The Rise Of Calamity

Chapter 84 - Nightmare (18+ Morbidity)

\'What should I do with her?\' I thought while looking at the half naked women on the floor. While she was extremely hot, and I was thinking of so many lewd things I could do to her, I wasn\'t about to become a R*pist to do them, nor was I going to go against my core morals for a little bit more pleasure.

"What are you going to do to me? Sell me as one of those booth slaves who are brainwashed to pleasure men? Or are you just going to torture me to death for the the pure enjoyment of it all?" The women asked.

"Hmm... None of them. While I\'m sure you would sell for a lot, I don\'t really need the money right now. Torturing you would be a waste to, as I had just killed all your friends and got the pleasure out of that." I said with a nonchalant shrug.

"Then, what do you wish to do with me? You keep me half naked and chained up, and now I can see you giving me the same looks those filthy men in the village used to give me. As if I am just cattle to them. Are you perhaps interested in women? You are quite young, so you shouldn\'t make you decisions too early, not that your age matters anyways. To think out whole group would die to some no body child like you" she said with a self deprecating smile

\'Acceptance that quickly?\' I thought with a devilish grin

Closing my eyes, I activated the divine knowledge document that I had supressed in my mind the first time I had awakened. It had come with all the other upgrades and was on of the major reasons why I couldn\'t move for a while. Activating it causes my brain to go almost haywire so I was forced to supress it.

3 minutes later

"Phew~" I said while wiping my forehead from any of the sweat that might have accumulated.

The women continued to look at me with a look full of animosity and hatred, but I paid it no heed. What I did pay heed to was the information that I had extracted from the document that I had created within my brain to keep the divine knowledge shut and unable to interfere with my brain or my capabilities. While yes, It might make me stronger, there is a chance that with my current brain power, I might just become a vegetable.

"How about this. Let\'s create a contract, it\'s called a divine contract. We create some ground rules and make this contract ideal for the both of us, but of course, since I am the one that is keeping you alive, I will have many of the benefits while you will gain a small amount." I said with a smile


"Do you think I am that stupid child? What would you know what I wouldn\'t? A divine contract? Some kind of noble trick you guys use or something?" The women snarled

"First of all, what is your name?" I asked, ignoring her comment

"You have no need to know." She replied with a mocking scoff


\'This bitch\'

"Listen here, if you don\'t work with me here, not only will I make sure I get all the benefits, I will also make you go through something worse than death. I\'ll bring a personal hell to you here on earth. I will get you begging for my forgiveness after it ends, and then you will be sorry that you didn\'t accept" I warned while releasing a large amount of my bloodlust.

"So you really are a monster within a child\'s body. Really does make sense. No child can be this monstrous, am I right?" The women said while spitting on my face. For some reason, being disrespected to this level had let my anger reach a new high.

"You know what? F*ck you! \'Eyes of Vanity: Hell on earth\'" I shouted back while looking her straight in the eyes.


{Warning: from here and on there might be a few disturbing scenes.)

As the women entered the realm of darkness, she found herself as a child in front of a burning house. She had no clue of who she was before entering the world of vanity, but all she knew is that was was happening was going to be horrible.

Walking towards the door of the house, she watched as all the people around her did not bat a second eye towards her house, but rather, they all looked at it with semblance of disgust contorting their faces into unnatural monsters. The judge eyes, the lustful ones, the animosity, and the disgust within the crowd was not disguised. Everyone just looked at her with those eyes, and there was not a single pair of eyes that had any semblance of pity or any good feeling.

Some were even laughing, while others mocked her and her mother with their friends. Every single person walking on the street right now was a noble, wearing beautiful attire and mocking grins that told those under then how much better they thought they were than the filthy commoners on these streets.

Slowly reaching for the handle of the door, her hand repulsed back in pain was scorch burn marks were imprinted onto the hands of the child holding the handle.

"Ahhh" The little girl shouted while falling to the floor. Taking out a handkerchief that her mother had prepared for her every night when she went to school. She used the handkerchief to open the door before using it to cover her nose to stop herself from inhaling smoke.

Immediately after stepping inside the home, she found her bear feet stepping on something sticky. Looking down, she could see a mixture of a white and red substance on the floor which made her fall onto the ground A*s first.

\'B-b-blood?\' The girl thought before getting up and in the process, getting some on her hands which she was forced to wipe on her dress. Walking into her living room, she looked inside to a see a man, her father, cut, bruised and maimed beyond belief. His body had already started to become a charcoal and where his eyes were supposed to be seemed to have been gauged out of it\'s place.

