Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 613 - The Power Game

Chapter 613: The Power Game

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

“The death of Li Zhedao has put us in a tough spot. I bet Lie Jintian is going to wage a full-on counterattack very soon.”

“House Lie had been away too conservative in their approach, so I think it might not be a bad thing. If he doesn’t fight back now, he might never have a chance again.” Guan Dongyang put in. The team leaders were not optimistic about their situation. Although Wang Tong was a forward-thinking and competent leader, the overall development of the war troubled their thoughts and haunted their dreams.

Wang Tong cracked a smile and then said, “We can change the situation if want to. Our first step is to join forces with Michaux.”

“Wait, you mean…” Hope flickered in Guan Dongyang’s eyes.

“Haha, we don’t have much time, that is for sure. But, we are also very close to success. If one fist it not enough to bring down Moye, we will use two.” Wang Tong spoke figuratively. The death of Li Zhedao was going to usher in dramatic changes to the war; they were running out of time.

“We go straight after the dark lord?” Xiao Yuyu asked as concern flashed across her face.

“Of course! It had been our target from the start, hadn’t it? If we play the timing right, we should have no problem killing Moye.” Wang Tong said calmly. However, no one around him shared his confidence, as they felt that it would be too risky a move.

“Boss, tell us what to do.” Tan Bu’s body was awash with energy at the promise of killing the dark lord.

“We will play by the ear. I think Moye has taken an interest in me as well.”

“Wang Tong, how confident are you about his fight? Moye isn’t just any dark one. He is at least level twenty-seven.” Ye Zi said cautiously.

“Hehe…If I can’t even handle Moye, how would I face Patroclus later? Do you know why Patroclus killed Li Zhedao? He is urging me to finish off Moye as soon as possible.” Everyone was confused by Wang Tong’s contradicting words.

“Are you saying that Patroclus is actually good?” Lie Xuan asked with a confused look.

Guan Dongyang held onto her hand and said, “It is impossible! Patroclus never fight for anyone but himself.”

“But, why would he do such a thing?” Lie Xuan asked.

Guan Dongyang cast Wang Tong a knowing glance. “That is because he considers Wang Tong, the only worthy opponent…In other words, the only key to finding the divine path. However, he needs to prepare before the final battle with Wang Tong. Does that make sense?”

Yin Tianzong nodded quietly. As one of the top human fighters, he could relate to the actions of someone as powerful as Patroclus. From the humans’ perspective, he was a villain through and through. However, from a purely technical point of view, Patroclus had finally embarked on the quest to find the divine path. He had broken free from the shackles on his body; now it was time to liberate his own soul.

He wanted to make himself a god, and his followers immortals.

However, not every human could measure up to the standards; those who could not had to be abandoned, much like the sacrifice for a new god.

As Yin Tianzong put it, Wang Tong was the only person that had and still could defeat him. Patroclus could not be an invincible god while knowing that there was a human who could bring him down.

“So...if Wang Tong avoided fighting him, he would never become a god?” Wu Lin asked curiously.

“Hehe, yes and no. You have to understand that the fight between the two of them is inevitable.” Xiao Yuyu said with a smile.

“Tianzong and Dongyang were both right. Although I have never seen it in person, I bet that it was Patroclus who had cornered Li Zhedao. Otherwise, their fight would have never happened. However, since Li Zhedao had reached the divine path, I am very surprised that Patroclus could have killed him. I wonder how Patroclus countered Li Zhedao’s final coup de grace.”

Wang Tong said. He wagered that although Li Zhedao had found the divine path, he had not ventured too far, and therefore, was not able to unleash the full power.

“How did you know that Patroclus had countered his attack?” Gaun Dongyang asked.

“Hehe...On the divine path, there is no way back.” Wang tong left it at that, making everyone, except for Yin Tianzong, more confused than before.

Yin Tianzong had figured out the game between Wang Tong and Patroclus. Their race had long since started, and the death of their current opponents were their scores.

It also showed Yin Tianzong that neither of the two warriors was confident in defeating his competitor.

The competition had already started, and the killing of Li Zhedao was Patroclus’ first move. If Wang Tong’s didn’t respond to it, it would make him look weak from the beginning.

As for Wang Tong, he never felt the competition being too much of a burden; instead, it only aroused his spirit. Their competition itself was also beyond win and loss. It was at a higher level than even the competition between Li Feng and Rilangalous.

Both Patroclus and Wang Tong had chosen their paths, and only one could survive when they crossed paths again. Five hundred years ago, Rilangalos had eventually given up his own path for Li Feng. That decision remained his greatest regret even until the day he died.

“Well, let’s kill Moye! I want to see if he really has three heads and six arms! Once we are done with him, we will attack Moon!” Tan Bu shouted.

“Calm your underpants, please!” Duo Lun put a restraining hold on Tan Bu and pressed him down to his seat.

“Our priority right now is to find Michaux and Lie Jian. We cannot do it without their help. I don’t think they will have any problem getting into the core district either.” The soldiers were delighted by Wang Tong’s decision, since many of them were from either the Sect or House Lie. Even Guan Dongyang looked forward to seeing Lie Jian again. Over the years, Lie Jian had offered a lot of help to Battle Wolf, and Guan Dongyang still felt grateful for his help till this day.

Once they had set their main objective, they no longer dawdled on discussions relating to sieging smaller settlements.

Although they were in the Zerg occupied territory, this had been humans’ land for centuries. Therefore, the warriors were very familiar with the terrain. In addition, the central area had significantly less primitive Zergs than the outer regions, making their mission much easier to accomplish. The few primitive Zergs the central region had had also been shipped to the frontlines, creating openings for Wang Tong and his men to sneak through.

Wang Tong’s only concern was the uncertainty in Michaux and Lie Jian, as he wondered if they could make it. And if they did, how many men would they bring with them?

Meanwhile, Michaux and Lie Jian had already made a plan to start a raid from both ends of the district and join forces at the center. However, when they finally met each other, the situation was much worse than they had thought. The two groups had only two hundred soldiers left in total, a far cry from the two thousand when they first started.

“The situation at the frontlines is getting better every day. But, the earth united front has been dealt a huge blow after Li Zhedao was killed. I don’t think it will be long before we will have to deal with Patroclus.” Lie Jian said. The expedition had taught him lessons, rounded his edges, and changed his perspective significantly. However, he remained unyielding and adamant before unprecedented difficulties. On the other side, Michaux had stayed not because he was fearless as Lie Jian, but because he never thought he would truly die. What was death if a soul could live forever?

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