Warlock Apprentice

Chapter 580 - Mind’s Eye

Chapter 580: Mind’s Eye

As he was being inspected by Maya’s gaze, Angor immediately sensed something strange. It was mentioned by Sunders earlier—anyone being checked by a prophet could easily feel it.

Angor felt his entire mana pool growing restless as if it wanted to send all available mana to prevent Maya’s attempt. He felt goosebumps all over his body, yet his mind remained peaceful. There appeared to be a pair of pale green eyes peeking around in the depth of his consciousness.

So this is how prophecy works...

Angor now fully understood why prophets did not do this freely. This was so disturbing, especially if the one being observed knew what it meant.

Soon, Maya canceled her skill and lifted the strange feeling from Angor’s mind.

After thinking about the right words, Maya said in a careful tone, “The obstruction in my view is particularly strong, and I failed to read anything that reflects his future. But I see several images, where he’s interacting with many powerful entities. This means his fate will be no less brilliant than yours, Mister Phantom.”

Being together with strong wizards, either as friends or as enemies, only suggested that Angor himself was good enough to join their ranks.

“You found a very gifted student, Mister Sunders...” Maya recalled the faint images of the legendary wizards she just saw. There was no doubt that by receiving their attention, either good or bad ones, would bring great opportunities to Angor.

Neither heroes nor villains would mind the presence of weaklings after all.

“Guess I had some serious luck finding this boy.” Sunders smiled.

Maya raised an eyebrow.

Just like the rumors went, Sunders treasured his new student more than the last two that he trained before. Due to Sunders’ attitude, Angor’s personal value would rise in the eyes of other wizards, but at the same time, it would also bring him danger.

After giving Angor another thoughtful gaze, Maya placed her attention on the last visitor—Dodoro. Tree Spirit already told her that this young man would study from her from this day onward.

“Dodoro, right? Come closer, I shall have a better look at you.” Maya beckoned Dodoro using her cane.

Dodoro hesitated for a second and stepped up.

Maya checked and found Dodoro’s overall temperament to be very pleasant, especially those pair of clear, twinkling eyes, like the purest ice on top of a snowy mountain, untainted by the many wicked ways of mankind.

“He has a good heart. A magnificent child indeed.” Maya nodded in approval.

Next, she cast “Mind’s Eye” to read Dodoro’s future.

Plop, plop...

Maya’s expression remained calm and unchanged, but there were two streams of blood seeping from her green eyes, which went over her dry, wrinkled face and dropped to the floor.

Hobson moved to help his teacher, but Maya lifted a hand to stop him.

Angor was a little anxious upon seeing Maya’s condition. What does that mean?

Sunders was also curious about the outcome. He knew that Maya invented this “Mind’s Eye” spell based on another more commonly known spell called the “Future Sight”. Maya could use Mind’s Eye to peek into someone’s mind from the inside, although with some drawbacks and potential risks. If Maya could manage to perfect Mind’s Eye into a more effective and safer spell, she’d be officially acknowledged as a truth-finder.

As of now, the Mind’s Eye spell was not a real truth-finder spell yet.

How did this happen then? Sunders wondered. Is she suffering from backfire? But what is so special about this man called Dodoro?

Sunders gave Dodoro a serious look before returning his attention to Maya, who was still bleeding from her eyes. Also, he was a bit surprised to see Maya showing a tiny hint of apathy on her old face.

Sunders knew that Angor’s new friend usually stayed away from others and did not talk to anyone other than Angor. This was usually considered a common mental condition, yet Sunders would beg to differ because he saw something else from Dodoro.

To Sunders, anyone that interacted with him, including Angor, would more or less show respect or fear.

But Dodoro was different—he didn’t seem to care about Sunders’ mighty presence, or rather, his mind was empty. There was something amiss in Dodoro’s mind.

Seeing that Maya wasn’t responding, Sunders decided to speak up first. He asked, “Does he have a troubled future?”

Maya shook her head while wiping the blood off her cheeks. “I do not know. I... saw nothing in him. There is only red. Blood. And red.”

“A blood-red future? Interesting. But why did something so simple backfired on you?”

“It’s not backfiring,” Maya lowered her voice into a whisper. “I was... threatened, by... ‘that’.”

Sunders saw Maya pointing her walking cane at the ceiling and widened his eyes. “You mean the world’s consciousness?”

Maya nodded. “Such is the price for peeking into his future. I did learn something, however. Looks like I’ve gotten myself quite a special student.” Maya chuckled happily and didn’t seem to be bothered by her condition at all.

