Primordial Dimensions

Chapter 131 - Gathering

From what Shane had learned so far, bloodlust was classified into different segments, with a simple bloodlust being the sole desire to kill someone and shed the opponent\'s blood, without the inclusion of someone\'s ideals and immense rage.

This was simply called a basic bloodlust, which everyone could create over time.

In order to create or improve one\'s bloodlust, the intertwined emotions, ideals, motives and desires have to become more apparent and also correspond with the creator of the bloodlust, his visualization, consistency and determination to follow his path.

As such, Shane couldn\'t just create any bloodlust and was either forced to create the most basic bloodlust in order to improve it slowly or comprehend an advanced bloodlust that was in sync with his ideals, desires and so on.

Both of the paths were extremely difficult; while a basic bloodlust would mean that it was weak in the beginning but would slowly be adjusted by consistently improving it, while the latter was extremely powerful.

However, given his current situation, Shane was sure that it was impossible for him to simply create an advanced bloodlust.

While this was dissatisfying and frustrating, he couldn\'t change the fact that he was still not sure what his final ideals or motives to become stronger were.

Creating the simplest bloodlust would already be an arduous task and require considerable time, hence gradually improving it might as well be the best thing he could do for now.

With this in mind, Shane decided to go for the simplest bloodlust, which was not much different from a more distinct killing intent, with the desire to shed blood being the only difference.

At least, that was his initial assumption but he was quickly proven wrong as it was slightly more complex than that.

As the Slaughterer\'s Path was filled with lethal attacks, that led to gravely injure and kill one\'s opponents quickly, shedding blood was not something one could avoid while practicing this technique.

As such, one had to be merciless against opponents to a certain degree, without being afraid of blood or the obvious fact that one would kill other living beings.

Walking out of the colosseum, Shane didn\'t even notice the other students and teachers around him as he was lost in his own world of thoughts, trying to figure out what exactly his bloodlust should look and feel like.

Even the most basic bloodlust required one to have a good foundation to build on and Shane was aware of this fact.

This wouldn\'t happen in a few minutes or even several hours and he decided to think about this while being inside the Primordial Dimension, as he slowly jogged back to the dorm, where he wanted to wash up and prepare himself for the next several weeks.

He had more than enough food left, but when he practiced his archery, Shane noticed that he didn\'t have enough arrows, clothes and other necessities which led him to buy these articles, after washing up.

His whole fortune decreased to less than 50 gold coins as he increased his stockpile of arrows to 100 [Tier-1 (Uncommon)] and 30 [Tier-1 (Rare)] arrows, which was more than enough to last three weeks within the wilderness.

There was a high chance that his arrows would either break or be lost in the woods, yet it was better to have more arrows than to have too few, it was better to be safe than sorry.

At 8 am, Shane was already inside the small building complex that was constructed around the Dimensional Portal, which could detonate itself if massive beasts were to emerge from the portal.

Nobody knew for sure how exactly the Primordial DImensions and the Dimensional Portals worked as humanity was connected to all Primordial Dimensions, without leaving a single one.

However, if one were to venture into a foreign Dimension, the system would register this and construct a connection from Igra to the other Dimension, which could lead to utter chaos, if the Dimension Portal in the foreign Dimension were to be occupied by other races and beasts.

Every single human was a witness to such scenarios, which had led to a complicated situation in the earlier years when the Dimensional Portals had appeared on Igra- the fateful day was dubbed by humanity as \'Primordial outbreak.\'.

With several hundred connections to all kinds of Primordial Dimensions, humanity\'s first purchase after the world protection extension was the system function to control these connections to a certain extent.

This function could only be purchased by the race\'s leader which was one of the reasons for the leader to be ranked above humanity.

John Stella thus became humanity\'s leader and purchased the [World bridge conjunction] function, which allowed him to decide whether connections between Igra and new foreign Dimensions should be built or not if a human were to enter them.

Preventing this scenario, the Dimensional Portals within these Dimensions wouldn\'t be able to teleport anyone to Igra and one had to choose another Dimension to teleport to, making a small detour.

Fortunately, only humans were able to teleport into human Shelters which prevented other races, even those with some amity to humanity to easily enter them.

In the end, Shane could teleport everywhere, including foreign planets, provided that the other race inhabiting the planet granted the permission, with the sole exception of foreign shelters.

If he wanted to enter the shelter of a foreign race, he had to be accepted as a member of their race, which was possible with a complex ritual and by some other means; or Shane had to venture through the desired Primordial Dimension, which could take months or even years if he were to venture in the right direction.

It was only fortunate that his father bought the world bridge conjunction function because only a few months later, several thousand requests to construct a link from a foreign dimension to Igra had been raised.

At that time, foreign races had started to manipulate and bait weak-willed, selfish and foolish humans with their resources in order to lure them to their side.

After that, the foreign races wanted the naive humans to enter the Primordial Dimensions they lived in to give them resources in exchange, which would have led to humanity\'s complete annihilation in the absence of the system function his father purchased.

These connections from a Dimension to Igra were only a necessity if one were to build a shelter.

However, without this connection, one was not allowed to construct a shelter!

Otherwise, humanity would probably only have a single connection from Igra to a Dimension in order to be completely safe from any kind of invasion, even if their world protection extension were to be used up.

Destroying a shelter would thus lead to the possible invasion of beasts or foreign races, that would happen without the world protection, which was also required in order to prevent other races from establishing a direct connection with Igra.

It was possible to build a direct connection from one planet to another, yet it was extremely expensive and this function wouldn\'t be utilized by basic races or most of the intermediate races.

The world protection had several perks while the sole disadvantage was its exorbitant price, and Shane couldn\'t help but sigh deeply as he had accidentally heard the price of the extension of the world protection program for a single year.

Shane was glad that humanity had been fortunate enough to have survived the infant phase after the Primordial outbreak.

Other races called the first hundred years after the appearance of the Dimension Portals as the \'Infant-phase\' because it was extremely easy to be eradicated in these years.

The whole race had to adjust to the complex system, its rules, functions, while the Primordial Dimension and invading beasts fueled new races with even more pressure and fear.

A single mistake could lead to the whole race\'s annihilation, and Shane was sure that humanity was only lucky to have survived due to multiple coincidences occurring in succession.

Without the world bridge connection, humanity would have tens of thousand connections from their sole planet to all Dimension which was not something one wanted, as it would also increase the world protection extension\'s price by a large margin, once different beings were to inhabit the area around the connected Dimension Portal.

Thinking about the series of coincidences, Shane was unsure if it was simply that, a coincidence, or if it could also have been humanity\'s fate that enabled their survival.

While he was deep in thoughts, more than half an hour passed until Aisha and the Valkyries arrived, with a few young students following them.

Aisha and the Valkyries noticed him standing in the middle of the room, minding his own business, and they couldn\'t help but smile. Few of them even began to chuckle lightly, which was eyed weirdly from the students behind who couldn\'t see what went on in the front.

Shane was suddenly drawn out of his own world, as he looked to his right, where he saw everyone look at him as if he was an attraction, which caused him to immediately feel uncomfortable.

"What?" He asked, touching his face, "Is something wrong with my face??"


W E B N O V E L=

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