"ah... Ah... AHHHHHH- *Blegh*"

This scene immediately made the little girl scream and vomit on the floor without a single sign of stopping. After vomiting everything within her stomach, she could now feel the smoke entering her body which had also started to roast her lungs from inside out due to the heat that the smoke contained when it was inhaled.

Moving to the next room to find her mother and sister. Looking to every room, she saw a repeat of what she saw in the entrance. Blood and white goo. She had no idea what this white goo was, but she knew it couldn\'t mean anything good if it was mixed with blood.

With hesitant footsteps, she walked in to the kitchen to see four men laying on the floor. One of them had red-hot lava cracks going from the top of his forehead to his toes, the other two were decapitated, and while one was generally intact in everything else, the other had a leg twisted beyond saving, and a wounded arm charred beyond recovery. One of the the decapitated was around 5ft 4 while the maimed decapitated was around 5ft 8.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" An ear piercing scream left the girls mouth as she quickly ran towards one of the draws and grabbed a bread knife and swung it around frantically.

"I don\'t want to die! I don\'t want to die! I don\'t want to die! I don\'t want to die! I don\'t want to die! I don\'t want to die! AHHHhaHAHAHHHHHHHHHHH Help! I NEED HELP! I NEED HEL-" The girls scream was cut of when she felt resistance from the bread knife, but by the time the resistance was gone, there was nothing. Just a large, 6ft 2 man with a head that was no descending towards the ground.

The entire room turned silent as a the eyes of the once innocent girl turned into hollow mists. She could no longer smile because her facial muscles were exhausted , she couldn\'t cry because she ran out of tears. She couldn\'t scream because her throat was sore, and she couldn\'t think anymore because there was too much on her mind.

The sounds of the flames flickering within the house, the wooden boards falling and destroying things in their path, none of them reached the ears of the little girl any more.

Her unconscious mind forced her to stand up though, avoiding all the roadblocks and fiery obstacles on the way, just to reach her parent\'s bedroom. When she opened the door, she was greeted with the image of her armless, legless older sister discarded to the side of the room like nothing but a ragdoll. Her eyes were hallow, and her breaths were shallow.

She was covered with the same white goo that was the little girl had found on the floor when she first entered the house, but the difference this time was that instead of not knowing what it was, it was painfully clear.

Looking towards her mother, the sounds of the surrounding finally entered her ears. The screams of pleasure and the grunts of deep voices all entered her ear. There was her mother, the mother she had looked up to for so many years, pleasuring and getting violently violated by atleast a dozen men, and the worst thing was, she was screaming in pleasure.

Not horror, not terror, she wasn\'t even pleading for her daughters saftey, but rather, she was so enticed woth the act of sexual pleasure that she forgot about her family.

Suddenly, a heavy grip fell on the child\'s shoulder.

"Hey bro, it\'s a kid. I\'ve never tried using a kid before. I wonder how it will go" one man chuckled

"Maybe we can train her, like a dog or something?" The other man asked.

"Yes! Help my daughter! How can I feel the graces of heaven without any of my daughters" The women on top of the man said with a motherly smile.


\'This world is cruel... If I ever grow up, I will kill them all. Every single noble. Every single bad man. Those who corrupted my mom. Those who used my sister as but a tool, cutting all her limbs off because to them, she won\'t need it. I will kill every single one of them. I will save every women in need, every family in need. I don\'t need those disgusting men. I just need allies. I need friends who will share that belief\' The girl smiled psychotically.

"And what of those friends are the cause of your pain? You do not need friends. You do not need allies. What you need is comrades. Trust strong enough to make a good team, but not close enough for you to do stupid things to help them." An extremely melodic voice spoke. Its tone was calm, while its words felt heavenly. Every word felt like something far above the existence of the women laying on the ground with tear drops streaking from the corners of both eyes.

"Who are you?" Asked the women

"I am Pandora. I am Atlas. I am you as well as I am me. I am a voice that speaks wisdom, while also a jester that is worth your every criticism. I help some humans survive, while I make sure the rest aren\'t kept alive. My name sends shivers down peoples spines, yet they commit every sin within my shrines. I would watch the world burn without batting an eye, yet when it comes to those I have blessed, I will try." The godly voice said whole chuckling after every rhyme as of she was a kid proud of her childish rhymes.

"I kind of wanna see how far you will get, but there is no point of telling you more, since you will forget" the women said before a snap shook the infinite void and awoken the women from her nightmare.

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