Next, she took out a golden poster and gave it to Dodoro.

“Alright, you’re my student from today and on. There’s a token in the poster that allows you to come here at your free will. You can find me here anytime.”

Dodoro looked at the poster. He recalled the “wizard rules” that he learned from Angor and bowed politely. “Yes, professor.”

Maya nodded with a big smile.

Hobson, on the other hand, felt a little depressed because he never got a golden poster from Maya even though he had been Maya’s only student until now.

In front of his eyes, Dodoro proved to be a more treasured student in Maya’s eyes. Of course he felt bad about it.

But he got over the sadness soon and looked at Angor again. His own prophecy told him that Angor could help him confirm and even realize his ambitions and hopes. Unfortunately, the prophecy did not tell him how exactly.

Well, no need to hurry. As long as we’re friends, I’ll find my way sooner or later.

“So, you’re satisfied with your new student?” Sunders was still curious about why the world’s consciousness “warned” Maya from reading Dodoro’s future. Was it possible that Dodoro’s future will affect the world’s consciousness in any way?

“Of course. I have a feeling that this young man will help me complete my Mind’s Eye.”

The completion of this spell would determine whether Maya could become a truth-finder. This proved to the others that Maya valued Dodoro very much.

“Let’s hope so. I shall wait for the day when I can witness another truth-finder.” Sunders knew Maya did not wish to talk about the details, so he decided to move onto the other business.

Maya asked Hobson to take Dodoro away as she knew that Sunders wanted to talk to her in private.

“I need your help to confirm the result of a test...”

Sunders moved his lips without making any sound and explained Angor’s condition using a private message.

While listening to him. Maya’s expression changed drastically as if she was trying to decide how to approach this matter.

In the end, she gave Angor a final, mindful look. “I’ll try. Transplanted hand of a humanoid monster from the Nightmare Realm? Such a rare case.”

Maya was a prophet, not a surgeon. Even so, as a wizard who craved endless knowledge, she also wished to look deeper into Angor’s curious condition. Although she couldn’t do what she wanted when Sunders was still looking.

She took Angor to the center of the star map. “Now, sit here and fully relax your mind. Do not resist what is to come, for I shall guide you to the ultimate result...”

Following Maya’s whisper, Angor slowly fell half asleep.


The entire world was painted in red.

He stood beside a wooden pole while gazing at the building complex ahead, which was also red.

For some reason, Angor felt safe in this otherwise bizarre environment as if he belonged here.

He did not know why he was here, but he did know this place.

There was a lit lamp shaped like a lion figurine hanging on the pole nearby, which was giving out a faint, red light.

“The fire in the lion’s heart never dies...” Angor muttered the clan motto of Padt Family. Everyone working at Padt Manor would make sure that every lion lamp stayed bright regardless of time and weather, which would strengthen their resolution day and night.

“Where is this place?” A strange but gentle voice was heard.

Angor did not question where the speaker came from. Instead, he answered the question subconsciously, “This is Padt Manor. This is my home.”

“You have been away from your home for a long time. How about a nice visit?” The strange voice urged Angor to move ahead.

Have I been away for a very long time?... I can’t remember. I guess so... Shall I go home then? I wonder if my brother and Mister Jon are fine...

Step by step, he walked past the fields, the tea garden, the greenhouse...

He recognized the workers and servants that were working everywhere.

A tall and elegant steed galloped by while a knight in iron armor sat on top of it.

This was Leon, his dear brother.

Angor wished to check on Jon next, but he lost his senses for a brief moment. When he could think clearly again, he was standing in front of a door.

“What is this room?”

“It’s... my bedroom,” Angor answered obediently.

“Check inside, perhaps?”

Without hesitating, Angor opened the door.

Just as he remembered, the room was small but cozy. Nothing had changed in it.

The only thing that might be considered out of place was his bed. The blanket was fully spread open as if someone was sleeping on the bed.

Wait, there IS someone there.

The bright lamp on the opposite wall helped him see the silhouette of someone huddled under the blanket.

Angor frowned. Did someone else take my room when I was away?

Confused and a bit irritated, he moved to pull the blanket away.

The hidden individual slowly stood up, and Angor was shocked to realize he was looking at someone a lot taller and scarier than him.

He then tried to see who it was, but the world around him suddenly began to “flow” backward until the entire Padt Manor shattered to pieces.

Angor did not see who the man on his bed was, but he did see the stranger’s blond hair, grinning lips, as well as those familiar green marks.

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