll trouble me if you trust me so much... But well, let’s answer that trust.

While Navirio and company were tying themselves, I silence the pirates with a glare and I tie closely ten sturdy ropes to the bow of the ship. While I was doing that, Navirio and company tell me they are ready so I answer them with a nod and I jump to the sea carrying the ropes.

Just before I land on the surface of the sea, I start to move my legs and start to run like that... while pulling the huge ship...

And like that we crash into the harbour of the Port Town Motampe!!... Doing that would be bad so is reduce my speed at the end and with vigour I stop like that the ship. At that moment, the pirates crashed their bodies with each other due to the impact and started to graon but, well, I don’t care.

At the same time the people on the harbour started to get noisy but there were some knights that knew me and Navirio also came from the bow so their expressions changed to that of joyfulness. They are trusted.

We’ll leave this place to Orlando and the Knights, and Navirio and I will go to the Mabondo residence. I was thanked by the knights and promised with Orlando to go grab a bite with him later. Did someone contacted them beforehand? Givirio-otousan, Mirelina-okaasan and Princess Eris were already in front of the house waiting for us and got glad that Navirio came back safely.

I got thanked by Givirio-otousan and Mirelina-okaasan and I left the thing about Princess Eris to Navirio so I went to where the girls were.

They seem to be in a room in the second floor so I just opened like that the door of the room.

For some reason, Aria and a group of people that I don’t know are inside facing the girls, and from there I can feel that a bloodcurling battle is about to start, the ambiance is filled to the brim with killing intent...

I slowly close the door.

191 (Soon)

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