Tomb Raider King

Chapter 395: Side Story 9 - The ‘Destroy the Wedding’ Project (2)

Chapter 395: Side Story 9 - The ‘Destroy the Wedding’ Project (2)

Translator: miraclerifle

“Damn it, who the hell is this bastard marrying?”

The entire team was in chaos.

Ju-Heon was progressing with things by answering why they were asking such an obvious question, but they had no idea who it was.

However, the answer came in an unexpected manner.

It was thanks to George.

“Ah, I heard who it was.”

“What? Who is it?”

Irene’s older brother, George Holten. He, and his family, had been Ju-Heon\'s number one supporters until now.

George seemed to find it hard to believe that they had such a question.

"What the hell? You guys are the closest people to that bastard and you still don’t know?”

The team’s pride took quite the damage.

They came to find George for work since he was in charge of the Heaven’s Eye System, but they unexpectedly heard about the woman Ju-Heon was going to marry.

“The Captain-nim personally told you?”

George laughed triumphantly.

“Of course. He even came to get my permission.”


Their eyes all opened wide in shock.

“Then it really is Irene...?”

“No, a Hollywood actress who is her close friend.”

“W, what?”

What the hell was going on? The confused team members shouted at him.

“You said he came to get your permission!”

“He did. He said he was sorry. Maybe he meant that he was sorry that he was marrying someone other than Irene.”

The team members dropped their jaws in shock.

“Anyway, he really is getting married to a Hollywood actress?”

George was about to say something before he put his finger up to his mouth.

And then...

“Breaking news, breaking news!”

“We figured out who it is!”

They heard people running off outside.

The team members couldn\'t believe it.

“There are reporters here too......”

George laughed once the reporters disappeared.

“I was joking about the Hollywood actress. It\'s not true.”

“I knew it......”

“Then we can confirm that it is Irene...”

“No, it seems to be the British princess.”


What was he talking about?

“Why is the British princess suddenly being mentioned here?!”

“Well, British princess Diana is a member of the Captain\'s fan club...”

“She did get close to the Captain-nim lately using that as an excuse...”

“But with just that...”

They thought that he was lying again for potential reporters, but George said that he was being serious.

“I even helped him send some wedding gifts to Buckingham Palace.”

“R, really?”

“Yes. And that ring that the bastard looted?”

“Oh, that engagement ring?”

"That ring is an artifact of a royal family. It is the type that is more effective when used by royalty. Why do you think he worked so hard to excavate such a ring?”


It sounded extremely credible now.

Ju-Heon had frequently met with the princesses after learning about his fan club.

There were many scandals because of it and while both Ju-Heon and the princess claimed that there was nothing there...

‘Anybody would deny such rumors.’

After denying such rumors, they would say something like ‘we’re getting married! Please bless our union!’ a few months later.

They’ll act as if they never denied it in the first place.

Chloe added something on at that moment.

“Now that you mention it, I remember hearing some rumors about how Princess Diana has been showing signs of pregnancy lately.”

“W, what? Signs of pregnancy?”

The male team members turned pale.

‘N, no way... It\'s a shotgun wedding?!’

‘Is that why he is suddenly rushing the wedding?!’

‘W, what the hell did you do, you bastard...?!’

They could only open and close their mouths without saying anything.

The team members were having mental breakdowns even though this wasn\'t that odd coming from Ju-Heon.

However, George seemed happy.

“It’s something to congratulate! You don’t know how relieved I am. I thought he was going to tell me he was marrying Irene, hahaha.”

They had forgotten about this.

This son of a bitch was a siscon as well.

“He is our benefactor but still... I\'m going to hold onto my sister for my whole life. I\'m glad they broke up before Irene got even closer to that bastard.”

‘They’ve already gotten as close as possible, you big dummy.’

It didn’t matter.

“But there is no way that the Captain made such a big accident.”

“Premarital sex... With a royal princess?!”

The team members all slowly turned toward someone.

“Hey Seol-A, are you okay?”


Seol-A had turned completely pale a long time ago. She looked as if she would crumble to dust if someone touched her.

It was at that moment.



Julian got a call. He shouted with veins visible on his neck as soon as he checked who it was and picked up.

“Hey, you son of a bitch!”

Ju-Heon was the one who called him. Julian held back from swearing even more.


He would be lucky if Ju-Heon didn\'t save his number as spam or something. But such a bastard called him first?

There were only three options.

First option, Ju-Heon needed him to take care of things he screwed up; second option, Ju-Heon needed him to take care of things he screwed up; and third option was also Ju-Heon needed him to take care of things he screwed up.

