The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 431 - Problems Never Cease (2): Mr Sweep Yo' Bu*t


You can not leave this tower before completing the following tasks.

Time is being manipulated inside the tower. 

1 day inside the tower is equivalent to 10 days outside.

You will have access to only 10 floors of the tower, including the ground floor. The first participant to clear the 9th floor will receive a chance to select a reward of their choice from the variety of choices.

Each floor has an obstacle you need to clear before proceeding to the next floor or receding to the previous one. each floor you clear will become a safe zone for you. You will be able to treat it as a leisure place. Even if someone else would be facing a trial there, you will not be harmed.

You can only leave the tower if you have accumulated enough points to do so.

One exit ticket costs: 10000 points.

You\'ll receive 1000 points for clearing one floor.

Furthermore, you\'ll also receive points for killing the occupants of the floors. Points will be awarded depending on the level and grade of the monster killed. 


"That sure is a lot of rules," Arnold mumbled as soon as he enter the tower, "At least it made one thing clear. I can\'t leave before clearing the floors. Even void travel isn\'t working in here."

[Well... I\'m not gonna say, \'I told you\'.]

"Yeah yeah, whatever. How long will it take to get the duality slots open again?"

[A couple of days.]

"Alright. In the meantime, let\'s find Nicole and get the hell out of here. Nina is going to kill me either way for disappearing again."

[You deserve it.]

Arnold ignore system sama\'s compassionless comments and went ahead through the first door, where a challenge awaited his arrival. However, Arnold couldn\'t see anything. It was too dark for him to even see the palm of his hand. Thankfully he had fire ability to take care of this problem. He conjured a small ball of blue flame to give him some visibility. But Arnold didn\'t like what he saw next.

There were skeletons scattered all or the small room and it smelled so repulsive that Arnold had to use his bionic arm to cover his nose. Still, the smell of rotten flesh and blood made him uncomfortable. Moreover, the room was laden with moss and some kind of monster faeces. Arnold guessed it was this monster who was responsible for all this killing. 

He carefully looked around but there was no one except him in the room. This confused Arnold. He was supposed to clear this floor to head to the next one but how was he supposed to do that? In warrior\'s terms, clearing something meant to get rid of a monster or several monsters, but there were no monsters to be seen inside the small room.

"Don\'t tell me..." A thought suddenly struck his mind when he saw a couple of brooms and dusting pans placed in a corner, "Do I literally have to \'clear\' this room? What the fck? I\'m not a housekeeper anymore!"

[Hahaha! It is quite funny indeed. Making the self-proclaimed world\'s strongest man do sweeping. It\'s better than any way I could have roasted your pride. Haha.]

Arnold once again ignored system sama and his remarks. But... just what the hell was this tower making him do? He wouldn\'t have to sweep across all of the ten floors right? Because if he had to, then that was just bull crap! He was a warrior, not a sweeper.

However, it wasn\'t like he did not have any experience in doing that. He would often have to do a lot of odd jobs while working as a porter to pay off Nicole\'s hospital bills and cover his minimal living expenses and housekeeping was one of them.

"Fine, if I have to do this, then let\'s get it over with." Arnold shrugged his shoulder\'s and went ahead to grab the broomstick, "Fck, if only I could still access my domain, I could have had like a couple of automatons do this for me."

[Too bad. Now get to work Mr sweeper.]

"Yeah yeah- what the hell is this!?"

It looked like the broomstick was some kind of a switch or a trap, because as soon as Arnold touched the broomstick, the room was filled with light and all of the corpses and skeletons came back to life. All of a sudden they didn\'t look as frail as they had when Arnold entered the room. Arnold glanced over them, and there were a lot of different skeletons.

There were goblins, orcs and ogres which were easier to deal with. Then there were lizardmen skeletons, hell, there were a couple of skeletal dragons as well. However, this was only the start of his troubles.

Arnold abandoned the broomstick and tried to take the Cardinal\'s sin out of the inventory. But then he was notified that the access to the inventory had been restricted. Not only that, he could only use the broomsticks to take care of the skeleton horde.

Arnold tried punching the goblin skeleton closest to him. His fist connected with the goblin\'s head, ad he crumbled into a pile of bones but the next second, it was back in shape as if nothing had happened to it. Arnold then tried using his abilities, but even that was a bust. He could use his skills but it did no damage to the skeletons.

"What kind of sick joke is this?"

[Try using the broom.]

"... alright!"

Arnold grabbed the fallen broom and smashed in on the goblin with all his might. Surprisingly... it worked! The goblin was reduced to dust. 


Critical attack!

You have gained 1 tower point(s) for killing a basta*d goblin! 

Broomsticks durability has been reduced by 0.12 points.

Remaining durability: 999999.88


"Something is seriously wrong with the one who came up with this game." Arnold sighed before charging towards the rest of the horde, "Killing monsters with a broomstick? Who the hell even thinks of this sh*t?"

[... For the first time since I have known you, I want to roast someone else more than you. Either way, chop-chop. We have to clear the tower and find your sister.]

"Yeah, yeah. I heard you!"

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