The Rise Of Calamity

Chapter 284 When The Time Comes, I Pray That You Find Yourself On The Right Side Of History

Anyone and I mean ANYONE who touches my family..." I paused in and sucked a breath into my lungs.

When I finally breathed out, a tempest of bloodlust filled the area around me to the brim.

"I\'ll make sure to eradicate them. I\'ll make sure that not a single trace of them is left on this pathetic planet." I spoke calmly with my eyes closed, yet as if my bloodlust carried my every word, everyone heard my words loud and clear without mishearing a single beat.

After a few seconds of silence percolating the air, I finally took a breath in before opening my eyes, allowing the golden shimmer within them to erupt out into the battlefield, coating it in a golden hue.

At the same time, I quickly raised both my arms up and pointed them towards the two remaining overlord beasts.

"So tell me..." My voice, even though barely a whisper, was a lot different.

It was laced with huge amounts of bloodlust which had caused the distortion, alongside being filled to the brim with the remaining negative energies that I had not expelled out of me yet.

"How do you want to die?" Taking off my mask for the first time by using a tendril of arcane magic, I gave out a warm smile that to others, felt like the smile of the devil before releasing from its lips a question one would only hear from the devil\'s incarnate.



As both of the beasts tried to escape, my smile only grew larger by the second while I felt a sense of exhilaration shoot through my every vein. I felt as if I was alive again as if watching everyone die or run away from me in despair was the only thing that had made me feel like a living being.

Before the second beast could finish its roar, a huge spike of earth shot from the ground and reached the skies, causing countless liters of blood to be spilled on the ground as the beast simply hanged off the spike-like a rag being put up to dry

My head snapped towards the second one while both my hands aimed towards it.

At the same time, an azure flame and a pale blue flame both emerged at the tips of my fingers while a maniacal grin stretched across my face, from ear to ear.

"You cannot outrun fate!" I started blabbering nonsense in my crazed state, things that I did not know I was saying, but when looking back, could only cringe at the fact that I had said them in front of a crowd.

Other than that, I would consider the display I had put up as \'Cool\' as a maximum.



The sounds of the flames being shot towards the final beast rang out before being followed by even more shots, ones that were azure-colored while others that flickered with a white and pale blue light.


The beast was able to let out one final roar before its body gradually descended to the ground, leaving nothing but the sound of a thud behind when it did so.

Dozens of other screeches cry roars rang out from all the other locations the shots had gone towards, yet I only focused on the last kill due to the current of soul energy being much vaster and more pleasurable than all the others combined. Yet unlike before, I was a lot better at controlling my bodily fluids and could even be considered to have built a tolerance to the pleasure.

After a few more seconds of simply standing there, my body began to flicker, disappearing alongside the rest of the hologram that everyone on the round table had been watching intently.

"What happened?" The king asked impatiently.

"I don\'t know. It feels like I lost my connection with my element yet I can still feel that the mana within my body is still of the light element. None of this makes sense" The silver-haired girl began to panic, but the king made sure to move fast, flickering to her side and rubbing her shoulders as he whispered in her ear-

"You\'ve done a good job. I\'ll be rewarding you later" The king grinned while the woman had started spasming the moment he touched her shoulders while a mysterious liquid dripped from the chair.

"Y-Yes your majesty" The woman could barely reply due to her being in a state of ecstasy, yet that did not make what was about to happen next to any less confusing or worrisome.

"Y\'all can fuck later. And \'your majesty\'" A voice said in clear mockery "-Sit your ass down as well before I go there and force it down myself."

At the same time, a hologram of me sitting on a throne appeared in the middle of the room, and even though I might have not been actually sitting on a throne at the moment, light magic could turn into whatever I wanted to so it really did not matter.

"What do you want..." One of the calmer of the old men in the room asked, causing me to give him nothing but a side glance and reply with

"You guys were the ones stalking me, I am here to return the favor, or am I wrong, \'your majesty\'?" I asked, once again with a voice filled with mockery and even disdain.

"We do not know what you are talki-" Before another of the elders could finish speaking, I cut him off and simply stated

"Here are the terms... Get on my bad side again and I won\'t hesitate to destroy everything you\'ve built in this kingdom"

While I might have spoken those words nonchalantly, I meant every word of what I had said and everyone in the room knew that because their instincts were screaming at them that the thing they were looking at right now was the epitome of danger.

Even the king could not help but feel threatened even though he was so many times more powerful than me.

"You think someone of your caliber can defeat us?" The king asked, this time with a mocking smile that was more than evident.

"I don\'t think I can defeat you, I think I can destroy your entire kingdom." I smiled casually before resting my face on my hand.

"And if the time ever comes where I find myself fighting against the empire" This time I continued with my eyes closed, yet I opened them a second later, this time with 3-dimensional stars of David spinning around my pupils.

"I pray that you are on the right side of history"

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