“What the hell do you need me to take care of now, you damn troublemaker?!”

He was saying that despite it being obvious what Ju-Heon was going to ask him to do.

He was right.

[There are some weird articles coming out right now.]

“Ah, the articles about you getting married to a Hollywood actress?”

[Oh, this will be much faster since you know about it already. Yeah. Why the hell would I be marrying an actress? You know this is wrong, right?]

“I know.”

Julian didn\'t think that Ju-Heon was that kind of trash.

‘No way he does that when he has Irene.’

“Okay. I\'ll take care of the articles so don\'t go around causing any more trouble...”

[Fake articles like this are not good for prenatal health.]


Julian’s eyes opened wide.

‘P, prenatal health?’

“H, hold on. What the hell did you just say?”

[The baby momma will be shocked. Are you going to take responsibility if the relationship between a couple who haven\'t even married yet turns terrible because of something like this? It’s your fault if she breaks off the engagement.]


[Anyway, have them take down all of the photos and sue them all for libel.]


Ju-Heon just said what he needed to say and hung up. The others tilted their heads in confusion after seeing Julian\'s expression.

“W, what is it Vice Captain?”

A half-coherent Julian asked them a question.

“Umm......hey guys. I\'m asking just in case, but are either Irene or Seol-A pregnant?”

The rest of the team became anxious.

“No way. The Captain is very thorough about things like that.”

Seol-A sniffled and nodded her head to agree.

But they all looked at each other with the same thought on their minds.

“But who knows what would happen if the woman was extremely pushy and threw herself on him...?”

Julian covered his face and groaned.

“...Congratulations. It looks like you will be having a member of the royal family as your sister-in-law.”


“I guess we better give some huge wedding gifts......”

‘W, what?!’

On the other hand, Ju-Heon, who had just hung up on Kongming, was tilting his head in confusion.

"What the hell? What is up with his reaction?”

Well, it didn’t matter.

Ju-Heon turned back toward the person he was video chatting.

“He may be old-fashioned, but my lawyer is extremely talented. So don\'t worry about it, Julia, James. I’ll make sure they\'ll all be sued.”

[T, they will really take down the articles?]

“Yes, too bad these weird articles made the future husband and wife concerned.”

That was right. Ju-Heon was chatting with the Hollywood actress George had mentioned.

The actress Julia was a member of Ju-Heon’s fan club and became close with him.

She was currently in a secret relationship and pregnant.

[Thank you, Mr. Ju-Heon. We wanted to keep our relationship a secret to the press until next month so we asked you to quickly take the articles down...]

[Tsk, it’s not that easy to end up in a scandal with Ju-Heon-nim. It’s so disappointing.]

[J, Julia!]

[Ah, the articles are already starting to go down...! No, I need to take some screenshots!]

[My goodness, huh? Wait a minute, M, Mr. Ju-Heon!]

The future husband urgently called out to Ju-Heon.

[Mr. Ju-Heon, your future a member of the royal family?]


Ju-Heon sounded completely confused as he opened the internet.

[< Breaking News > Seo Ju-Heon’s future wife is “Princess Diana.”]

[The British Royal Family: ‘This is extremely wonderful.’]

Ju-Heon then received multiple text messages.

[Captain-nim, you should have told us... :( ]

[Irene currently having a mental breakdown.]

[Captain-nim, you sly dog.]

It was rare to see Ju-Heon getting anxious like this.

The most shocking one was...

[Mr. Ju-Heon, be happy enough for me as well...!]


Irene had left him a voicemail even as she was sniffling.

‘What the hell is going on?’

This truly seemed like an odd turn of events for Ju-Heon.

Because of that...

‘I have no choice.’

He might as well properly propose so that there are no misunderstandings!

Ju-Heon took the ring case out of the drawer. Most importantly, the ring he got this time was not an ordinary artifact.

This was a SS-Grade artifact.

His new wife should be happy to get this ring.



It wasn’t there!

The ring that should have been in the case was gone!

Ju-Heon frowned.

“Hey, Crow. Where did this go?”


[Unable to connect with the main body.]

[Temporarily unavailable.]


It must have run off with it. Even if it took it away because it was shiny, there were too many marks on the case.

‘These shitheads.’

A chaotic level of Dominance resonated out of Ju-Heon\'s body. The Majesty’s Dominance spread out everywhere!

Artifacts all over the world started screaming.

[Aaaaaaah! The Majesty noticed!]

[Hurry, hurry up and get that ring artifact away!]

[We are against this marriage! We are against it!]

