Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister

Chapter 386 - Official Duties

Chapter 386 - Official Duties

Inside a vast hall that was lavishly decorated with ornate Uzumaki clan symbols, Yuna, with a regal expression, sat on a slightly elevated seat that overlooked the whole room. This was the room where she went after her duties as the Uzumaki clan matriarch, so, naturally, it was barely used.

Behind her stood two maids, Karin and Tayuya, both wearing similar-looking french maid dresses. Previously, Karin had always been wearing a skimpier version, but after she managed to "seduce" Yuna, she switched back to the original version. However, as soon as Tayuya started working as a maid as well, Karin immediately switched back to the skimpier one to "win the contests of who was the more perverted maid".

Only now, after months of persuasion from Tayuya, did Karin accept that Tayuya had absolutely no interest in participating in such a contest, resulting in Karin switching back to a regular outfit. By now, she occasionally even wore underwear when she had official duties to fulfill.

Additionally to these three people, there was another person present. In the middle of the room stood Orio Uzumaki, who had just finished the report about his failed mission and was currently lowering his head like a child that was about to be scolded for doing something wrong.

Yuna mentally went over the report she just heard again and couldn\'t help but chuckle in amusement.

"Hehe, those Akatsuki people sure a merry bunch, huh?"

Orio lifted his head, hoping that there would be no punishment due to Yuna finding the situation amusing as well. Yuna\'s following words immediately increased that hope before it got crushed mercilessly.

"Well, I will be lenient since this got a chuckle out of me as well. Two weeks of no ramen. You are dismissed."

"Guh! Y-Yes, Y-Yuna-sama!"

Orio moved like someone had just punched him in the stomach as soon as he heard Yuna\'s judgment, and despair started covering his face. Nonetheless, he managed to stutter out an answer and left the room.

Karin couldn\'t help but roll her eyes at his behavior.

"Isn\'t he exaggerating? He basically messed up our spy operation on Akatsuki, and all he has to do as punishment is to abstain from eating ramen for two weeks."

Tayuya scoffed when he heard Karin\'s words and started speaking as well.

"Oh? So two weeks of abstaining from something is no big deal? How about you abstain from acting like a pervert in front of Yuna-sama for two weeks to show everyone how easy it is?"

Karin\'s face instantly paled when she heard Tayuya\'s words, causing Yuna to chuckle in amusement.

"Well, we Uzumaki tend to have one desire that we are primarily focused on, so depriving us of that is actually quite the heavy hit for most of us."

Tayuya\'s eyes shone with interest when she heard Yuna\'s words.

"Then what is Yuna-sama\'s primary desire?"

Yuna raised her eyebrow at Tayuya\'s rather bold question. When she started working here, she would have never dared to ask Yuna a question like this. By now, Tayuya had pretty much figured out that Yuna was a rather lax person when it came to decorum and that she could get away with quite a few things the maid of an ordinary person wouldn\'t.

"It\'s spanking my maids."

A shudder went through Tayuya\'s as she straightened her back, and instinctively covered her butt with her hands. Naturally, even if Tayuya could get away with asking bold questions, Yuna would take every opportunity she could get to tease her.

"I volunteer!"

Yuna and Tayuya\'s eyes landed on the eager-looking Karin, causing them to roll their eyes.

"We can talk about that later, Karin. Are we done with my official duties? I\'m getting tired."

Tayuya\'s face deadpanned when she heard Yuna\'s question.

"Yuna-sama, Orio was literally the first person you had to deal with today."

"Now that I think about it, it has been a while since Anko and I had our last double span…"

"I apologize for my cheeky behavior, Yuna-sama."

Yuna couldn\'t help but laugh a little when she heard Tayuya\'s instant switch in behavior and casually waved her apology away.

"Well, jokes aside, is there anybody else who wanted to meet me in an official setting?"

This time it was Karin\'s turn to start speaking.

"Yes, Yuna-sama. Neji Hyuga-sama would like to officially greet you as the new head of the Hyuga clan."

"Oh? So he already succeeded the position from Hiashi, huh? Very well, call him in."


Karin\'s index finger started glowing blue, and after drawing a few simple seals into the air, the glow vanished again. Sending messages within the Uzumaki compound to other people in the compound was incredibly simple. By now, it was so simplified that even people who knew very little about seals could use the system to some degree.

Meanwhile, Neji sat inside a guest room, sipping some tea while waiting to be called into the audience chamber. The last few months have been rather hectic for the Hyuga clan.

First, the elders involved in the coup were publicly executed, while a mission was commissioned to the Uzumaki clan that involved modifying all the Hyuuga clan branch members\' curse seals.

Obviously, that caused quite the uproar within the Hyuuga clan, and not even a week after the seals were changed, it came to light just how badly some of the main family members were treating the branch family, resulting in the execution of two more people.

Around a month later, most branch members internalized that the main family could no longer control them, which almost caused a revolution. The main family might have had access to more advanced techniques of the Gentle Fist, but the difference in numbers would be too overwhelming for the main family to do anything.

Lucky, Hiashi managed to wind his way out of this dilemma by making Neji, who never treated the branch family too bad, especially after Hinata beat him down, the next clan head.

Although that move pacified the branch family quite a bit, quite a few individuals were unsatisfied with how easy the main family got away with what they did and wanted to remove them altogether.

All of that finally ended when Hisoka Hyuuga, the strongest person in the branch family and the current Hyuuga clan\'s greatest genius, placed her foot down and put her support behind Neji.

And now that Neji finally finished defeating stack after stack of paperwork to get the mess that was the current Hyuuga clan under control did he decided to pay a visit to Konoha\'s most prominent clans, starting with the most powerful one, the Uzumaki clan.

While Neji was contemplating what had happened over the course of the last few months, someone knocked on the door, and after Neji gave his approval, a young woman with long red hair entered the room.

"Neji Hyuuga-sama, Yuna-sama is ready to meet you, now."

Neji took a deep breath to calm his turbulent nerves before nodding his head in acknowledgment.

"Lead the way."

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