I Found A Planet

Chapter 375 - Stabilizing Mechanism

After the broadcast ended, a trace of interest appeared on Zhang Xingyang’s face with regards to the Earth Federation. He discussed the organization with his companions for a few days.

They learned about some of the characteristics of this organization. For example, it was powerful with a large army. They had human resources. Every country and region had to turn in 0.5% to 1% of their GDP to the Earth Federation. The organization could also issue currency, so they were especially rich.

A powerful group with money and human resources. With one glance, one could tell that this was an organization that would become really successful.

However, Zhang Xingyang and his companions’ curiosity only lasted for a few days. They quickly lost interest in the Earth Federation. After all, they had a job to do. The so-called “acknowledgment of identity” did not seem to have been established within them. They did not immediately regard the Desert Free City as their roots.

Chen Jin had never expected to get results overnight.

“At least the seed has been planted. Over time, they will definitely accept their identity,” he assured himself. “They will never call themselves refugees or the poorest members from the bottom level of society, or unhappy people who could never get what they want in life. They won’t accept the labels that have been stuck on them in the past. They will say that they are the Free City people, and they are citizens of the Earth Federation. These two names sound much better and of a higher class. They will be more willing to accept them.”

Chen Jin nodded to himself, considering the idea.

“Five years, ten years, after a long time, the acknowledgment of their identity will naturally occur. Because of the characteristics of the Free City, they have no country or ruling institutions above the city level, so they will behave more like pure ‘global federal citizens,’ and they will have more internationalist ideas. Their recognition of the Earth Federation will obviously exceed that of any country. They have a broader vision, a more open mind, and less restraint.”

To Chen Jin’s mind, this problem seemed to be one that would solve itself in time.

“The Chief of Parliament for the Earth Federation will even be primarily selected from the Free Cities. This is much more reassuring. A Parliament Chief from a Free City will command more confidence and faith.”

This was Chen Jin’s second purpose. A stabilizing mechanism. The 300 plus Desert Free Cities would become the stabilizing mechanism of the Earth Federation.

“A monk carries two buckets of water on a shoulder pole, two monks carry one bucket of water on a pole between them, and three monks carry no water. This is the case with large international organizations. The more members, the more they can’t do,” he said to himself. “Like the United Nations, apart from engaging in peacekeeping and managing small things, they can’t accomplish any major things. Faced with the unilateralism of the superpowers, they are unable to stop them. The UN had even become a stage where countries form their own little cliques and put on a show of mouthing off at the more powerful countries. The UN is really too disorganized.” The Earth Federation seems to be a lot more advanced, but it does not mean that it’s impossible for it to become a second UN.”

A worried look crossed Chen Jin’s face as he considered this possibility.

“The uncertainty of Merica is too high. God knows what creature will be elected to the office when Lanfelord steps down. It is uncertain whether it will, yet again, be a ‘mad demon’ that chooses to withdraw from a group. It might even be possible that Lanfelord’s successor will get expelled from planetary citizenship! In short, we have to prepare for the worst-case scenario, anything is possible.”

Even if the worst happened, the Earth Federation would not be reduced to the state of a second United Nations because there were Free Cities. More than 300 of them. Other countries might not need the Earth Federation, but the Free Cities could not do without the Earth Federation.

“The Earth Federation is the source of identity for citizens of the Free Cities as well as their sense of honor,” Chen Jin reminded himself. “The power of a single city is limited. Only by looking from the perspective of the entire planet can we enjoy a lot of the achievements and receive a little benefit in the process. One city is only a tool for capitalists to make money. Others would merely see it as wealth and resources.”

He shook his head.

“This position is awkward, and the identity born from it will never be acknowledged or validated by the Desert Free Citizens. After a long time, it might even cause the citizens to become angry and thus rebel.”

The Earth Federation was their common spiritual home and the source of their glory. Therefore, this organization must never be disbanded. All the Free Cities would protect it with their best efforts. They played a good “stabilizer” role.

With the financial support of more than 300 cities and the maintenance of order by Z and other countries, even if a big country was to retreat, its leaving would have little impact on the whole.

There was also a huge hidden benefit for Chen Jin. These new developments allowed Xing Hai Technologies to vaguely stand in an important position on the world power stage.

After all, the “city management system” of each Free City was managed and operated by Xing Hai Technologies. On the surface, those free cities were not managed by anybody, but in reality, the same company was behind each set of urban management systems.

It was even the same person.

“A king without a visible crown. Don’t you know what this means?” Chen Jin smiled.

In short, this strategy was now over. He could not say that he was the biggest winner, however, Xing Hai Technologies had successfully completed the transition from a company to a powerful “institution.” It had upgraded itself into a higher dimension. The possibility of facing a crisis or bankruptcy in the future was almost zero.

It could be said that Xing Hai Technologies had become an “undead company.”



The Earth Federation had been established for three months. All areas of work were on the right track. The number of countries or regions who had applied for membership had reached 201. There were only four countries who had not joined the big family of the Federation: Britain, France, Russia, and India.

There was no need to expound on the two out of the “five commonly shamed nations,” Britain and France. They had gritted their teeth and endured until the present. One had held out based on inner pride that could not tolerate insult, while the other had skin that was as thick as a city wall.

In contrast, Russia’s persistence seemed to come from a more confident standpoint. It had the largest territory and more than 3,000 nuclear weapons. Even though Russia was poor, this was something that could not be ignored.

Finally, joining in the fun and following in the footsteps of the resistant countries, was India. Not only had they not joined the Earth Federation, but they also argued noisily about wanting to have a veto power too. They would only join the Federation if they had veto power.

Many internet netizens became angry.

India, what rights or abilities do you have to fight for a veto power? Where did your delusional self-confidence come from?

You are asking for the veto power based on your 1.5 billion garbage population? And a GDP of 40 million-plus USD?

It’s a beggar country. It might even collapse tomorrow. They still dare to demand status and power?

Netizens sneered and uttered a variety of heart-stabbing words.

India still stood strong. Even if they were isolated from the world, they still insisted on fighting for their “status.”

Regardless of their population numbers, territory size and military strength, the four countries as a whole were quite formidable and difficult to ignore. If the four countries did not join the Earth Federation (UED) for a long time, the overall representation of the Earth Federation would not be fully comprehensive. It would be inconvenient to start certain works without these four countries.

Lanfelord had a discussion with the high-ranking officials of Z nation and came up with a solution. He made an announcement to Britain and France.

“The UED can give you a veto, provided that you integrate the forces of Europe and share a veto with Europe as a whole.”

To Russia and India, he said, ‘veto power can also be given to you, but you have to rope in some countries with stronger economic strength and form a ‘voting alliance’ with them. You will be able to have a veto vote as part of this alliance when the total GDP of this ‘voting alliance’ has reached 20 trillion USD. In short, if you are unable to meet these two standards – a population of more than 300 million people and a GDP of 20 trillion USD, the veto power will never be given to you.”

The four countries began to consider it.

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