[We cannot get any sequels to The Slutty Secretary if the Majesty marries a human! We can’t!]

[We must not waste the Majesty\'s talents! We must not!]

[He must marry the Cradle and put his efforts at propagating the artifacts! He must!]

[We are against the extinction of artifacts!]

The artifacts were quickly trying to hide the ring away.

That wasn\'t all.

“Apparently the engagement ring Seo Ju-Heon got is a SS-Grade artifact with amazing abilities!”


“Apparently the person with the ring will rule the heavens and the earth!”

“What the hell did you just say?!”

"Anyway, it must be quite the artifact for Seo Ju-Heon to personally excavate it!”

People aiming for the ring appeared as weird rumors spread.

Ju-Heon frowned again.

“Tsk, I need that ring to propose...”

It wasn\'t essential and the ability was quite average, but there were no rings like it.

‘It would make me look bad if I proposed without a ring.’

Ju-Heon decided to find the ring first. But it probably wouldn\'t be easy for him to find it.


“Young master George, the Majesty has requested our assistance regarding the ring.”

“Ah, I know. He lost the engagement ring, right? He is our benefactor so do everything we can to help him find it. We don\'t want to get a bad relationship with the royal family because of this.”

The butler peeked at Irene\'s brother, George Holten.

George Holten was a talented and resourceful guy who has, and would continue to help Ju-Heon a lot.

But the butler felt that this young master of his had the wrong idea about something.

“Umm, young master George.”

“What is it?”

“The Majesty is not trying to marry someone from the British royal family.”


“Umm...the rumors seem to have started from the fact that Buckingham Palace was willing to rent us the site...”

“What? But he came to apologize to us not too long ago.”

This was what Ju-Heon had said.

‘I\'m getting married.’

‘To whom?’

‘Someone you know very well. It is troublesome that the press already has an idea about it though.’

What George had read about at that time were the rumors of his romance with the British princess.

"Ah, ah ah...! She’s quite the perfect match. Just let me know. I will provide you with the best items to start your newlywed life. My father and mother would be happy as well.’

‘I still wanted to apologize in advance.’

‘Huh? For what?’

‘You’re a siscon.’

Ju-Heon was apologizing for taking his younger sister away, but...

‘Huh? Ah, ah, that’s fine. That’s nothing. I can’t grumble about that for such a joyful occasion.’

George thought Ju-Heon was apologizing for dating his sister and then breaking up with her to marry someone else.

‘In fact, I should be thanking you. The Majesty personally came to our house for such an issue. You think about my sister so much. Our benefactor truly is the best man in the world.’

Returning back to the present...

“Yes sir, I believe you misunderstood at the time, but the Majesty was saying that she wishes to take lady Irene......”

George immediately stiffened up.

“......A, are you for real?”

“Yes sir...I felt as if I should clear things up for you...”

"Then the person who will get the ring our benefactor is currently looking for is Irene?!”

“Yes sir, that is why we will quickly search for it as you ordered, young mas...”

George’s eyes looked as if there was a giant earthquake.

And then...

“Spread it......”

“Excuse me?”

“Spread the rumor right now! Tell people that anybody who has that ring will have unlimited sexual vitality! Also tell them that anybody they propose to with that ring will end up being their perfect match!”

“E, excuse me?!”

“Say that any woman who gets that ring will be able to win over our benefactor! Spread the rumors!”

“Y, young master George! That’s a bit...!”

“Ack! I\'ll do it if you won\'t!”

George jumped up from his seat.

As a result, the number of people aiming for the ring grew exponentially.

It felt as if every single person in the world was looking for it!

“Kyaaaa! I will be Ju-Heon-nim’s wife!”

“No, it’ll be me!”

“Whoever has that ring can rule the heavens and the Earth! We must get the ring for the glory of our country!”

“W, what did you say? That ring is the ring to rule the world?”

“I also heard that your thing will never go limp if you have it!”

“No, I heard that it was a miraculous cure that would save the human race!”

“I heard it was a nuclear weapon!”

Fans, terrorists, leaders of nations, businesses, everybody was going crazy for this ring.

It started the war for Ju-Heon’s ring.

To make matters worse...

"We must destroy that ring.”

“That’s right. If we can’t have it, nobody can have it!”

"We will destroy this marriage before it even starts!”

Seol-A and Irene were working together and going berserk. The ring turned into a world-wide affair and......

“Y, young master George. Is this really okay, sir?”

“Hahahahahahahaha, I am against this marriage. I am completely against it! The plan is perfect!”

However, there was something that only Ju-Heon knew.

There was more than one of these rings.

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