Legend of the Supreme Soldier

Chapter 434 - Bristleworm Hunt II

Chapter 434: Bristleworm Hunt II

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

It looked like Ye Chong had poked the wrong beehive.

The waves were tumbling! Millions of bristleworms flooded towards Han Jia. The green mists were rolling as restless the sea had gotten, becoming a whirlpool as attracting countless bristleworms from all corners to the center where Ye Chong was standing.

The sudden change of the sea had alerted the others.

Ye Yin could not control his emotion despite being the top pilot of Ye family, as astonishment was overflowing in his mind. The sea was struggling, the tiny conglomeration was seemingly shrieking somehow… Before he could realize, he began seeing scratches over the body of the dark green bristleworm.

Huh? Ye Yin flinched, what\'s going on?

The bristleworm covering the conglomeration somehow started cracking, as the number of scratches increased dramatically over its body.

The bristleworm was squirming in a more frantic manner, but its struggle was pointless, the cuts were still increasing like the engraving of curses haunting its entire entity.

In less than a second, the dark green bristleworm had gained about 21 new cuts. Ye Yin knew it was a nasty amount of cuts in such a brief window, it was a typical quick attack that was a chore to get rid of.

But who? Who was making such dramatic attack?

Ye Yin felt confused as he observed the projection carefully to see nothing else around the conglomeration.

At last, the bristleworm had a full convulsion and jerked twice before it collapsed into immobility.

Before Ye Yin could regain from his astonishment, the second, the third worm got attacked. The invisible killer was so efficient that even Ye Yin felt a little underwhelmed of himself. Also, clearly the target of the invisible killer had always been the conglomeration itself as he or she seemed to be slashing through the bristleworms-crowd outer layer.

Could it be?

Ye Yin had something in mind, as he turned on photon mode.

A petite and gorgeous skeleton mech was attacking the tiny conglomeration continuously.

It was him the whole time?

Ye Yin remembered that indifferent young man he had seen before. Certainly he was shocked, he might not have spoken to this young man personally before, but the bloodthirsty charm, the unspoken violence of this young man could never be forgotten upon glance!

Throughout the history, Ye family had conducted various researches on producing a full skeleton mech but they had never made any observable progress thus far. And now Ye Yin, the top pilot, was seeing a flawlessly crafted, fully functional skeleton mech with a splendid design and a unique set of weapon. No doubt, this must be a masterpiece!

Skeletons were perfect against the traditional detection system, that it was an eye-opener even to Ye Yin who had been to various battlegrounds.

Why is he here? Who exactly is he?

He could not help but to think about it.

But obviously it was not the time to be pondering these now.

The skeleton mech was spending all its strength attacking the lump.

Could it be…

Ye Yin saw the entire wave swirling over the skeleton mech aggressively. It was such a horrifying sight to see those larvae crawling every seeable space and engulfing the mech. Ye Yin remained calm, as he was still a brave and bold pilot after all.

If it was not for the sluggishness of those larvae, both of them might have been crushed into pieces.

The sea was waving, slowly but steadily.

Judging from the change of event, Ye Yin no longer had time and was left with two choices. One would be to leave the sea before the bristleworms blew up in hostility upon the combat order of the queen; another would be to kill that forming conglomeration before all bristleworms had arrived. The first plan was feasible as he could escape safely in time with his speed. The second plan would kill that chance for him as the place would turn imaginably inescapable when all bristleworms had clogged the entire course here.

Ye Yin made up his mind in a brief while!

The Spikedrops connected themselves from one end to another, forming a chain like a dark lightning and zapped into the conglomeration ahead.

In the meantime, Ye Chong was watching the lump before him.

The queen was completely embraced within the layer of bristleworms. Ye Chong could only see the fleshes of those dark green worms, the sight of the queen was imperceptible at the moment.

Ye Chong was almost certain however, that the greenish black silhouette was the queen in fact. It was no longer a hypothesis, the queen must be the queen.

Ye Chong had no better plan than killing the queen. That was the only thing he could do being all alone, though he could not imagine the outcome. Still, who cares! What other choices he had anyway?

Without hesitation, Han Jia raised its "lance" like the mythical paladin and charged towards the foe!

Well, Ye Chong did not really perceive medieval terms like "lance" or "paladin", even if he had been once exposed to history before, thanks to Shang. He was not sure if people had done this before, if he was the paladin, but it was all for survival!

It was not only for his survival, but also for Rui Bing, Old Jalopy, and Fei Si! They were the reason for his reckless-looking action! They were the one thing worth risking for!

His slightly hollow face was looking colder than usual, like a statue made out of ice, as he stared upon the projection in the dark, with his hands dancing into stack of afterimages above the interface.

All tentacles of Han Jia started swaying, with the the pair of daggers brandishing quickly.

The body of the bristleworms were generally 6 to 7 meters in diameter. Yes, they were rather too large to take critical damages by a tiny dagger.

Only if these bristleworms never had immunity towards energy-based firings or Ye Chong would just toss a few compressive bombs and blow them up.

The vitality of these bristleworms was great, that they did not seem hurt despite the dense cuts over the body.

Ye Chong was agitated, as the barrage intensified!

If 10 cuts did not work, I\'ll just do few tens more!

Ye Chong\'s hands sped up.

That was what happened on the other side when Ye Yin watched the cracking action on the covering bristleworms.

Han Jia made a fancy swing and pulled distance away from the conglomeration to perform a speedy thrust!

Han Jia could not accelerate to the maximum due to the limited space that allowed travel, but the attack was significant as it made a giant dent on the covering bristleworm. The bristleworm fell off in pain.

Ye Chong was inspired, as the instinct of the battleground had given him an idea. He pulled the lever and lifted Han Jia in the air again. Thup! It crashed into another bristleworm.

There was a little twist this time, Han Jia was holding the dagger and had stabbed it deep into the body of this bristleworm. Before the worm could take any action, Han Jia made a rapid flight across its body, making a clear cut from the head all the way to the tail. If only Han Jia\'s dagger was longer, Ye Chong could have make a deeper slice of ham out of this thing.

Due to the deep wound, the bristleworm could not help but to curl up and fell off tumbling in pain at the side.

Everything went as expected.

That was practically what happened when Ye Yin watched the diamond cuts over that bristleworm on the other side. Ye Yin was stunned and could not help but to compliment the agility of the boy.

But efficiency-wise, in reality, Ye Chong might not be as great as Ye Yin assumed since Ye Yin was the one with a mech enveloped in floating Spikedrops which seemed to penetrate anything while providing seamless control. Those were something Han Jia could never compete. To defeat a bristleworm, all Ye Yin needed to do was to make those Spikedrops pierced into the body and cause destruction inside, unlike Ye Chong\'s Han Jia which required all the momentum and brute-force he could muster. Ye Yin was able to kill the bristleworm so, but Ye Chong could only injure it at most. It was undeniable as Ye Yin\'s Spikedrops were literally a meat-shredder, no worm could have ever survived that!

Throughout the whole process Ye Chong had never noticed the one extra mech at the opposite, since his vision was limited by the scope of photon mode detection. If it was not for unique entities like Ye Chong\'s skeleton mechs, the photon mode visual would have been long terminated in use.

Ye Chong\'s hands did not stop. He knew there was not much time left. He must eliminate the queen before the larvae arrived as backup. He did not even have the time to take a glance at the coming larvae behind.

His brain was surprisingly calm as he calculated the angle and direction of his every slash and stab. Another bristleworm had fallen! Then the next! The next after!

Ye Chong began perceiving a thin darkness within the layers of bristleworms. He knew it was working as his hands accelerated.

Meanwhile, Ye Yin noticed the acceleration and reinforcement of the skeleton mech\'s attack. Without hesitation, he also jumped into intense action. Wise people do think alike, after all. They always would catch on something upon a simple glance or gesture.

Ye Yin presumed a discovery made by the boy.

The row of two dark green bristleworms was revealing a clear lining of darkness.

Han Jia backed out, which Ye Yin went stupefied of.

He\'s planning to run? At this point?

In the midst of Ye Yin\'s bewilderment, the butterfly had reappeared once more as Han Jia spread its colorful pair of wings. Before Ye Yin could react, like a launched arrow, Han Jia zoomed towards the conglomeration.

It was like a rainbow.

A twilight of the aurora.

It was so glaring that Ye Yin covered his eyes a little.

Meanwhile Ye Chong was staring at that thin lining between the bristleworms on the projection. He got to focus and act fast! His hands moved vigorously, at a threatening speed that the air inside the cabin was vibrating along with his fingers! Ye Chong opened his eyes wide, as adrenaline tinted crimson on his pale cheeks.


The afterimages ended as his hands returned to the control panel. One last button!

Han Jia the petite had somehow transformed into a bomber as suicidally it performed an epic dive towards the amalgamation.

Right before contact, the petite mech finally revealed its deadly torn, the dagger it trusted that stabbed right into the thin gap between bristleworms.


Ye Yin somehow could hear the sound despite the lack of air in the space.

Han Jia skimmed quickly over the two bristleworms.

And after Han Jia had moved away, the gap was squirting the dark fluids of the entity within!

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